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Everything posted by LadySkinsFan

  1. I have the concert on DVD. Blondie New Years Eve Apollo Theatre in Glasgow 1979
  2. Thanks for the invite for next year. I hope to be in Austin with my family! I used to live in Cape St. Claire, my daughter graduated from Broadneck. Last time I visited Parole, I didn't recognize the place! My daughter worked at Tower Records near the Amish market. It's been a couple of years since I've been over there except to drive by on 50. Hope your day was good. I had some invites but wanted to stay home. I was missing my mom and brother today and would have been not good company.
  3. Sounds delicious, Zguy28! Thanks for posting the recipe. I like duck, have never had goose, but I'm with you in liking dark meat best. That's one reason why I got a Game Hen, not much white meat, well not much meat at all really.
  4. Roasting a Cornish Hen since it's just me. Will make dressing, have already prepared mashed potatoes, and make gravy from scratch. I made pumpkin custard last night and ate some this morning. Still too much pumpkin even with the small can. Will have to use half and freeze the rest next time. Happy Thanksgiving to all ESers and family and friends!
  5. Thanks for the review, I am looking forward to seeing this one.
  6. Yes, I will update if I decide to get them. A lot depends on price, now that I am retired.
  7. The solid tire means no more flats. I haven't priced for my bike yet, because I am in VA and the bike is in TX. Looking forward to checking it out.
  8. Has anyone tried Tannus tires, a solid tire?
  9. NCIS jumped the shark when Cote De Pablo left the series. Have checked in every now and then but not the same.
  10. Shooter. Great action movie. I watch it all the time, one of my favorites. One man against the system.
  11. Another call to ban military type large capacity magazines and the weapons that use them, expanded background checks for private and other sales besides licensed gun shops.
  12. No matter where a woman works, she should be treated with dignity and respect. This goes for Fox News as well. And we all know that Fox hires women with a certain look (blonde mostly), which should give a woman pause why she is hired there. The men, from what little I've watched of that network, are very condescending toward the women.
  13. Automatic weapons are not illegal, one must get a special license from the ATF, it used to be $200. I don't know the requirements for obtaining the license. But strictly illegal, no.
  14. We take away a felon's right to purchase and own guns, so there are indeed restrictions on the 2nd Amendment. It's a matter of what restrictions we want.
  15. I'm raising this point because it's what I hear the Right saying all the time, just like you quoted in your post. I personally have a big problem with the "if you have nothing to hide" argument because it's used to dilute our personal freedom especially with regard to search and seizure. Look how the Right-leaning Supremes have eroded that right over the years in favor of the police. My post was using that argument in a sarcastic way. But I see no problem with putting some restrictions on buying weapons that can be used to kill people. And why should non-military people have access to military grade weapons?
  16. The R's trample over due process when it suits them, (cough) Patriot Act.
  17. Look, I bought 2 guns. One I had to wait 2 weeks, the other same day but I had to come back because the computers were backed up the day before Thanksgiving. I don't have anything to hide, I don't mind a waiting period. Neither should anyone who has nothing to hide. The end result is that if nothing comes up, the purchase will go through, so 2nd Amendment right isn't hindered, right?
  18. If a bill doesn't go far enough to solve the problems, it's inherently harmful. Which is my point in bringing up ACA as an example, not a topic. Like Burgold, if Senators and Representatives don't stop with the politics and really get on board to solve the problems, they aren't doing what we pay them for. I really see the Republicans stonewalling everything unless they get exactly what they want, which in my view is pro-business and the rich and anti-human being, I.e. the rest of us.
  19. So a highly placed gov't executive is going to be available to make a decision like this every time there's an occurrence of someone attempting to buy a gun that is suspect for the purchase? How many gun sales are there a day? I'm guessing a lot. It's ridiculous to assign such a responsibility to one person, and would they be allowed to delegate and to whom.
  20. We see what happens when the left caves to the right, the Affordable Care Act, which benefits mostly insurance companies. We should have had single payer, universal health care. Instead every one's insurance rates went up, people who couldn't get insured due to pre-existing conditions got insurance at an exorbitant price, people were forced to buy insurance or penalized, and some actually got insurance at reduced rates if their state offered it. Big winners: the insurance companies hands down.
  21. If someone is making death threats, they shouldn't have access to guns. If someone has a restraining order, they shouldn't have access to guns. That includes confiscation if they have them and ban against owning them, buying them.
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