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Everything posted by LadySkinsFan

  1. I think Trump did tell Comey to drop it, after all, they were alone and nothing was taped. However, Trump as a boss probably never had to write a CYA memo. I'm sure Comey figured out that he needed to.
  2. The left wanted a public option, that would have forced competition in premium rates with insurance companies. Republicans wouldn't support that because the precious insurance companies wouldn't have made as much profit.
  3. Republican controlled states opting out of the exchanges are the biggest offenders. For profit insurance companies, most likely helmed by Republicans, increasing premiums for increased profit. Yeah, I blame Republicans.
  4. The disaster is the Republicans ****ing with it so it doesn't work as intended, flawed though it is. Republicans making it worse.
  5. The blame for increased premiums now falls on the insurance companies that still want obscene profits, and the Republicans and Trump. Fully. Democrats need to make this very well as known, early and often.
  6. He lies so much, he probably forgot what he said. Hard to keep the stories straight. Comey wrote contemporaneous notes/memos. I bet those are interesting. And I tend to trust those rather than Trump's lying memory.
  7. Oceanside communities are going to get hit with this relocation problem. Rich people won't have as much a problem. As always, the service class, which are usually paid lower, but have to live near the areas they service, will be hardest hit because they can't take the hit if they are property owners or just the cost of moving. And we aren't prepared because climate change is a hoax, according to the president and his denier minions.
  8. The Red states were the focus of Democrats' retraining programs. But people don't want to be retrained, so they will lose out. They would rather believe a huckster promising to bring back jobs long gone than face up to reality that they need to find another way to make a living. And if they are living off of unemployment and/or welfare, they are buying into socialism. I'd rather pay for retraining programs than an expanded war in the ME.
  9. A round of golf is always good for clearing the mind for decision making. What a dolt.
  10. If we renamed Mother Earth Baby Unborn Earth, then maybe the Republicans would do more to protect it.
  11. It's the length of cooking time. Like smoked meat, low and slow.
  12. I don't use milk or butter when cooking them, just a bit of salt. Don't use quick grits! They have to be cooked awhile to get the creamiest. I cook the shrimps in butter and Old Bay, that's where the salt is, I have to watch that. I use frozen shrimp, Giant has some that are shelled, deveined with tails off. The liquid from the shrimp combines with the butter to make the sauce. Delicious dinner!
  13. We could make Social Security and Medicare solvent for years to come if we raise the participation. Why should the poor and middle class fund it for everyone? You can bet the rich sign up as soon as they can.
  14. This all reminds me of the shortsightedness of Reagan, when he stalled progress in alternative energy in the eighties in favor of fossil fuels. We're going back thirty years, and that's ridiculous.
  15. Look at the progress that's been made in the last twenty years, my lord, putting a solar system in a new build costs as much as a conventional system. It's cheaper to install a system in an existing building. The problem is that there exist businesses trying to wring more profit, like leasing the system and tying into the grid. If I ever built a system, I'd never tie into the grid, because somehow they'll make you pay. And they are trying to restrict what you can do with your property, like no catchment systems, wind systems (although I can see restrictions on towers that can impact other properties), solar systems and tie ins to the grid, and no group systems because they term them a small utility. All this is to support profit generating utilities. The key word is profit of grid systems.
  16. Getting ready to cook some shrimp and grits. I cooked grits for breakfast.
  17. Couldn't pass this up...cannibals! http://themiamigazette.com/cannibals-arrested-florida-claim-eating-human-flesh-cures-diabetes-depression/
  18. Right! And the stupider the better because his base doesn't have critical thinking skills.
  19. Then the Republicans need to stop passing laws to undercut the ACA.
  20. Stabilize insurance markets = make sure insurance companies get the maximum profit
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