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Everything posted by COWBOY-KILLA-

  1. Hope AGG gets it in gear. All hands on deck for such a weak position Group. Hope he gets on the field soon.
  2. @TrancesWithWolves @wit33 for sure Guys, I understand the context, the why’s, and how’s. Just saying that w/ an offense so devoid of game changing talent, I’d be pushing for this sooner rather than later. You can’t learn to swim if you don’t jump in the pool. Hoping they find the right balance for him to shine bright, ASAP, cuz we need it.
  3. I think we need to commit to AG, he needs a minimum of 15 touches a game imo. The whole gameplan seemed disjointed and lost, initially. Barber should not be getting 17 touches imo. Empower the kid and lets see what he has. McKissic is no CT. Let 24 get busy.
  4. The left side of the Oline didnt play very well Sunday. The Eagles have an awesome Dline, so I wasn't discouraged. But lots of work to do. Philly's Oline was way worse. On to AZ, they will get a chance to redeem themselves.
  5. Heaters getting it done by any means necessary. Adapt or die. Total team effort. Boston is realizing they no longer have our number, its a different team rn. Lets GO Heat....!! keep chopping.
  6. HEAT!!!!!! Exercising their celtic Demons in game 1!!! Everyone playing BIG down the stretch Herro, Dragic, Butler, Adebayo, Dragic. Super proud of the boys tonight. Destiny awaits, but what a start to the series!!!
  7. Chase was phenomenal. He’s a special talent. He’s gonna elevate everyone on that side of the ball.
  8. The Predator needs to Hunt today. Just how much can he change the game? A whole lotta hurt headed Wentz’ way, get it 99!!!!
  9. Dan is super lucky we are in an election year, during a once in a lifetime pandemic, mixed in with a massive racial justice movement. Otherwise I think he’d be as good a gone. They can still get it done but it’s just gotta be Louder.
  10. My Heat!!!! Proving they are just plain better than the Bucks. Finish them off bamn and then a very tough matchup awaits either way, but I like the way our boys are playing. Everything is in play right now.
  11. Are we really rolling with a two (Burgundy) tone uniform? The helmet is one shade and the jersey another? Hope they match that up no? It’s weird.
  12. Dan, just go man. It’s hasn’t worked. To Become a better man your first step is to sell the team. You’ve had your chance to change your ways, it’s time to leave. Please!
  13. I’m a sucker for all of it. Give me all of it. Very few movies are absolutely amazing, The Dark Knight, but I usually still enjoy them. Why so serious? Find those silver linings😉
  14. My call today is LT-Christian LG-Martin C-Roullier RG-Sherff RT-Moses They aren't going to fool anyone into calling them the hogs but I think they will good enough to get the job done. Any early injuries could change this toon real quick. I've always liked Christian and thought he played fine anytime he did. I think he has upside and could pleasantly surprise many, if he earns the job. Lately, I'm more concerned with Moses and what seems like a rapid decline, hope he turns that around.
  15. @stevemcqueen1 it would. But first things first. The Bucks are no joke. We don’t really match up great vs the Raptors but yes we can get that done too. Gotta keep grinding and preferably eliminate Indy quickly, if they do, we have a chance to do both, beat bucks and raptors. Gonna be tough though. No counting chickens for me, still gotta go earn it. If the shots keep falling, there is no reason we can’t. Heats D has dramatically improved with Late season additions of Crowder, Iggy, Solomon...we’ll see if we can keep it up.
  16. This no Home Court bubble in basketball is proving to be a bigger factor than many imagined I think. Plus these teams are good. Lakers can’t shoot to save their life. I don’t see them winning it all. I’d take the field easily. Lets Go Heat!!!! Bring home the W today!
  17. The Heat tomorrow!! We gonna Shock the World w/ a run to the finals, 🤞🏽. Gonna be fun. Luka es un monstro!
  18. Dan deserves some credit here. We are making an effort at real organizational change. Hopefully the newly formed management structure leads to a less toxic and more cohesive organization. It takes time, but if the new hires are ready for the task, this can all be very very good for us.
  19. This kid is is gonna play and play a ton. I’m excited for what he can bring to the table. If he can figure out how to create space/use his body he could be really fun to watch. I just like that he’s gonna get his chances.
  20. They don’t have the power to make him move, so this is more bluster. Maybe Dan tires of the process, who knows.
  21. Before we go cleaning other people’s houses we might wanna take care of our own house first! Worked in China for 5 years, I been inside the beast and seen it’s entrails. Amazing place. A world of endless possibilities if you know the right people. They like Cash. Human Rights are not a top priority there. VIP still exists there, miss that. The Govt does what it wants in every regard. It’s a system of total control, with some appearance, if you have money, of freedom. The people standing up to them would be the tipping point. Anything from outside or unnatural would not work there. Do not see that happening anytime soon there.
  22. Terry is Amazing. The space he creates against the best, in his first year, is not normal. He’s so tough too. You could tell he wants to be great, we are lucky to have him.
  23. Classy Preston..Classy. Sometimes it’s easier to take the low road, I guess. Pile on while you can.
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