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Everything posted by LadySkinsFan

  1. I was going to say you but I didn't want to get banned for an ad hominem attack.
  2. I'll hazard a guess that Hillary is light years more intelligent than most of the population.
  3. So what that Griffin is holding a fake bloody Trump head. Get over it, just like Republicans told us to get over the Obama lynching and burning images.
  4. FBI isn't going to give away their investigation, it's ongoing. We, the public, won't know specifically what evidence they have until a trial, and even then only what's put into evidence. However, it doesn't take a major brain to figure out that giving back properties that were used by the Russians to spy on our security organizations is treason. Obama was entirely correct in seizing those properties.
  5. I guess that's why the Obama administration put all those sanctions against Russia to keep them in line. /sarcasm
  6. Boris is a natural for investigation. So should Giuliani, after all he boasted about something coming down against Clinton days before Comey letter. Also a bunch of FBI agents in the NY office, all of Rudy's buddies.
  7. Decided not to grill, not up to it after working my ass off all weekend, exhausted. Took some chicken out of the freezer that I previously prepared using ginger, garlic, fish sauce, soy sauce. Cooked up some udon noodles in chicken broth and threw in the chicken. Have enough left for later in the week. My neighbors went to the DQ and brought me back some chocolate ice cream that was delicious!
  8. Maybe the risks/benefits of surgery aren't being communicated correctly. Like, instead of prolonging life at any cost, the quality of life is emphasized. For example, when my brother had his heart attack, he coded twice in the ambulance on the way to a regional hospital. They brought him back to life and it was difficult to stabilize him. They told my SIL that she might have to make a decision that night, and she called me late that night. I asked her if they had ever talked about what to do and she said he said if he could be saved to do so. No written directive. He was stabilized and the next day flown to Richmond Critical Care Hospital. Basically, they didn't check his brain for activity and they did some medical procedures to prolong his life for 2 weeks. I knew he was dying after the first week because he was becoming jaundiced, but it was officially up to my SIL. Finally, we had a family meeting with SIL, her family, my nephew and I, and decided to end things. He officially died a few minutes later. My point: if we had had brain test results, we could have ended his suffering and ours a couple of weeks earlier. I'm not knocking the care and effort made by the doctors and nurses because there was no written advanced directive. After my stroke, I have a written advance directive with Do No Resusitate on it, I don't want my daughter to have to make that decision. I am pretty healthy otherwise, but fear another stroke that might leave me a vegetable with no way out. So if doctors could give a realistic prognosis instead of just going ahead and prolonging life at any cost, that would help some. BTW, love the new title!
  9. As medical technology progresses, many will be able to access telemedicine. He'll, it's already used on battlefields where feasible. Obviously, where hospitalization is necessary, people will be hospitalized. Profit and greed emphasized over human beings is the problem, and until profit is eliminated, costs will continue to rise.
  10. So, Republican death sentence for those who don't get treated. Republicans: Gee, too bad you have pneumonia, no hospitalization for complete treatment and those antibiotics cost to much for you to afford. You'll die early. Or Republicans: Gee, too bad you have a treatable cancer, but you can't afford the treatment.
  11. That's why profit needs to be taken out of healthcare. Then those companies won't have to worry about the bottom line and can concentrate on actual humans.
  12. I'm either going to grill a rib-eye or some mojo marinated chicken. Also slice up some potatoes and onions in foil. Maybe get an ear of corn.
  13. If they really want to put a fix on the ACA, put a ceiling on the premiums that insurance companies can charge and lower the deductible.
  14. His clearance needs to be pulled. If it were you or me, clearance pulled and fired.
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