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Darrell Green Fan

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Everything posted by Darrell Green Fan

  1. I do not see how you can explain the incumbent trailing a 4 time criminal in so many polls other than Biden is seen as a weak President. How else would you explain it? MAGA ain't nearly enough people to have that much influence on the polls We see the polls above, fair or not people hold the current President accountable when prices are up, 401s are down and 2 wars started. That's just the way it works. The Dems are in trouble, a stronger President was needed
  2. You don't think that Biden's performance is the reason he is polling so poorly? There are a ton of people who don't support Trump but will hold their nose and vote for him because they believe the country went downhill when Biden took office. If Biden was a strong President I believe Trump would have no chance. But he is not so Trump has a very good chance.
  3. Will RFK Jr run as in independent and split off Trump votes? Why can't Biden understand that he is the reason Trump is polling so well and step aside? If Trump is elected and squashes the federal cases can they resume once his term is up?
  4. This is my favorite quote, from his mother. "I was watching like everybody else on Jan. 6 as those numb-nuts climbed the walls. ... It never occurred to me that Fred would be part of this," she said. https://www.npr.org/2021/03/09/975477013/ex-trump-appointee-accused-of-assaulting-police-in-capitol-riot-danger-to-public
  5. Every team has an end of the roster Dax Mile found at the end of the draft or as a free agent. He was nothing to brag about.
  6. He has alternated between saying he used to be a fan and referering to them as "our" and "we" throughout the thread so he's all over the map.. I made no secret that I pulled back from the team but that was because of one person, Daniel Snyder. To leave a team you followed for 20 years, with new ownership in place and everything being different, is just so bizarre to me. I really don't feel like engaging with him anymore. If he continues to throw insults at posters (well mostly me actually) when it's pretty clear that the cap ramifications have to be factored in when evaluating the trade, or when his reply is Harris will buy a new team with the cap savings instead of actually addressing the point, it kind of tells me who I'm dealing with.
  7. I clearly remember getting into a debate with a poster who was defending the indefensible that was Troy Apke. I also remember a poster arguing with me that Milne was an example of good drafting. Good times
  8. Again there were huge salary cap issues if they retained Chase, something @IrepDCfailed to address and was the main point of my argument.
  9. If they lie and commit pergury how will that be proven and prosecuted? Is there a separate trial?
  10. The signings of Gates and Wylie is just so frustrating to me. I knew nothing of Gates but I did know the Giants OL has sucked and he was a cast off. We all knew Wyle's best position is guard yet he played RT just as many of us expected him to play RT. I can't wait to get this clown show out of here. I liked RR, I really did. But I am so done with is act and excuses.
  11. Your entire arguments appears to be based on a report you saw or heard sharing GM's opinions. Do I need to explain to you that this is a 2nd hand news, not direct quotes, and it sure didn't include all the other 31 GMs I on the other hand have actually provided cap figures and spelled out how they really made the best of the situation, an argument you have yet to address let alone disprove. If he was really worth more than a late 3rd than another team would have offered more, it's just that simple. This fact carries more weight than your report and it's not a lie. Again the market does not lie, it is not emotional, and this is the value the market has placed on Chase Young today.
  12. Yeah the team's best players don't blow off their assignments and leave gaping holes. It's amazing to me how some (well one) poster seems to value Chase Young more than anyone else, including the GMs who didn't offer more than a 3rd.
  13. I think this is setting up well. I would be shocked if they didn't go LT in the draft and this appears to be a draft where they can land an anchor without having to move up. All I can think of is we will probably have adults with correct info making the picks for a change so that gets me excited.
  14. No I do not know that. Because you see one of us understands that next year it will be a new owner, a new GM and coach and new EVERYTHING. For you to claim it will be the same old Washington is such an ignorantly statement to make.
