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Everything posted by TheGoodBits

  1. More like 0-2 great, 2-4 decent but probably needed a slightly higher dose.
  2. You’re absolutely wrong. But that’s understandable, because you are basing your opinion on what has been reported, which in incomplete information. It’s not public yet because Pfizer still hasn’t actually submitted the data into public record. I’m probably going to get a little too much into the weeds here, but I want you to understand what and how they are measuring. There are two ways during this trial they are analyzing efficacy. The first is comparing clinical results of vaccinated vs control subjects. This won’t work for kids for a few reasons. Due to sample size and limited numbers of severe outcomes for kids to begin with, if you are comparing hospitalization/death rates between vaccine group and placebo (n=1000), it’s fairly likely the number for each is zero or close to it. Case count between the groups is also fairly irrelevant in the omicron era as we know there are high levels of infection even among vaccinated and boosted people. So with the aforementioned limitations, how do they measure efficacy? They take blood draws to measure level of antibodies. In a vaccine trial, antibody response should be present in the vast majority of patients who got the shot. Near universal. As a result, pharmaceutical companies have a VERY high threshold to submit to the FDA. Pfizer was looking to see 98% of their vaccine group (6mo-4.99yr) demonstrate a sufficient level of antibodies in the blood following their second dose. Please note that there are a WIDE range of ages and weights being analyzed. They didn’t get 98%. They got 90%. 90% of kids who got the shot in the trial showed sufficient levels of blood antibodies. Now that’s not perfect, but it’s also not bad. The reason for this seems to be they simply miscalculated the dose required for the older/bigger kids in the trial. Maybe 4 year olds should have used the same dose as 5+. Maybe 3 year olds too, not sure. They base the doses for the trials on a VERY small number of phase one trial patients. There was just some data missed. The third dose is their way to accelerate the process for approval rather than restart on a different dose. But to be clear: there absolutely is clear clinical data suggesting the two dose vaccine has a benefit in the vast majority of kids in the category. Combined with the complete lack of severe side effects, and moving forward with it while the third dose is pending review SHOULD be a no brainer. The reasons not to are trivial and misguided, and the messaging around this has been horrific. This should have been submitted and approved back in December like the original plan was.
  3. Wrong. It’s works fine, just not *as good* as they wanted. Their rationale for not submitting is that it wasn’t urgent. Which millions of parents might disagree with. The FDA disagrees too, they were the ones pushing Pfizer to submit for an EUA. From our trial: “I wanted to reach out again to confirm the recent news that Pfizer is in fact NOT applying for Emergency Use Authorization at this time. Due to the recent decrease in COVID cases due to omicron running its course, the FDA decided to postpone their request to review Pfizer’s application for Emergency use approval for two doses of what is expected to be a three dose series, as they feel the sense of urgency has changed. As of now, I don’t know when they plan to revisit this discussion of EUA approval—the only information I received in my meeting with Pfizer today was that this would be revisited once the necessary data from the third study dose was received. Seeing as we started administering third study doses a couple weeks ago, it could be as soon as early April as today’s press statement conveyed, however this timeline has not been relayed to me directly.” Edit- I stopped raging long enough to read the email again and it sounds like FDA canceled their request. Which I mean good lord stop flip flopping on this.
  4. The nfl and owners blatantly colluded to keep salaries low in the uncapped year. And penalized Snyder for not playing along with the “spirit” of their collusion. He had a gun to their head and decided not to pull the trigger.
  5. Ah yes the White Collar Defense practice lead retained by Dan Snyder will definitely get to the bottom of this! How stupid does this guy think we are?
  6. This is going to take some getting used to. But not as long as having the football team I grew up with called the ****ing Commies.
  7. I’ve got a 2 and 4 year old in the Pfizer trial. Our research coordinator indicated Pfizer was hoping that 98% of their test subjects displayed a robust immune response. In the 2-4yr range, it was “only” 90%. With zero serious side effects. They undershot the dose for 2-4 *very slightly*. There’s strong evidence supporting the approval of the two dose while the third dose is being tested.
