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Everything posted by profusion

  1. WFT has enough needs that I don't want to see them give up a big draft haul to move into the top 10 to select one of the non-Trevor Lawrence question mark QBs. I don't want them to get on the Jets/Bengals carousel with the "Washout QB of the Year" every couple years. Build a team.
  2. Good signing rather than reaching for a long term solution with the options available.
  3. How do you say "Kirk Cousins" in Texan?
  4. Any number of underperforming NFL QBs could be "really good" if surrounded by the "right cast"--meaning a stout line and a murderer's row of WRs and TEs. The trick is finding someone who can excel without some of that in place. I'm doubting that Darnold is that guy.
  5. Snyder believed that he could inspire loyalty from the fans by demonizing the WashPost and its reporters--specifically by claiming that they were unfairly targeting him out of some mysterious vendetta against the Redskins generally. It worked surprisingly well for a long time. Even now, you'll see some folks claim that Snyder has finally "figured it out" by hiring Rivera and Wright, as though Snyder miraculously turned a new leaf in his fifties after owning the team for over 20 years. Good luck with that.
  6. "Lock up the division in February." Did this guy actually watch the Cowturds last year? Dak Prescott ain't fixing all those ills by his lonesome. 😄
  7. One thing I've noticed over the years is that there is a lot of blather and misdirection out there this time of year when it comes to free agency and the draft. Teams aren't going to tip their hands (and actually seem to try and deceive others), and the media guys need to stir up stuff to attract clicks and eyeballs. I pretty much just stop following NFL coverage during the winter unless it's actual news of cuts or signings. I'm also at a disadvantage to some of you in that I don't follow college FB. My assumption is always that we never know how any given college QB is going to do in the pros, with the *possible* exception of a Trevor Lawrence type. And I'll say that even his trajectory depends largely on what happens around him. Going to the Jaguars will do him no favors. Rivera undoubtedly has a plan of action--probably a priority order of guys he's interested in. I strongly doubt the WFT will go into camp with just the existing QB roster, but I don't think Rivera is going to give up the store for just "some guy." He seems conscious of rebuilding the team according to an overall plan, and I'm sure he'll get the highest guy on his list that balances with the overall spending and cap plan. Winning the division is kind of a double-edged sword for Rivera, because it buys him some extra time and goodwill from Snyder but it also increases expectations for 2021 perhaps past the point of reasonableness.
  8. Mariota's injury history is a concern for me. Plus, he's just not been that great in the pros. I'm not that enamored with any of the QB options this offseason. It wouldn't bother me if they applied a band-aid for 2021 and focused elsewhere.
  9. The reality is that it's always going to be tough to make someone sell something they don't want to. The other owners aren't going to take that step unless they're also looking at losing money, too. And believe me, Dan's best buddy Jerry would sell him out in a heartbeat if the money was enough to matter.
  10. I'd be fine if they moved on from cheerleaders altogether. That was a college thing that the hated Cowboys brought into the NFL. Pro fans should be able to watch the game without a T&A show on the sidelines. Whatever they do, the team needs to ditch the sleazy and seedy image that crept in after Snyder bought the team. Take it upmarket.
  11. It's amazing how Jerruh had a front-row seat to our Kirk Cousins debacle and still might pull off the same boneheaded move. No fool like an old fool, I guess. I've never been *that* impressed with Dak. I mean, he's good, but "mortgage the next decade" good? I don't see it. The Cowturds have too many other problems. I'm really hoping that Rivera isn't getting an itchy trigger finger and doesn't for a bad option this year. I know there's a lot of pressure to fix the QB situation, but making it worse with a bad contract on a dud would be terrible.
  12. I'm pretty sure Ron won't tip his hand at this early stage, even if he has a plan in the works. None of the realistic options are ideal, so the coaches will have to do a lot of adapting, whatever happens. What I don't want is for the WFT to get stuck with another millstone contract on a guy who's just "a guy." The QB market is clearly going to be a little frothy this offseason. Don't be that team.
  13. Sounds like a professional answer to me. Quick responsive answer and change the subject. This guy knows his stuff.
  14. It only makes sense for the WFT to trade massive assets for a QB if they believe it makes them a contender immediately. The Rams gave up too much for Stafford, but are built to win now and can't wait for a guy to develop. Trading up in the draft is the worst idea of all for the WFT unless they can get Lawrence.
  15. Fitzpatrick is a stopgap if you draft someone. If the WFT is going to bring in a vet, it needs to be a quality starter for an immediate playoff run. They've already got a couple guys who could serve as stopgaps. Stafford might be okay, but that depends on analysis of whether his impact on the cap and draft situation will prevent the team from addressing their other pressing needs. Stafford throwing to Terry and a bunch of scrubs isn't much better than Heinicke throwing to Terry and a bunch of scrubs.
  16. As long as Rivera's choice works well with him and helps build the culture, I'm good. Scouting isn't done by just a single person--the department needs to be good from top to bottom, and the scouts need to be listened to (i.e., not drafting guys with fancy combine numbers or who went to the right school).
  17. There is the Lions factor to consider. They've had two of the best players of all time at their positions (Barry Sanders and Calvin Johnson) and managed to drive them both to early retirement while winning nothing.
  18. Of the names mentioned in that article, only Watson and Stafford move the needle for me. No way in hell Watson is going to be available (or at least without trading too many draft picks), and Stafford is on the downhill slide and will want $$$$$. The others don't bring much more upside than we already have. Wentz? Are memories of Week 1 really that distant? Trubisky? Are memories of yesterday afternoon really that distant? Tyrod Taylor? He brings nothing that Allen and Heinicke don't.
  19. He'll undoubtedly be in camp and get a chance to shine. Not much more to say.
  20. I understand, but if they resign Heinicke they'll essentially already have three of that type of guy on the roster. The point to drafting a QB this offseason would be to find someone with higher potential and fewer downsides. I don't see much point in it, personally.
  21. I think they'll have to draft higher than they did for those guys if they want someone whose potential is greater than Allen or Heinicke. That'll be a tough decision for Rivera, as there are a lot of other needs on the team, not to mention depth, that can be filled with third- or fourth-round picks. It's not just about the starters. You need OL, LB and DB who can rotate in and keep the ship moving. Edit: trading down out of the first round might be a wise move, all things considered.
  22. You have to keep trying the run to keep the defense honest. Gibson's injury reduced their rushing options. I agree that there were some rushing plays that I wouldn't have called. Ultimately, the rushing game was weak all season. They need to address this in the offseason in some fashion, even if they don't intend to be a rushing-first team.
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