  15. You have already listed all the other needs on this team. I'll let you answer that question for yourself.
  16. You literally said 20 minutes ago "SF has a better DL than us". So it's hard to tell if you consider this team yours or not. Now how about the other points I made in that post? Are you really suggesting they dedicate over $40 in cap next season to these 3 with the hope that a new coach can get him to commit, keep to his assignments and lastly and probably most importantly magically show him how to get the edge and to the QB instead of being run out of the play constantly? You are really suggesting that gamble would be worth the risk? Or maybe just maybe he is another Clowney and will never live up to his draft position, it happens all the time.
  17. Thanks for the reply. There is no guarantee a coach can "coach him up" and turn him into a player his contract will demand. Then there are the reports about his dedication, we already saw that with skipping OTA, reports you chose to ignore with regard to Dwayne Haskins. And again they already have a cap hit of $30 million for Allen and Payne, now you are suggesting a cap hit of over $40 million for 3 players who to date have not been close to worthy of such an investment.. Again SF does not have this much cap money into their DL and that is your model for success. Finally which team do you root for? You have a GB logo, you alternate between "you" and "us" when discussing the Commanders.
  18. OK let's try this again. I have spelled out all the scenarios, please tell me what you think they should have done with Chase Young and why you feel this way. This is not too much to ask.
  19. I have thought about that too, just as I have thought about how the Giants have been trying to rebuild their OL for years and have shown that's not so easily done. But like with Harris over Snyder the "hire a good GM" is no guarantee for success, it just gives us a chance which we never had with the old model.
  20. I have taken the time to explain all of their options. I'll ask again, which option should they have taken in your opinion and why do you feel this way? Save the insults and answer the question.
  21. You think I don't know what it means when you said that it was reported on the NFL Network that GMs were surprised they gave Young away for a 3rd? Now you are just trolling, be better than that. I understood what was said, the problem I have is why you do not understand what I have been saying. Again the market determined what Chase Young was worth, it was a 3rd round pick and there is a reason for that. Other teams watch him too, they are well aware of his injury history as well. So the team's options were: Keep a player the coaches were down on because he does not follow his assignment and continue down the road to nowhere in a lost season and risk losing him in the offseason for nothing depending on the comp pics which will be determined after all the offseason signings.. Trade him for the best deal offered which was a 3rd. If they retained him after the lost season then what? Overpay a player who has an injury history, fails to stick to his assignment and is out of position and has 14 sacks in 34 games? Let me help you with the math, Chase has averaged 7 sacks in an expanded 17 game season. As I have carefully explained had they retained Young and Sweat they would have had a cap hit of over $50 million for 4 players who have proven collectively to just not be that good. That is far more cap money to the DL than Philly or SF which were your examples. Even if they just retained Chase that's easily $40 M in cap space for 3 DL players who have not been that productive. . Again you can get Chase's numbers from a player on a far less expensive contract who will actually follow his assignment and not leave gaping holes. Franchise him which again would be an overpay and only kicks the problem down the road. Lose him in free agency. We don't even know now if they will get a comp pick depending on the offseason signings, at best it will be the same 3rd round comp a year later which turns that value into the end of the 4rh round. .Given their cap space and number of holes on the roster there's a better chance than not that they receive no comp pick and lose him for nothing That's it, that's the list. Tell me with your vast football knowledge which option you would choose for the team and why?
  22. I honestly can't understand who your team is. You kept referring to Washington players as "our players". If you are a Pack fan and can't see how Rodgers carried your team and just like with NE his replacement is inadequate I don't know what to say. The Packers are not a good team. And you need to stop referring to Washington as the same old Washington that teams will work. This is will be an entirely different organization from the top on down.
  23. I'm with you there. He needs better technique but what has stood out to me, and we've all been making this comment, is he flat out can't beat his many around the edge. How many great edge rushers have we seen that can't get the edge? I don't see that changing too much, well until he faces our LT.
  24. I have no idea what this even means. The league has spoken, if Chase Young was worth more than a conditional 3rd it would have been offered. Now Washington is not forced to overpay for an average DE. Lions recently traded the 3rd pick in the draft for a 5th. I didn't hear much criticism about that trade and he did not have the same injury history..
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