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Everything posted by balki1867

  1. If I told my gay friends, “you’re not just gay, you’re very gay,” most would take that as a compliment.
  2. I feel like I’m watching pro wrestling. The only things missing from this debate are The People’s Elbow and Stacy Keibler’s legs.
  3. Oddly enough, the 35 star US flag was only used for 2 years, going from July 4 1863, until July 4, 1865. It was the flag under which the United States won the Civil War.
  4. Relationships 101— keeping the peace when the Commanders game and Bachelorette finale are airing at the same time
  5. I'm actually surprised Tim Scott is running for President. He seems like a viable candidate from the pre-2016 era of the Republican party and he'd have no reason to go toe-to-toe with Trump at the moment. For those types of Republicans, I'd agree 100%-- let Trump burn things to the ground and then show up for the rebuild.
  6. One of my friends was telling me that the best thing about having a young son is that he can walk into a toy store and buy whatever he wants with no judgement-- "I need that Lego set, the rocket ship, definitely the Hot Wheels race track..."
  7. "Donald Trump needs your 250 nickels to investigate and correct this great injustice. Please send money today, or those dollar-bill owning elites win forever."
  8. LOL, I was reading something about the The Junction Boys a while back (the movie about Bear Bryants first season at Texas A&M, and how he made a bunch of college kids practice for 10-12 hours a day in 100 degree heat without water breaks). In the movie, he molds them into a winning football team. In reality, half the kids left the program, and the team went 1-9. The following season they went 7-2-1 with a bunch of new players. My girlfriend tells me one of her holiday highlights is watching my reactions to the one Christmas Hallmark movie she makes me watch each year... "Wait?!? So she's single on Christmas, and she's standing in a Christmas wedding, alongside her high school guy friend whose also single, and her birhday is on Christmas, and she's back in her hometown, also named Christmastown? Why do we need to watch the rest of this?!?"
  9. LOL in the movie version of this, I just picture everyone going to jail, while the film ends with Melania and Barron walking away with sunglasses on.
  10. Should we be more concerned that JD Vance graduated from Yale Law and doesn't actually understand the law, or that he graduated from Yale Law and can't spell "Apple" ?
  11. Holy sh*t I was on a criminal jury in Illinois last year and getting a hold of our personal information would've been really difficult. The lawyers only ever knew us by our juror numbers-- the only time my name was ever used was on the jury duty check we got every day. I know it's a grand jury and a different state, but there needs to be some serious inquiry how personal information of jurors got in the hands of whoever posted it on those rightwing sites. (It's doable-- in my case, a friend of the defendant could've followed me to my car, but they'd either need to follow me home or have someone run my plates-- it would've been a fairly obvious paper trail either way).
  12. As an engineer, I'm always amazed by the ingenuity of early engineers. Humans literally want to the moon using a computer far less sophisticated than the one in your pocket right now.
  13. LOL, I wonder if this is like the "leaked" Supreme Court Roe decision, where it ended up likely being a conservative who wanted to ensure none of the conservative justices got cold feet at the end.
  14. I'm aware of what thread I'm in- and honestly its funny if it was actually true. It's just that the dude isn't a satire writer, he's just a liar.
  15. If he expects the stock price to spike upwards, he needs a Put option to make money (not a call option). The call option would be helpful is he did something that cause the price to drop. Also, that volume of options to a single buyer on a smallish company is going to get all kinds of SEC attention- people have been caught doing less, and without bragging about it on Facebook.
  16. Beating the Blue Jays is always special. F you Cito!!!
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