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Everything posted by COWBOY-KILLA-

  1. @Mr. Sinister the virus is raging down here. My employee got sick yesterday and had to leave the warehouse and not finish his day. Body aches, exhaustion, fever, couldn’t get through 2 hours in the hot af warehouse. I had to come in to make sure our shipments went out. I wore a mask, gloves, and goggles, LysolEd the hell out of it and wipe down everything after letting it sit still for 15 min. Worked a few hours inside the HQ with the bay and doors open. Now I’m not feeling so great today, ugh. Hope it’s mental and not the virus. Fingers crossed. Smh.
  2. @No Excuses Thank you for sharing this really appreciate it. Very interesting. From what I’m understanding, and I am no scientist so please correct me if I’ve err’ed, I think my comment above is supported by this document. Although research in other coronavirus’ suggests it may be so, we still Do not know with any degree of certainty that will be the case with this particular Virus. TBD. “The duration and nature of immunity generated in response to SARS-CoV-2 infection is unknown.“ “Finally, we note that the best evidence for immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 will come from studies of the virus itself. Such studies are being performed and reported with unprecedented speed, but in the absence of firm evidence many are turning to the existing coronaviruses as a model. To that end we have produced this review to aid researchers in understanding the scope of the evidence for immune responses to these coronaviruses.“
  3. I don’t think full immunity is clear scientifically in anyway in regards to this virus. The whole thing is TBD. Maybe I’ve missed the news but I thought the whole thing is still up in the air. To argue That there is a clear answer yet for this virus is not supported by the data. If it has been reported I’d appreciate seeing it, because I’ve missed it. My understanding of what is out there is that we don’t know yet.
  4. @The Evil Genius @mistertim The number of Americans who have been infected with the novel coronavirus is likely 10 times higher than the number of cases reported, according to the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In a call with reporters Thursday, CDC Director Robert Redfield said, “Our best estimate right now is that for every case that’s reported, there actually are 10 other infections https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/06/25/coronavirus-live-updates-us/%3foutputType=amp I’ve also seen some who think it may be more. It’s minimum 10x the number infected. I’m by no means on the side of hey dont worry, but this number has been out there since the beginning. Either way it’s incredibly dangerous and by no means something I want to get.
  5. COVID-19 death tolls now rising in key states after weeks of decline nationwide https://apple.news/ARtq2ScmTRUmuUtexB74DzQ and Here we Go! Rumbling Mountain, pre Avalanche.
  6. @goskins10 I’d say your co-worker is correct. Bolsonaro is definitely worse than Trump vis-a-vis the Virus, and that is saying something. Whole swaths of underserviced areas/populations down there are at risk to being eliminated by the virus. Mass graves level event. A while ago they had stopped counting deaths, they are very similar but I think he takes the cake on racist, homophobic, psychopathic leaders. It’s a close race.
  7. Is there really no conversation going on within the board about the news and pressure building against the Skins and it's name? I'm sure there is a long history of contentious debates and a headache for the moderators but to not be talking about this anywhere on this board is idk, doesn't feel right.
  8. I have 0 patience or tolerance for Anyone who has been part of the problem with getting this thing under control. 0. Anyone saying they werent/aren’t wearing a mask, anyone saying we’ve done adequate testing, anyone saying anything remotely positive about the handling of this virus by the president or mostgopgoverners, anyone who talked junk about Fauci or any of the real science experts, Anyone advocating states rights and not a national attack plan vs the virus, Anyone looking to Fox News for answers, any and everyone living in denial hoping it would go away. YOU HAVE BEEN PART OF THE PROBLEM. I don’t want your opinion at this point. Save it. You want to hop on the reality train now, ok fine but just shut up and ride. Because you have 0 credibility in regards to this topic. 0. Im venting this because I have a “friend” in a Chat who is a Trump supporter, and has been pushing against this whole thing every step of the way. But now he wants to chime in and give his 2 cents. Brother Please GTFOH. I really want nothing to do with these people. And yes I told him to pound sand, lol. I can’t help it, I’m so mad we are at this point and we all have to suffer because of the the 30-40% (maybe less?lol) of Americans who are wholly ignorant/criminally stupid and have contributed to this mess. Not to mention all the other deaths that are coming and inching closer to our inner circles. My family wants its life back and you schmucks have made that all the more difficult for the foreseeable future. So kick rocks. Lol. Sorry, had to get this off my chest.
  9. @mistertim Yes. It is definitely a major factor and supposedly its going on in most Red States. But here it's that, on top of an outlandish Governor, flaunting his successes about a month ago on how they've crushed it. And now, blaming mostly hispanic migrant workers as the cause of the uptick is just more deflecting accountability and pure irresponsibility. Presumptuous and petulant don't begin to describe him. The deceit in exchange for the hope of getting back to normal is just...as I've said about these people from the beginning is, Criminal.
  10. The Florida news is super disappointing and unsurprising. What do you think is gonna happen when leaders and thereby their people pretend the pandemic is not happening. De Santis is a moron Trump bootlicker. With ICU beds at 75% occupied as we speak, within this next 4-6weeks we could be completely spinning out of control and then wonder what has happened. The way we are headed, we as a country may have multiple NYC situations across the country. I'm so disappointed in those that thought they knew better, its despicable. There should be criminal repercussions for their ignorance and negligence.
