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Everything posted by COWBOY-KILLA-

  1. @purbeast It’s not a great system, imo, for the end users. Sony and Microsoft know its happening and just sit there. I’m pretty sure the retailers are not sitting on piles of systems. It’s the makers that curtail supply, to build demand. The gougers are just taking advantage of a system the brands set up. It all Seems pretty stupid. After being out of the gaming world for about 6-7 years I see the issues have only gotten worse. Just make them available and sell the hell out them.
  2. This Initial distribution system the consoles makers have set up is stupid. There are hundreds to thousands available online for double the price or more. Like, is that what they want? Thousands of people sitting home wanting to buy it and unable to, it’s nonsensical. Frustrated, lol.
  3. Well if you happen to come up on another one I’ll buy it from you man..
  4. I’ll buy it from you @spjunkies! this race to purchase online is for the birds...will pay extra but not eBay extra, lol.
  5. Same story for me, no dice for now..I’ll keep at it..I think it’s all about that first refresh. It’s gotta be on the money as it hits the time. Also should be all in your cart already. Either way, it’s bonkers. Sold out in 1 min per now in stock.Lol
  6. If we know what we know now about DH, yes of course you take one of the QB's, whichever is your preference. Herbert would probably be the choice just given his smarts, size, and athleticism. And none of this is a knock on Chase. Chase is already fantastic and one of, if not, our best defender. He's gonna be great.
  7. LOL. Yes for sure, you are correct. It's not at all a consideration to not be a Skins fan...... it's just an expression of my exasperation. It's a hard sell to my kids at this point, they're both like: dad our team sucks. LOL.. I preach patience and sticking to it...It'll turn eventually.
  8. It’s ridiculous to think that Gibson wasn’t out there more during our hurry up offense. He barely played in the second half. It’s not like he was a WR in college or anything. Wtf! This team man, really tough to root for sometimes.
  9. I don't think we are really disagreeing on anything really. When I was talking about a balanced approach I didn't mean we needed a balance budget and I'm not some hardline deficit hawk either. I just mean the default answer to big proposals cannot always be well tax the wealthy. I'm a firm believer, as it seems you are as well, that there should not be any company not paying taxes, especially with the size of some of these companies, it just should not happen ever. So there is money there. There is also money in defense and a whole host of other areas. You are saying hey man "we can find the money to pay for it, without negatively affecting most people." And I agree. It brings us back to her and the GND, she has to rework the plan, because as it stands, it doesn't have balance. And it seems like there isn't enough support on either side for it's current iteration. Will she be open to working it out? Remains to be seen.
  10. I’m not against that idea, but imo it needs to be a balanced approach. You can’t just have the ultra wealthy pay for it all. And there are lots of people that don’t make as much as the wealthy who are also against that idea. It’s both a perception and practicality problem, it terms of paying for it all. And really that’s just one piece that’s an issue, big piece, but only 1. Imo within the party they need to keep working the plan, make it more reasonable and palatable for everyone affected, which is everyone. Then present it. As constituted it’s DOA, both with the public and the party. My problem is the hardliner approach and tone. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Be more malleable.
  11. The ideas are all great and make sense. But we gotta remember. 1. Someone has to pay for 2. Getting To the goals is completely different story. Given the current political climate, it is unrealistic. The suggestion that higher earners are going to have to pay 60-70% in taxes is unrealistic, as was suggested in her 60 min interview. All I’m saying is that, it’s not the type of policy that you can just ram through, if you really want it to succeed. You gonna need buy in from the other side on lots and lots of issues. Too many people and industries are affected for it not to be throughly fleshed out and negotiated by both sides. Imo.
  12. You don’t have to abolish private insurance by having M4A. There is a system already in place where Medicare and Medicaid is utilized through the insurance company’s networks. They basically manage the care. Today if you have Medicare you have the choice to utilize it through say United. Same with Medicaid. You can have a hybrid model of M4A and still cut in Insurance companies and encourage incentivize them financially for better outcomes for their patients.
  13. I think she and the left wing of the Democratic Party need to be a little more self aware and situationally aware. The green new deal is wholly unrealistic as written. Go back into it and make it more palatable and reasonable. Medicare for all has support from mostly everyone when and after they see it enacted but not in the lead up to it. MFA will work when they control the house and senate, not before. Defund the police is a term that should not be coming out of anyone’s mouth on the left. Like ever. Get everyone in the same page and lose the phrase, or you are gonna lose elections, it shouldn’t be said by anyone ever on the left. Police reform. It’s not that tough. She’s being defensive about being the reason some of these candidates lost. She isn’t wrong in saying there is more to it than that. But she needs to acknowledge it doesn’t help. Be a little more reasonable with the realities around you, and adjust where necessary. I give her tons of credit for carving out a space that was not being utilized on the left, but take a deep breath and work within the system to get as much of what you can done for your constituents.
  14. The term defund the police should disappear. It’s terrible. Police Reform works. I’m sure there are others.
  15. 👌🏾Ok bud. LOL. I’m sure Ron and the staff will back your claim up pronto..
  16. @OVCChairman no one said don’t use, use him often! I was replying to the suggestion that #41 was our best RB. It’s silly.
  17. Physically its not even a little close. Being the “best” mentally is great and yes the nod would go to McKissic today, granted he’s a vet. But when you are so talent poor on the offensive side of the ball and your drives have to be 10-15 plays long, someone with AG’a ability should be fed, and fed very well, imo.
  18. McKissic has been solid and a nice change of pace but to say he’s is the best back on the roster is a huge overstatement imo. To me it’s not very close as to who is the best back on the roster. AG is superior both physically and statistically, in almost every way.
  19. @Llevron @OVCChairman For sure guys, I totally get it the reasoning for the slower development and “no rush” mentality of easing him in. He’s a huge threat with the ball in his and I think the more you play him the better the offense will run. I also think it will give The D less clues to what we are gonna do as opposed to having Barber or McKissic In there. I’m sure as we go, he’ll get more and more. At least I hope🤞🏽
  20. Bottom line he’s our 2nd best offensive weapon. Put him in the action, imo.
  21. If you give the kid touches he is going to produce. That much is very clear. Still think he’s totally underutilized. He should have 17-20 rushes and at least 3-5 targets each game imo.
  22. Wow!!!! what a game. instant classic. HOLY COW..
  23. @TryTheBeal! my Fam sends their condolences To your friends and family man. I can’t imagine how tough that is. 🙏🏽
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