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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. I agree (along with pretty much everyone I'm sure) that we need immigration reform. I think it does need to be easier to come here legally. Though I will say I also think it shouldn't be TOO easy. Becoming a US citizen should be a privilege that you have to work hard for.
  2. Being not easy is not the same as being not possible or necessary. I hate to sound like one of those old folk saying "back in my day" but we had to do it when I was a kid. My family was not well off when I was a kid and I remember packing up what little we could into a station wagon and moving somewhere else because there was supposedly better job opportunities for my parents. Sure it wasn't easy but all it really costs was the gas to drive to our new place. The labor for packing in moving was free (we did it ourselves).
  3. Couldn't those people consider moving to an area with better public schools? I don't have kids so I don't look at that but I know from talking to other people that one thing they always look at when thinking about moving is the school system. If people start moving out of an area, the area should consider fixing things to encourage people to move there. I know that now that I am starting to look at post military life, I've been researching a lot of things about a lot of different states/areas. And I will use that information (taxes, gun laws, weather, infrastructure, weed laws, etc)to decide where I want to live.
  4. Full disclosure: I am not an expert in this field. However, I have read up on it a bit and I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Now crossing the border illegally is not condoned. It is still illegal. It's just that you have to be physically in country to request asylum OR at an entry point. So you could show up at the border and request asylum and not have done anything illegal. You could also stay where you are currently and apply for refugee status. From the bit I have read, most people who come here illegally don't actually qualify for asylum because they don't meet one of the 5 catergories. "Where I live sucks and/or is dangerous" doesn't meet the standard. It seems like many of the people coming here seeking asylum know that the system takes a while and are just hoping they can get in. While I get their desire, that is not how the system is supposed to work and part of why it is so clogged up. My understanding is also that many are not presenting themselves to border patrol AT the border but once OVER the border (so they can already be in country). That makes their crossing illegal. As for the distinction of being detained vs in jail, you are correct but I have listed to BenningRoadSkin enough to know that most see the difference in the two as minimal. Here is a good resource I found. http://www.immi-usa.com/how-to-seek-asylum-in-usa/
  5. I agree no one actually wants to fix the problem. Otherwise it would have happened by now. And I agree that the proposed fixes by the Right are dumb along with, well, everything else the Right does. Your analogy isn't really right though. It is the same type of false comparison I would expect from someone like TWA. I think you are better than to share that company. No one is suggesting that these people be sexually assaulted. No one is suggesting the kids be taken and never returned. No one is suggesting that the parents or the children be put into some sort of dangerous situation that risks their lives. It is finding another way to hopefully curtail a problem that we have without putting anyone in danger. Hopefully, it will make someone think twice before attempting to come here illegally.
  6. I'm sorry you feel that way. I have been on record as saying we need major immigration reform. I have no problem with people coming here legally. And I think there should be a much easier, better system for immigrants to come here. However, just because someone doesn't like the laws or systems in place doesn't give them a pass to ignore them. And if you are caught breaking the law, you are put in jail. And you don't get to take your kids to jail with you. Want to fix the problem? Fix the system.
  7. I usually try to avoid saying this but I kind of agree with TWA here. Anyone else goes to jail (even just a holding cell) you can't bring your kids with you. If you don't want it to happen to you don't break the law.
  8. And defending a poor statement by claiming false equivalency is a tool of the lazy and stupid to validate other lazy and stupid. There is a good point as to why defending these guys is wrong. You just failed to make it.
  9. You are the one who made a comment regarding armed resistance against the government. I was just reminding that it isn't always a bad thing. I did not defend their actions. But you shouldn't act like it isn't ever necessary.
  10. I've spent enough time at sea. When I retire, I will only be on the water if it involves fishing.
  11. Not much experience with guns though I have seen a decent bit of mortar fire. Don't think I will see much of that during a repo.
  12. Like so many other organizations, the HC gets more blame than he should while the GM doesn't get enough blame for not giving the proper tools.
  13. So I've been considering what field I want to go into after I retire from the military. I got 5-6 years until then. I'm starting to think becoming a repo man might be a good idea. I think they will become in high demand. Thoughts?
  14. I can think of a few upstanding citizens who did this and we defend their actions. Hell, we even have schools and highways named after them. Man I could have used you in the Election 2017 thread.
  15. Found it. It is in the Election 2018 thread. I can't figure out how to post a link to the specific quote. PleaseBlitz said (paraphrasing) "the dems aren't going to get your vote. That's fine." Now in his defense, at the time, he seemed to think I was a single issue voter. While I'm not it is a very important topic to me. And I wasn't saying they should abandon their beliefs on guns, just soften them. I think the Left could steal a ton of votes from the GOP with a stance of something like "have a national CCW law but require some training to get it along with a few other requirements." Anyways, it was a conversation about what we thought the Left should do to win more. I know that. But I have to weigh how important things are to me also and I am very pro-gun. And when their website has several positions I don't agree with, it gives me pause.
  16. I'd have to go back to see who it was but I was essentially saying the Left should move slightly right on core issues to pick up all of us voters who are disgusted with what our former party (the GOP) has become. My example was gun control. Someone posted a link to the Dem Party website and I pointed out two things that if changed, I would seriously consider voting D. It was part of the discussion of if the Left should move further left to motivate their base or slightly right to steal voters from the GOP.
  17. I already did. But I was told the other day that I am not the type of person the Left needs to work on earning my vote.
  18. You have to wait until they have both hands free.
  19. Noble but who is willing to lead the charge? Certainly not me. I will probably be called upon to put down that charge. Of course I cannot say what my response and orders to others would be though. When will a group actually stand up though and how do we know (or think) it will be received by the population as a whole?
  20. I'm not trying to become another founding father. Call me whatever names you want but I have things to look out for. Where is your pitchfork?
  21. My current job prevents that. And I do still have a family to feed. Besides, one lonely guy with a pitchfork is a loon. I'm wondering when this big movement will start?
  22. If they want to trade for Jay, take whatever we can get. I don't not like the dude but I'm not in love with him enough to turn down compensation for him.
  23. At what point to the pitchforks and stuff ACTUALLY start coming out?
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