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Everything posted by LadySkinsFan

  1. Choice between eating, housing, prescriptions on one side and insurance on the other. I know what I chose for many years, and it wasn't insurance.
  2. Every person that voted for this abomination is a killer.
  3. Notice how being a woman is a pre-existing condition on that list? BTW, that list hasn't changed since before the ACA.
  4. With public option, at least the insurance companies will have to compete. Plus it takes healthcare out of the hands of employers. The ACA mandated that 80% of funds had to be spent on actual care. The new bill does away with that, more profits. When will you Republican apologists get that they don't care about people?
  5. How about taking the profit out of healthcare? The insurance companies are rapacious.
  6. Does the Senate need 60 votes to pass? In that case, it's dead. At least the Representatives will be on record, Dems should run hard on it.
  7. It's not going to take effect until after the 2018 election, so people won't feel the impact right away. Then all hell will break loose.
  8. Republican plan. Don't get sick. If you do get sick, die quickly. Oh, and maximize profits for the insurance industry and Big Pharma.
  9. Same thing as with building Trump up during the primaries. Treason all over the place. I'm starting to hate the company that owns the NBC channels.
  10. The way the Soviets were brought down is economically, because they were in Afghanistan for 20 years. We must increase sanctions against them, not lift them because of some oil deal with Exxon.
  11. I have had that Kiwanis chicken on the side of the road in Delaware. It's delicious!
  12. It's flat out lying, which he and his minions have done since he announced. Nothing is ever proved, and precious resources are being forced to either find something, make something up, or make it go away. It's no way to run a government. Really, can't believe anything from these guys.
  13. I have a Go Anywhere Weber gas grill for my camper, and a Coleman Roadtrip LLX propane grill on my carport. I haven't used the Coleman in a couple of years. I think I am going to sell it. I have the cover for it too. It collapses.
  14. I make a savory cornbread, don't like it sweet. Onion, sage, capers, white corn meal, sometimes green olives, sometimes parmesan cheese.
  15. Eli Manning and Giants equipment manager in scam to sell fake memorabilia. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/report-eli-manning-teamed-giants-equipment-manager-memorabilia-scam-220248847.html Three memorabilia dealers are suing Manning, Skiba, the Giants, team owner John Mara and others in the case. The emails were filed on Tuesday at Bergen County (N.J.) Superior Court.
  16. He's thinking about how things go in business, fight like hell then yuck it up over dinner. It's different on the world stage. It's fight like hell, make your opponent think everything is hunky dory, then take advantage of the opponent's naivete.
  17. I think that there are evidentiary procedures in place to prevent the president from demanding the release of evidence to him/her. Unless the Attorney General gives it to him, but isn't he walled off as well? This is where we need Predicto's expertise.
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