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Everything posted by LadySkinsFan

  1. He's doing the same thing he did during the campaign, tell an outright lie about anything and without any proof whatsoever. He uses Tweets and all his followers believe it absolutely from the get go. It doesn't matter if it's fact checked and found to be a lie.
  2. This 180 degree approach to Russia by the Trump Administration is treasonous.
  3. Yeah, I support the insurance companies making more profit and screwing over actual humans. /sarcasm off
  4. That's because it's even better for insurance companies and not humans.
  5. Well, the thing about lies is you have to remember every single detail of the lie, and that can't be done. These guys don't watch enough true crime TV shows, the criminal always gets caught by inconsistencies in their statements.
  6. Sessions should be out, he lied under oath about something more important than an affair.
  7. We can only hope that someone with courage and intestinal fortitude steps up and gets the truth out about all of this traitorous bunch of Republicans.
  8. I refuse to sell to anyone in the open. You have no idea who they are. Thanks for acknowledging that I am trying to keep a gun out of criminals' hands. I bought my guns through a gun shop, filled out the state and federal forms. I'm for background checks at gun shows. If that was the case, I'd sell there.
  9. I bought my cane from the big A, delivered in two days. Nice color too.
  10. Speaking of the tag line and the movie that inspired it, I watched Scarface yesterday, the Al Pachino one. Classic.
  11. Good, Nunes is a Representative. Do your job and Your Last Term should be applied to him. Time to educate his district for 2018.
  12. I couldn't get anything for it, they wouldn't take it, wouldn't really discuss it. I just want it gone out of my house. I'm going to call my local substation and see if they will take it.
  13. He's such a sleazy salesman, he's not even a businessman. Snake oil salesman. The ACA was first passed in MA, by Republicans, it's a Republican plan in essence. I just finished paying for my Medicare Supplement insurance and Plan D. I can afford these policies. I couldn't afford insurance before I retired. At least I don't have to worry about medical bills anymore.
  14. I'm thinking of getting a CCL in VA before I move. I have a S&W Bodyguard .38 Special with laser sight. I have small hands and can handle it fine. I have an AMT Backup ,380 semi auto that I am trying to get rid of. Called pawn shop and a gun retailer and they don't want it. I stopped a cop and asked about turning it into a substation and he didn't know about that. I refuse to sell it at a gun show because you don't know who's buying it.
  15. I don't think that the Founding Fathers imagined that a political party in the future would gerrymander the heck out of Congressional districts.
  16. Stupid people don't even recognize that it wasn't the U.S.flag, just red, white, and blue colors. French flag is those colors too. Other countries too. Stupid! They should have their voting rights supressed.
  17. Maybe because she's actually doing what the voters elected her to do? Women get it done!
  18. Interview with Russian newspaper editor that opposes Putin (he's still alive!), talking about Putin and Trump, and how Russians view Trump. Fascinating! http://www.vox.com/conversations/2017/2/22/14697718/donald-trump-putin-russia-kremlin-hillary-clinton?yptr=yahoo&ref=yfp
  19. John Oliver's explanation of Trump's weird affinity for Putin. Watch to the end. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/john-oliver-trump-putin_us_58aaaba6e4b037d17d2938bc?
  20. Aiding and abetting the enemy, high crimes (felonies?) and misdemeanors (not felonies), definition of treason? I do blame the media and the Republicans for not exposing this earlier. I'm convinced that Republicans will do anything for power. Too bad they can't govern.
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