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Everything posted by LadySkinsFan

  1. Cool, I will have to get some! Thanks for the detailed explanation!
  2. What a yummy meal! What's Carolina Gold rice?
  3. Vienna sausages, only if there's nothing else. Same with Spam.
  4. So, was this investigation out of the NY FBI office? If so, seems like that office needs to be cleaned out as it's compromised.
  5. I'm cooking for one, so the toaster over is perfect for that. Plus I can cook on both sides using the toaster function. I broil english muffins. I forgot to change settings when I cooked my steak the other night, broiled steak for sure, on only one side. Half broiled and half near rare, but it was a good tasting steak!
  6. RICO RICO RICO Added: if Fincen is part of Treasury, and IRS is part of Treasury, couldn't Burr subpoena Trump's tax returns?
  7. Hot dogs in the toaster oven. In fact, I cook most everything in the toaster over. I got a new, convection toaster oven, extra large, for when I move to Austin. I hardly ever use my stove oven except to bake bread. I'll be able to bake bread in the new oven.
  8. What did he think? His pique led him to thumb his nose at the entire U.S. press corps and bring in only Russian press, regardless of the consequences including security concerns. He's an ass pure and simple. And the apologists who voted for this ass still support him. He's very nervous about the investigation into Russian ties, it's getting close to him. He's fired three persons conducting investigations. It's building into a bonfire, not just smoke.
  9. Can't wait to vote Cruz out. I love it when these Fascists are exposed.
  10. I'd say the French are more with it than the minority that voted for Trump.
  11. Yes, I didn't see the show but read a blurb on Facebook.
  12. Representatives are our employees, subject to selection every two years. I did read today that Democrats should hold town halls wherever Republicans refuse to, or where their arrogance appears. Time to vote those traitors out.
  13. Mother****ers. That's the kindest I can get with these death dealing Republicans.
  14. Take the profit out of healthcare and Big Pharma. Government already finances R&D for drugs through grants. Plus, outlaw drug advertising. Every time I see a drug commercial I cringe at the side effects they are required by law to disclose. The next step for Big Pharma is convincing Congress to remove disclosure requirements, or the Executive that controls laws once they are passed and signed.
  15. Choice between eating, housing, prescriptions on one side and insurance on the other. I know what I chose for many years, and it wasn't insurance.
  16. Every person that voted for this abomination is a killer.
  17. Notice how being a woman is a pre-existing condition on that list? BTW, that list hasn't changed since before the ACA.
  18. With public option, at least the insurance companies will have to compete. Plus it takes healthcare out of the hands of employers. The ACA mandated that 80% of funds had to be spent on actual care. The new bill does away with that, more profits. When will you Republican apologists get that they don't care about people?
  19. How about taking the profit out of healthcare? The insurance companies are rapacious.
  20. Does the Senate need 60 votes to pass? In that case, it's dead. At least the Representatives will be on record, Dems should run hard on it.
  21. It's not going to take effect until after the 2018 election, so people won't feel the impact right away. Then all hell will break loose.
  22. Republican plan. Don't get sick. If you do get sick, die quickly. Oh, and maximize profits for the insurance industry and Big Pharma.
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