  11. Loved Upload. It’s fun, easy, and lighthearted. @Die Hard
  12. Not a movie but Vikings has me hooked. It’s a historical fiction, very well done.
  13. The only way I see we shut down again is if another NY situation sprouts up, which is very possible. And even in that case I think it would be only that state, and maybe it’s surrounding states. Otherwise these guys are full steam ahead with pretending this thing is NOT a thing. They’ve got a large swath of people out there saying Covid is over, it’s no biggie. Eventually this tune may change if enough people get sick, hospitalized, or die. But until then they will continue to obfuscate and deny deny deny.
  14. nothing concrete from what I’ve seen. That’s the hope. But there is evidence of people getting it again, maybe it never left? I think they are still trying to figure this out. Still lots we don’t know.
  15. The whole Police Business should be reviewed from A to Z. Step one is admit there is a problem with law enforcement in this country. Demilitarize our police forces. Create panels of advisors in every city to review how they are hired, trained, reviewed. Create new standards, guidelines, and expectations. Remove any and all tactics that have resulted in death. Remove any officer with 3 or more verifiable complaints of excessive violent behavior. Emphasize deescalation and compassion. Remove all barriers that Unions have set for review, punishment, and removal of bad officers from the force. Remove the forfeiture clause where police can take your money, and is used to buy extra hardcore military gear for the force, And is inherently theft. Institute Extensive physiological testing pre employment and during employment. Continual mental health reviews of each officer regardless of their time on the force. If something develops help them by getting them the medicine and counseling help they need in order to stay employed. Reward Officers/precincts with bonuses where they generate better outcomes. Actually prosecute officers who violate the rules. Limit the use of when and how they can use guns. There is a whole host of things we can and should do ASAP, to get better outcomes than we are getting. With as much money and these police forces receive we should be getting more efficacy than we are. Kinda reminds me of healthcare in this country. We spend more than anybody and still get ****ty outcomes, that has to change.
  16. @AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy Many of my friends are totally over the virus. They don’t see the danger or care about the outlier cases affecting all ages and even the healthy. It’s not enough to give them pause anymore. I’m pretty certain this is happening all over the country and it’s a reminder, for me at least, to hold firm And keep riding this out. My wife is kinda leaning the way of let’s get on with our lives also, wanting to link up with her pregnant sister and husband who live in New Orleans, at her parents house in Tampa. Its put me in the position of being “the alarmist“ and suggest, I don’t think it’s worth it man. We have two young kids, who’ve been cooped up for what seems like an eternity. So I get it. 80% of deaths are 65 and older, so I get it. A quick review of what’s happening with Covid yesterday produced the headline of 8yr old girl dies from corona. For me, that gives me pause, enough to bypass an unnecessary meeting of people (1 pregnant) from 3 different cities in one house interacting like it’s all good. This thing has put a strain on everyone, and I don’t blame anyone for however they want to handle it. But man it’s tough.
  17. The two day data in FL is concerning to say the least. Most cases To date back to back days, is No Bueno.
  18. Fangio is Out of touch. I understand what he’s trying to get at. But all you need to do is Check the coaching ranks, the executive ranks, the ownership ranks. If these teams exist in society and racism is a societal problem....we’ll Vic, you got a problem too. When the the makeup of your workforce/team is 70-80% African American to Not address what is going on in the country right now would be a mistake. I think it was right to participate in the blackout, 100%.
  19. Anonymous has a role and has been effective at points, but in the end they are a bunch of nerd keyboard warriors (no offense to the nerds out there, I'm one) so our expectations have to be tempered I think. lol
  20. Or Shooting at them or throwing them to the ground, or spraying pepper spray in their face. All people for that matter.
  21. The way the police are going about their business all over the country I don't think anyone will forget this, I know I won't. I know it's a tough spot to be in, but its shameless and rather despicable.
  22. Anyone know where the vid of the person/cop posing as a protester that says he’s with cnn, in an unmarked truck, filled with what looks like cops is? It was here yesterday and I can’t find it. Thank you in advance..
  23. So to sum up some of the stuff that is out there. 1. There are real protestors with real pain with a real case to be made for fundamental systemic change regarding black/brown people and the police/justice system. 2. There is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that some of the more violent or unruly protestors are part of a larger organized group, traveling into protest areas and coordinating chaos around the country. Reports in KY of buses bringing them in/and in Dallas providing piles of bricks and info on police presence. a. some of these protesters may be Antifa or Anarchists or black bloc or some other left leaning group. They want to tear the system down.Attending Riot season. very possible. b. some of these protesters may have been deployed by the government? Several fotos and videos shared up top of potential law enforcement involvement in order to stoke division and continue muddying the waters of the whole intent of the protests. Change. Justice. We've employed these tactics throughout the world over the years. very possible. c. some of these protestors may come from the group of real protestors who have an actual beef and are acting out. very possible. d. Russian involvement too? haven't seen anything, but we know their online. They organized and set up rallys and protests in the US from over there in 2016. less possible. 3. We've seen instances of Police lashing out at Civilians, throughout these protests. Losing their cool or acting out in malicious ways. The very reason why these protest sprouted. Mostly have remained levelheaded but the blemishes just stand out much more especially with video. Pushing that girl down in NY, and KO'ing the lady in Baltimore aren't good looks. 4. And now Trump is preparing the army to be ready to go to Minnesota, and probably everywhere else they feel it's needed to regain control, law, order. happy Saturday, stay safe out there peeps.
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