  8. Serious question… how good is Russell Wilson at this point? Is he an upgrade over Heinicke? Certainly, no question. But is his performance advantage worth multiple first round picks? He’ll turn 34 next season. Is he a good enough quarterback and is the team good enough that you feel like adding him this offseason gives us a legit shot to win a Super Bowl in the next two years? If the answer isn’t a resounding “yes” then I don’t think you can justify pulling the trigger on it. Not that the price Seattle is going to require.
  9. This feels like more of an end and new beginning to me than it was when they changed it to WFT. I guess because it’s permanent now. Also it seems silly to me that I feel this way, but I honestly don’t know if I’m going to feel the same level of connection to the team.
  10. It’s insane how much the QB balance of power has shifted to the AFC. Mahomes, Allen, Burrow, and Herbert are all top 5 QBs, all are under 26, and all in the AFC. Plus Rodgers may end up with Denver. That would leave the NFC with… Stafford, Wilson, Kyler, and Dak as the best? Those guys are good but not even close to the same class.
  11. Did Girl Scouts invent these cookies as a nice way to raise funds? Or did a cookie manufacturer invent the Girl Scouts to take advantage of free child labor?
  12. OGD114 and WT101 are both frequently found on my shelf. Haven’t tried Wee Beastie yet because up until recently there was only a $5 difference between it and Lagavulin 8. With that difference increasing to $15, it might be my next buy.
  13. Agree. Lagavulin 8 is my go to “budget” Islay bottle but it’s even $60 now. Sigh… I drink a lot more bourbon these days and have been exploring some different value bottles.
  14. Yeah I saw it was on sale this month but was still shocked at the price. It was literally $80 or $85 a year ago and I got it on sale for $70. No idea when its price increased by 50% but I’m unhappy about it. It had been on my list to rebuy. Definitely by favorite Ardbeg expression.
  15. Why the hell is Ardbeg Corryvrecken $120 now? Only had it once, about a year ago, and it was $70. Had been planning to purchase it again but that’s way up outside the range I can justify.
  16. This has become one of my favorite Christmas traditions.
  17. Anybody could have predicted it before the season when he publicly refused to get vaccinated. This was the exact scenario many feared, with a huge outbreak among the team for critical games. Awful. Stupid. Selfish. If Sweat was indeed the source of this outbreak, I wouldn’t mind trading him in the offseason. His contract and our DL depth likely makes his departure inevitable anyway.
  18. Hey, like I said, I get it. I’m absolutely an environmentalist and always want to protect wild places and save animals. Except mosquitos. And grizzly bears. Example: they come into towns where people are, break into tents where people live, and eat them. https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/7876799002 Worth pointing out my comments are slightly tongue in cheek, but my serious opinion is that there are/will be consequences to allowing the grizzly population to recover *too much* and expand back into populated areas. No issue with keeping their range and count to approximately where it is now.
  19. I’m normally in the camp of “as long as it’s managed responsibly” but in the case of grizzly bears I make an exception. They’re giant assholes, have been known to eat people, and I have no issues constraining their further spread to limit the amount of interactions they have with humans in the future.
  20. Youngest kids (2.5 and 4) got their second mystery shots in a Pfizer expanded safety study on Monday. 2/3 chance vaccine and 1/3 placebo. My 5 year had a pretty notable reaction the day after, feeling tired/sore as is typical of the second dose. So we were pretty hopeful we’d know for sure if the younger ones got theirs. Result? 2.5 year old *definitely* got the vaccine. He felt like crap yesterday. 4 year old seemed totally fine, but was running a low grade 99-100 fever for most of the day. We can’t be positive about her, but thinking the fever means it’s more likely than not that she got the vaccine as well. So it’s possible we have all three of our kids fully vaccinated now!
  21. Just noticed that we’ll have (at least) three straight games against opponents with extended rest. Vegas played on Thanksgiving day and we played on Monday night so they had four extra days. Dallas played on Thursday and will have three extra days. After that we have Philadelphia coming off a bye. Really got screwed by the schedule makers. edit- I expect Dallas to win. They’ve got some good playmakers on defense and a few good weapons on offense. Washington can still make a run down the stretch but I don’t expect a win in this particular game. Dallas 24 WFT 16
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