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Darrell Green Fan

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Everything posted by Darrell Green Fan

  1. I see many here are coming around to a line of thinking I've had all year. This DL is very overrated by our fans. I commented on Chase Young after the first game, then retracted it. But I was still seeing the same thing. In college so many of his plays came off his burst at the snap, he was the first one off and it gave him an edge. This year early he got caught on a few off sides and he seems hesitant, he is not exploding off the edge as we expected. Then we have Allen and Payne who are still living off their college reputation. The fact is they haven't been close to what was expected.
  2. As I said I am done with the topic, it does not belong here and I do not wish to deal with you and your condescending tone. See the 2 posts above yours, they spell it out pretty well and shows I'm hardly alone on the topic. Frankly if you can't see the value of a franchise QB in this league today I have no idea what you are watching.
  3. Yep Ryp got them to the playoffs the years before and after that SB win. But he wasn't playing as well and that was a big reason they failed to advance. We should probably get back on topic as nobody seems to want to address my point about Cleveland, Arizona, Cincinatti, Buffalo and San Diego.
  4. 1. That was at a different time, the QB position is much more important today but it's always been important. But it's much more important in today's game. 2. Make no mistake Joe Theisman and Doug Williams were in fact franchise QBs 3. He got lucky that Rypien played like a franchise QB for a year. It's as simple as that. Now please address my examples above, all 5 of those teams have totally changed their future prospects because they found a good QB.
  5. I understand this is a DL thread but I have to respond. You are ignoring the major point here. In 1991 Mark Rypien played like a franchise QB and we saw the results. He was not some mid-level QB who proved you don't need a good QB to win big, in 1991 he was an excellent QB. Once he reverted to form the team was no longer a contender as he was no longer effective and soon no longer employed by the team. Mark Rypien actually fits my argument, not yours. And that is it's much easier to find long lasting success with a good QB. Mark Rypien was only a good QB for a year or 2, guys like that are rarely the answer for a team looking for long lasting success. No the teams that are on contention for a decade almost always have good QBs. Now look at teams like Arizona, Cleveland, Cincinatti, SD, and Buffalo. All were long time losers, SD looked to in for a rebuild post Rivers but despite their record with so many close losses most everyone sees them as trending up. All these teams have found good young QBs and now their projections are entirely different then they have been for years, in some cases decades. If we could only get a guy like that, I'm not saying you need a Hall of Famer just a good QB, our future would look so much brighter than it does today. Without a QB you have little chance at lasting success unless you are the Ravens and we ain't the Ravens. If they find themselves in a position to draft one they have to consider it.
  6. But in that magical season Ryp played like a franchise quarterback, why do posters continue to forget this? When he regressed to who he really was he was no longer of value and he was gone.
  7. No thanks, I'm well aware of the odds. Just pointing out how a quarterback can really change a team's fortune and how a Super Bowl appearance is not necessary to show that.
  8. Just don't trade him for a 2nd, we always screw those up. As for the culture of losing again Cleveland, Arizona and Cincy had that culture, then they drafted a QB and look at them now.
  9. Absolutely. I wish he was signed for 10 years.
  10. The best thing this team could do if it's even possible is lock up Chase and Sweat for a long time, those 2 would be an unbelievable tandem for years and years. While I can see the agrument for signing RK giving a fairly big contract to an aging vet is not something a rebuilding team should be doing IMO. But I do agree he may take a discount, and with the lower cap who knows what his price will be on the open market. But you have to believe the offers will be higher from teams with a bigger need for this skill than this team has.
  11. I'm a big RK fan but I don't see them signing him again so they simply have to trade the one player of value (read not Anderson who has no value) they have while they can.
  12. Boy isn't that the truth. So frustrating and a bit puzzling.
  13. Good post @Alcoholic ZebraI agree with most of what you said. I'm still fine with Ron Rivera, he inherited a crappy roster and a crappy QB. There is little doubt in my mind that he is a fine NFL head coach. The problem is every accomplished head coach leaves here with his reputation tarnished. It's the reverse car wash that is the Washington Football Team and without a change in ownership I don't see that changing. I mean is Danny even humbled in the least after his insistence on drafting Dwayne Haskins has failed so miserably? I highly doubt it.
