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Everything posted by LadySkinsFan

  1. One of the programs Trump wants to end is Meals on Wheels. This is one of the programs where I want to volunteer in Texas. I worked with my mother on this program before my daughter was born. Damn him for taking food out of people's mouths. Just like Reagan. http://occupydemocrats.com/2017/03/15/trump-just-announced-plan-end-meals-wheels-seniors/
  2. He's president now, he's going to find that he can't lie his way out of this stuff. His lawyers can't get him out of this. He could outspend his opponents in civil suits, but the government can outspend him.
  3. Well, I think both plus more happened, only now with the emphasis on the Trump campaign it looks like he was the only "victim" and not mostly Democrats and our election system. And not a Trump-Russian connection. Not trick question.
  4. They are checking out surveillance of Trump campaign, not their interference in our election. Why not that?
  5. I think they should call it the Republican Poverty Acceleration and Death Panel Act. Because that's what it is.
  6. I got an email from my Congressperson Don Beyer today, he's a good Democrat who is voting the right way, thank goodness.
  7. I think I remember her name and someone who wants to curtail SS and Medicare. Death panels for seniors.
  8. He's endorsed it, so it's his. The ACA was actually the MA plan by Mitt Romney.
  9. Sixty eight paths from Trump to Putin https://thetrumpwatchdog.com/2017/02/14/the-path-to-putin/ Apparently Republicans have had ties to Russians for decades, and many ties to Trump associates if not to Trump himself.
  10. Weasel words: a technical proposal term for words one uses for not replying directly and factually to a mandatory requirement and to get around said requirement. They rarely work but management will take a risk by giving it try to be technically compliant. That's what his word meaningful appears to be to me.
  11. You mean dies Larry. 1. Don't get sick 2. If you get sick, die quickly. It's pretty clear that the Republicans are serving as the death panels.
  12. I am actually a fan of getting employers out of the insurance business. I'm also a fan of taking the profit out of insurance. The problem here is that probably large number of people will be unemployed, HR people, insurance people whose jobs are to delay/deny coverage. We can do it, but it has to be phased in. The ACA was the first step toward this, with tweaks made in the coming years. So you have plan choices that people can decide on the level of coverage they want, with a basic level mandated by the government. Like Medicare is now, certain things covered and buy insurance plans to supplement. I chose a plan based on my traveling around the U.S., and I don't want to pay any deductible or copay. I know what I am spending every month on my fixed income. The Republicans are instituting Rep. Grayson's take on what Republicans want: 1) Don't get sick, and 2) if you get sick die quickly. That's exactly what this bill is, with an added kicker of extracting as much as possible from people through premiums.
  13. If people can't afford to pay their premiums for two months, how the hell can they pay a 30% surcharge for a year? I reiterate, Republicans will help insurance companies and not actual humans.
  14. Good suggestion. I'm pretty sure my local gun shop has this service. I'll check out the next local gun show.
  15. In other words, how can they easily cut any benefits for the poor and middle class down the road. I hate Republicans because of their inhumanity.
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