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Everything posted by LadySkinsFan

  1. Let them go out, don't let them go back in. That will decrease their numbers, and the supplies that are brought back. They'll come out when the hot dogs run out, or the charcoal.
  2. She's a Constitutional scholar like Clarence Thomas is a Constitutional scholar. Ursula K. Le Guin wrote a letter to the editor of The Sunday Oregonian, below is the link and I'll quote the letter as it's short and sweet. The rest is the article containing the letter. http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2016/01/19/3740829/ursula-k-le-guin-oregon-lte/ " The Oregonian’s A1 headline on Sunday, Jan. 17, “Effort to free federal lands,” is inaccurate and irresponsible. The article that follows it is a mere mouthpiece for the scofflaws illegally occupying public buildings and land, repeating their lies and distortions of history and law. Ammon Bundy and his bullyboys aren’t trying to free federal lands, but to hold them hostage. I can’t go to the Malheur refuge now, though as a citizen of the United States, I own it and have the freedom of it. That’s what public land is: land that belongs to the public — me, you, every law-abiding American. The people it doesn’t belong to and who don’t belong there are those who grabbed it by force of arms, flaunting their contempt for the local citizens. Those citizens of Harney County have carefully hammered out agreements to manage the refuge in the best interest of landowners, scientists, visitors, tourists, livestock and wildlife. They’re suffering more every day, economically and otherwise, from this invasion by outsiders. Instead of parroting the meaningless rants of a flock of Right-Winged Loonybirds infesting the refuge, why doesn’t The Oregonian talk to the people who live there? Ursula K. Le Guin Northwest Portland
  3. It's it located on Native American Land? So law enforcement allow these armed white people to come and go as they please without arresting them for occupying these spaces? So law enforcement practice violence against black people who are unarmed (women in a car, students standing around, men selling individual cigarettes for examples and there are many more) and that's okay? This is specifically directed to you twa. This is a sick situation and it needs to come to an end. Arrest these people.
  4. I'm sorry, but if it was a group of black people taking over this refuge, they'd be dead by now. This is white privilege in action, and it contrasts sharply with how black people are treated by law enforcement in the US of A.
  5. I think Lewis is out in Cincy. Lost control of his team by letting 55 and 24 run wild all season, locker room not happy with losing the game with 2 knucklehead penalties.
  6. I actually watched the game, although I tuned in after Carli's hat trick. What a game! Those women run around for 90 minutes with only 3 substitutions. I'd say they are in outstanding physical condition.
  7. Grace and Frankie on Netflix is a great show, and is renewed for Season 2. I binge watched all 13 shows over a couple of days.
  8. Which is why I'm not buying insurance. I have just over 2 years until Medicare kicks in for me. The penalty is less than the premiums would be.
  9. It's ****ing insurance, people, of course the rates are going to go up, just like they always have.
  10. Really, the socks are the same design except for the burgundy and green stripes.
  11. Gee, the "gold" on the Redskins' helmet looks just like the "yellow" on the Packers' helmet.
  12. I had the same problem on my 97 Olds Bravada. My mechanic checked the gas cap. Sure enough, there were cracks in the O ring. Bought a new gas cap, fixed problem!
  13. Uniforms should be burgundy jersey and gold pants and gold jersey and burgundy pants. Single stripe down the pant leg of the opposite color, same helmet, socks match the jersey color for that game single stripe around the top of the sock that matches the pant color, and single stripe of color on jersey sleeves of opposite color. No white, no black, purely burgundy and gold.
  14. The profit part? Excessive profit? Cutting waste, fraud and abuse?
  15. As long as the healthcare system is for profit, rates and costs will continue to increase as the corporations involved want more and more profit.
  16. I have observed that whenever corporations make less in profit, their immediate solution is to fire people. People cost profits, whether they work for the providers or for the insurance companies. I'll posit that the reason we don't have public option is because the people employed by care providers will fire all the people they employ to file all those claims, most of the time several times over, because the insurance companies' profit comes from delaying claims payment or denying payment at all. That would have been a huge hit on unemployment of people and increased unemployment insurance claims. That would have a huge impact on our economy, probably bigger than the recent economic problems, by throwing millions of people out of jobs. That said, I will not be buying health insurance. I'm 62 this year, the "tax" for not buying insurance is relatively small for me this year, next year and the year after that. Then I'll be 65 and eligible for Medicare.
  17. chipwich, if we remove businesses from having to provide health insurance benefits to their employees, and the employees are free to buy their own insurance using a non-profit public option among their choices, doesn't that benefit the businesses overall? They would have to provide the former funds to pay for health insurance benefits to their employees so they can buy their health insurance. The public option could have a list of choices of coverages: maternity care, birth control, prescription coverages, elder care services and so on. Each person/family can choose what works for them. Then we wouldn't have lawsuits from employers who don't want to pay for abortion or birth control coverage. It would truly mean that human beings were in control of their healthcare, and not government or business.
  18. Anyone tried Sea Dog Wild Blueberry Wheat beer? It sounds good (love of blueberries). Right now, I'm having an Angry Orchard Crisp Apple hard cider to go along with my cut up Gala apple. (cut up because Dancer loves apples too, but without the peel)
  19. It's called true compassion, not that "compassionate conservatism" trumped up by Bush/Rove. And the Tea Party Republicans are even worse, they don't care for human beings, just themselves.
  20. Another reason to get employers out of the health insurance business for their employees. Let's have single payer, non-profit, sliding scale premiums, regardless of employer, and it wouldn't be dependent upon employers choosing policies for their employees.
  21. Yes this, and our away uniform should be reversed: gold jerseys and burgundy pants.
  22. "Wright said prosecutors had issues related to the victim in the case. She said the woman had a drug problem, a warrant for her arrest and recently had eluded police. Prosecuting the rape under those circumstances would have been difficult, she said." So what? Just because this woman had various issues of her own doesn't mean that her rape shouldn't be treated any less seriously. And why isn't his parole term for the remainder of the 15 year sentence instead of just 5 years? I guess the 3 years was for the beastiality with the horse. Sheesh!
  23. I recently tried some hard ciders, Strongbow from the UK and Angry Orchard. I like the Angry Orchard for drinking and I'll save the rest of the Strongbow to put into my pork and sauerkraut 1 pot meal instead of beer. I think it will be just the thing to liven up that dish.
  24. Because even though pre-existing conditions are now covered, the premiums are sky high. No thanks.
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