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Everything posted by goskins10

  1. There is always a need for new GMs. You will not be taking anyone's place. Glad to have you aboard!
  2. There are always teams in need of a GM. Just sit tight for a few days and @COWBOY-KILLA- will get you hooked up! It's a lot of fun!
  3. Count me in for the Cardnials and the Falcons.
  4. Was not sure where to post this but here seems as good as any. Talk about nutters, it seems Aaron Rogers has been spreading the false co nspiracy that Sandy Hook was a government excersie and the parents and children were actors. I knew he was an idiot but apperantly he is even more a nut case than previously thought. We also know why his family is not interested in having a relationship with him. https://www.yahoo.com/news/rfk-jr-vp-prospect-aaron-213350660.html "Brown was covering the Kentucky Derby for CNN in 2013 when she was introduced to Rodgers, then with the Green Bay Packers, at a post-Derby party. Hearing that she was a journalist with CNN, Rodgers immediately began attacking the news media for covering up important stories. Rodgers brought up the tragic killing of 20 children and 6 adults by a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School, claiming it was actually a government inside job and the media was intentionally ignoring it."
  5. I would not. I am not a big fan of WIlliams more because of his head. He is the most talented QB but he has shown signa of potentially being a head case. But maybe tat's over blown. But I also don't want to give up a bunch of capitol. Is he 2 sts and a few other draft picks better? AIf there are other usuitors that's likely what it would cost. I say stay where you are and take who you like best between mayes and Daniels and start building around them. But thats just me who has no impact on the decision 🙂 If the FO likes it well enough then I will trust them, for now .... LOL
  6. I think the question was who is down on the player/coach more not who was worst at their job. i would vote for @Voice_of_Reason if only due to length of time hating Jay. lol. Although @88Comrade2000 would be a close 2nd!! 😂😂😂😂
  7. FA season is already a success with Russell Wilson signing with Pitts and Kirk Cousins signing with Atlanta. They can't come here. That is addition by avoidance. Also means they always intended on drafting one of the QBs left at #2 which is perfect. Like the Center signing. Team showing patience which is awesome.
  8. Totally sad how these people have been brainwashed into believing right wing rhetoric to thier own detriment. You know if trump and other magats get in power they will reverse all these programs and the people most negatively impacted will cheer them on. What a stupid place we have gotten in our society.
  9. There is. I put in my comment. The team gets a roster spot but has to keep the CAP hit on the books until June 1. So when they go to rule of 51 they have to include tht CAP to thier total. This assumes the teams grades on these QBs are the same as yours and others. They likely are. But no gaurantees. You could bring back Brissett and draft one of the so called 2nd tier QBs. I do not think it's good idea as I am mistly alighned with you. But until it happens all possibilites are there. I think there is a 90% chance they take one Maye or Daniels.
  10. The player can sign immediately after being released even if a June 1st designation. It's actually why they created that designation. This allows the player to sign early. Also, the team opens a roster spot however the CAP hit stays until June 1. So it provides the team long term CAP relief but not immediate relief. I do NOT want to sign RW but he could sign anywhere once released, even if designated June 1st. I want no part of RW or KC. If they are not in love with Maye/Daniels then trade back and look at Nix or McCarthy, someone in that tier. Let Sam H compete with them or bring Jacoby Brissett back as a mentor.
  11. That translates to an additonal $49.6M CAP hit this season. Wow, that is a lot of hate! But I still would not want him here. Wrong side of his career and we need to be thinking long term. He would be another band-aid. I also would not want to trade up for WIlliams. He is better than Maye and Daniels in terms of measurables but I am not sure about the space between his ears and really would not want them giving up the amount of capitol it would take. Not sure he is that much better. Decide between Maye and Daniels (right now I see them as a coin toss but for different reasons). Then build the rest of your roster.
  12. I am very glad they are providing much relief from these student loans. However, I am still not seeing what they plan to do to keep us from getting in the same position in 5 to 10 yrs. Banks and Universities have to be held more accountable. Universities push and advocate student loans to increase thier income with little to no concern for what degree the student is getting or capable of getting and them giving no support once they either stop gonig to school or graduate leaving them with this massive obligation and little to no way to repay it. Not relieving the students from responsibility. They need to be more educated on the consequences of taking out the loans. Maybe a mandatory class on managhing money before recieving funds.
