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Everything posted by profusion

  1. I'm not going to overreact based on the first half of the first game. Doesn't look good, though.
  2. I was going to put off cleaning the bathrooms until halftime or after the game. Rethinking that, now...
  3. Herbert's getting the ball out quick. WFT has to stop YAC.
  4. Prediction: humorous overreaction regardless of the results. The game itself will be close and hard-fought, with typical sloppy Week 1 offense on both sides. It'll come down to which offense can overcome poor execution. Fitzpatrick's greater experience makes the difference and the WFT wins a close one 24-17.
  5. Honestly, everyone would have been better off had the Snyders actually gotten on that yacht and sailed away. Their involvement with the team adds nothing.
  6. It's doubtful someone could be married to Dan for almost 30 years without either buying into the program from day one or getting acclimated to the sleazery eventually.
  7. Wasn't there a pitcher in the '70s who won a game while tripping?
  8. I believe Stan Kroenke funded the new Rams stadium himself. Snyder's toxicity is a national reputation. I don't think St. Louis or San Diego politicians will open up their checkbooks for him in the #MeToo era.
  9. So, does this mean that the NFL is going to install microphones throughout the Snyder household to ensure that Danny Boy isn't discussing team operations with his newly installed co-CEO while he's "away"? What's funny is that the league thinks that grown adults will buy this stuff. I never thought the NFL would overtly force Dan out, but I was hoping that he would be given an "offer he couldn't refuse" behind the scenes. The league is also a loser out of all this, because they're still stuck with this toxic schmuck who's bad for business. I assume the payoff to make him go away would be more than they could stomach.
  10. Is there any aspect of the NFL that Jerruh doesn't get paid from?
  11. If there was a carryover starter on the team, it'd be different. In this situation, any QB who would whine about having to compete probably shouldn't be in the locker room. The only worry is the eventual starter not getting enough reps in camp.
  12. You kids with your "helmets" have gone soft. Real men have no problem having their ear torn off by a raging linebacker. It's a badge of honor.
  13. Taylor is in camp. He's got his shot. I have confidence Ron will treat all the QBs fairly. Can't ask for more than that.
  14. I assume Dan is trying to get a more attractive mixed-use proposal together to present to local jurisdictions, since no one seems to want a big concrete bowl in their backyard that's associated with him. For the politicians involved, "mixed use" = more opportunities for tax revenue. Much more appealing from their perspective than a simple stadium that mostly benefits non-constituents, generates relatively little tax revenue, and causes traffic nightmares 8-15 times per year. An upscale mixed-use development might also attract more affluent neighboring residential and commercial development, thus increasing the supply of taxpayers relative to tax eaters. It's not a dumb strategy, but it's getting pretty late in the FedEx lease term to still be at this stage. I wouldn't be surprised if Snyder has to lease FedEx for a couple more years to get this thing finished. PG County might extort a higher rate from him, but they won't walk away from a lease extension. What the heck else are they going to do with a big ugly concrete bowl in the middle of Landover?
  15. I strongly doubt Snyder is anywhere close to having the approval or funding for a new stadium. Public attitudes seem to have softened a bit since the playoff run, but getting a deal through is going to take time. I can't imagine he'll get public funding in this environment.
  16. You can never have too many DBs, really. I like this pick.
  17. Quarterbacks don't exist or develop in a vacuum. Stats comparing QB success over time are illusory because they're comparing QBs who played on different teams with different coaches. Of the 21st Century all-world QBs, Peyton Manning is the only one I can think of offhand who stepped into a really bad team and turned it into a contender. His brother sort of did that, but the Giants were already a well-run organization that only had a temporary down-spell. Guys like Brady, Rodgers, Mahomes and Roethlisberger were drafted into quality teams. That might have just a little to do with why they became so great. People forget that the Patriots were already a regular playoff team by the time Brady came around. They'd already been to a Super Bowl just a few years before under Parcells. Would we be talking about Tim Couch or David Carr differently if they'd been luckier in their NFL destinations?
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