  14. I don't see Ron giving up that much control, it probably played a big part in his decision to come here. What I have been wondering is how is Ron supposed to be making calls and handling personnel while still putting in the time to create a game plan? Oh and that little cancer treatment thingy as well. I never like the coach centric approach. There is only one Bill Bilichick, most fail when they try to do both jobs.
  15. Oh no doubt, that's obvious by the responses here as well as other places. But enough people feel as I do that Jason Wright felt the need to address our concerns at length in his blog. https://www.washingtonfootball.com/news/presidents-weekly-brief-lets-talk-about-the-name
  16. While I agree the new logo is not a good look for the Rams there is absolutely no guarantee Snyder won't F it up even in 2 years. I can't believe you guys are OK with this no name name for anther year. I assure you I am not alone in this thought.
  17. It's been months, have they even started the polls? Red Wolves, Red Hawks, whatever. Nobody is going to change their feelings on the team based on the name. What is embarrassing is being the only sports team in the world without a name, to carry that over for another year is just so weak and another reason opposing fans can laugh at our team.
  18. Again I was in the business for 20 years. I understand how long a complete rebrand takes. But it never should never take 2 years to decide on a name and a logo. The Rams took their time because they had a freaking name, we don't even have that and to say it takes 2 years to decide on a name and logo is crazy. Going into a second season with no name is lame.
  19. I am puzzled that a man who owns a marketing company needs over a year to come up with a name and design a logo. That is mind boggling and so damn frustrating. I sold for a design and print company. It takes a designer a few hours to come up with a few logo comps once they are given the concept. I never ever heard of a company taking a year and a half to start a rebrand with the first steps of a name and logo selection. Just pick a F-ing name Danny and stop embarrassing us all.
  20. My thought exactly. This was brought up in the Haskins thread and I firmly believe it's true that those most critical of RR are still in the tank for Haskins. No I think it played out just as you described. He wanted to give Dwayne a shot, who wouldn't given his talent and improved play last season? He gave him a training camp and 4 weeks, that was ample time to form an evaluation and he moved on from him at that point. As for the mixed message entirely too much has been made of that IMO. A coach can't just say his QB stinks, no coach should do that to a player and he is still trying to retain what little value he still had. As for the timeouts at the beginning of a lost season I too saw no point in risking injuries to starters in a game that was not going to be won in a lost season. But as the games played out Ron saw how the division was shaking out and said "hey, let's go try to win this thing". Neither of these approaches seems unreasonable to me. A coach should be allowed to change direction given the change of events that took place since the start of the season without being run up the flag poll for doing so. Another important point is unlike in Dallas Ron has clearly not lost the support of the players.
  21. This is true but it's clearly more of a passing league now than it was back then. so the quarterback position is of even more value today. What people want to conveniently forget about those three quarterbacks is at the time they won those rings every one of them was in fact playing like a franchise quarterback. People act as if they were playing like Wade Wilson but they won anyway to support the idea that you don't need a great quarterback. Again those quarterbacks were great in the at the time they won the Super Bowl, in the case of Mark Rypien when he reverted to who he really was the team went in another direction. To expect a 10-year run with an average quarterback is setting yourself up for failure. Common sense should tell us that you get more good seasons out of a quarterback who's actually good instead of one who caught lightning in a bottle like Ryp did.
  22. Thank you, just about to post the same thing. Just so tired of the whole Joe Gibbs/three different quarterbacks analogy, that was a different time. The teams that have lasting success in the league today more often than not have a really good quarterback. when you consider the fact that less than a third of the teams in the league have a top 10 quarterback yet they're the teams making the majority of the playoff and super bowl appearances this should be obvious. But sadly to some it's still not for some strange reason
  23. I am a firm believer that the team with the better QB usually wins the game because it has played out this way for so many game. My fear is Kyle will play just well enough to fool the staff into thinking they can get by with him and that would be a mistake. No I don't want a retread. Or a failed high pick such as Darnold as those guys never develop with the new team, that is chasing fools gold. This team is so bad a top 3 pick is definitely within reach, especially after yesterday. If it were me I'd root for 1-15 for the chance to take Trevor Lawrence but I don't see the Jets winning a game.
  24. I knew before the season started that LB was a huge weakness that nobody seems to be talking about. Run defense is more LB than DL anyway so agree with you. But I still think Allen is overrated. Czabe even threw his name out as Washington players deserving of the top 50 player list. I had to ask what has Jonathan Allen done in a Washington uniform that would ever make him believe he is a top 50 player in the NFL?
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