  13. This is the culture we need. (Looks like youj have to watch it on Youtube). I started following the Redskins when they hired Vince Lombardi. But it was George Allens Redskins that got me hooked. This team was so awesome to watch and root for. I actually got to meet a few of those players. Chris Hanburger and Mike Bass came to our school when I was about 10 (1970). Then Larry Brown came to the bar I worked at - it was obviously after his playing time but wow, it was so awesome to meet him. He had a short meeting for business and then left. Fun to watch the hits that were so legal then but would get a falg, fine and likely a suspension now! 🙂 But the culture among the players was what we need again today. That type of tgeamwork is timeless.
  14. OK, I thought I knew my rock pretty well but I never knew Aerosmith's version as a cover! .. But it turns out the Yardbirds was cover too! LOL Hail Tiny Bradshaw!!
  15. This really seems to be do we get the BIlls version or the Giants version of Bobby Johnson. There can be a lot of internal things going on keeping Johnson from doing the job he wanted to do. Just because Dabol brought him does not mean they didn't start to disgree as the **** went bad in NY. I am willnig to give them the benitift of the doubt for now (as if my opinion matters - LOL). But I would be lying if I said I was not concerned about the ffesnive side of the call, Quinns weakness already. Not a huge fan of the K Kingsbury hire and this is a real head scratcher. But maybe this is the magic combination We will see soon enough. The draft may give some indication. We will see.
  16. The best part of that is Bill Parcells said Joe Gibbs was the best coach he ever coached against. Also not talked about muich wsa not only did Joe do it with 3 different starting QB, he did it with mulpible RBs. Riggins retired after 1985. Timmy Smth anyone?
  17. Just to be clear - as it seems it may not be - I was in no way suggesting the team trade for Caleb WIlliams. I was simply listing options the team had and that Doug gave no indications of that direction. I will add that Chicago can want what ever. But getting someone to pay it is another thing all together. They can't trade past #3 NE if they want MH JR. AZ will run to the podium (easy now you literalists - I mean it figuratively) and put in thier pick at 4 for MH JR. Both Washington and NE have new HCs and GMs. (I am about to agree with you here) Do either one want to start thier regime off mortgaging the next few drafts top capitol on this one player? And one that has ????s. The ultimate question is, is Caleb WIlliams a kings ransom better than Maye or Daniels? I do not think so at all. In fact I kind of like both better than WIlliams. And all this is assuming that Kliff K wants Caleb. He might be glad the brat is gone 🙂 He may be in love with Maye or Daniels. I can't wait for the draft like always. It's Xmas in April! But even more important this year for obvious reasons.
  18. Not exactly a national secret the team is going QB at #2 and possibly even going to #1. He gave nothing away. In fact he did not say they were taking a QB. He said they were in a good spot because there are three QBs there. People are jumping to the conclusion that means the team is gonig QB at #2. That could also mean they are fielding offers from other teams desperate for a QB. Not to mention tis the season of lying.
  19. Glad I was not the only one who could not get it to submit. I did fill them in and gave the following: Dan Quinn - B - His Atlanta tenure did not end well and you can see the argument that after his superstar staff left after the SB he did not fare well. However, he is very smart guy, has the right kind of leadship skills, is very well respected by both coaches and players and seems to be very self-aware - knows his mistakes and is determined not to repeat them. And sans the last game the Dallas defenses under him have been brutal. I am cautiously optomistic. Can't call this an A but his experience alone gives him a B. Kliff Kingsbury - C - My least enthusiatic hire. He has never actually been an Offensive Coordinater in the NFL, at least not that I can tell. He may have been responsible for the offence in AZ but he was the HC, meaning he was not able to put the kind of energy into it he should have. And it's not like that offense was great while he was there. But he seems to have some decent schemes and maybe given just the OC duties he can focus more and be successful. Joe Whitt Jr - B+ - I honestly knew nothing about him until word started circling he would be the hire. So this is all from what I have learned since then. He comes from coaching lineage (His father coached Auburn for 25 yrs, something I should have put together). He choose to follow Dan Quinn who has brought him with him from Atl then to Dal now here. The Dallas secondary last year was very good to great. They were disciplined and ball hawking. Yes, the last game did not go so well. But one game does not make a career - or it should not. He appears to be on the rise and his players will run through walls for him. His greatest endorsment for me is from Charles Woodson CB from GB who turned into a Pro Bowl CB under Joe Whitt - "I 100% and whole heartedly vouch for Joe Whitt Jr. for any team out there needing to fill their staff.. Great teacher, and coach, that players can trust.. hard to find that combo,"
  20. He would rather **** be broken so he can campaign agaisst than help people who are suffering. Republicans submit HR 2, a bi-partisan group send a compromise back that contains much of HR 2 but without the draconian parts and republicans don't want it. Talk about disingenious.
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