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Everything posted by TheGoodBits

  1. Doesn't really matter whether it’s a month or the year, our season is determined by Heinicke’s success now.
  2. Rookies looking like rookies. Cosmi abused by Bosa. St Juste has two missed tackles so far.
  3. There’s a lot that would have to go right for us to legitimately be back in contention even by 2023. Lot of prospects that all have to develop and perform at a high level. I don’t see a path there right now, but that’s because there is a lot that has to happen. Lot of guys that need to turn into stars for us. Lot of free agent signings that have to happen. Premium free agents generally don’t sign with rebuilding teams. Until we prove to the league that we’re ready to contend, we’ll be stuck with cheap second tier guys. So it’s not as simple as just having a good offseason to plug a few holes.
  4. Dallas looked good enough in the passing game to expect them to be in the conversation in December. Tough to say how much of this was because of Tampa’s run defense, but the Cowboys were completely one dimensional on offense. No run game to speak of. Dak can throw for 400+ yards every game but if they don’t run it and control the ball, they’re just going to get into a constant series of shootouts every game. Which btw is exactly what they were doing last year before Dak got hurt (and they had a losing record with him as a starter, fwiw). Their schedule is probably easy enough this year for them to go 10-7 ish with a top 5 offense and bottom 5 defense. Thats our number to beat imo and it’ll probably come down to the two games we play against them in the last 5 weeks of the season.
  5. Dak got tackled around the ankles in two consecutive plays. I’d have been having a heart attack if I was a Dallas fan.
  6. It’s a particularly interesting question given the precedent Brady and Stafford have set, and the fact that Rodgers is likely to depart GB after this year… he should be able to pick his destination.
  7. Not remotely likely based on his contract and dead cap.
  8. It looks like it will most likely come down to head to head match ups with Miami to determine 5th or 6th.
  9. What an incredible picture…
  10. Republicans are trying desperately to purge democrats from voter rolls faster than their own voters are purging themselves.
  11. Evening map is not too much different for the area I’m (selfishly) concerned about with my brother’s house in jeopardy. Fire advanced to 50 right across from N Upper Truckee and the firefighters prevented spread beyond that today. I don’t know much much burned immediately across from his neighborhood or how much is still burning. But the fire seemed to make a serious run at them and was repelled, at least for the moment. I’m cautiously optimistic at this point.
  12. Just had a tornado warning near me too. Charlottesville area. Radar indicated rotation.
  13. Wow. I’d forgotten about him. Important to remember that not all prospects develop quickly. Athletes don’t hit their peak performance until their mid to late 20s, and everything that happens before then is just part of their development process. And that development is not always uniform and linear.
  14. Nothing to do with Stevenson. Thomas had beat Robles out for starting CF and they want to make sure Robles gets regular ABs.
  15. I don’t think a booster has to go through an fda approval process like the initial dose did. I’m considering getting a booster ahead of a possible travel requirement in October, just to reduce the chance I transmit it to my kids.
  16. Could be to Heavenly/Stateline by the end of the day at this rate… My brother’s place is hanging in there. Barely. Flames directly across 50 from his neighborhood, and winds pushing toward them.
  17. That happened quick… fire still pushing east. Winds out of the southwest, set to shift to more out of the south tonight and tomorrow. Honestly there’s a fairly likely scenario right now where the whole eastern side of Lake Tahoe burns.
  18. Evacuation order for South Lake Tahoe is in. Along with about 1/3 of the entire shoreline of the lake. and more bad news…
  19. Oh my goodness it made a run through Desolation Wilderness last night. I was extremely skeptical that was possible… trees are kind of sparse there. Some low vegetation, but still, shocking. It’s knocking on the door of SLT, which is shockingly not under mandatory evacuation yet. My brother’s place is off Upper Truckee, noted in the second tweet here. Probably only a bit over a mile from the fire now, and I honestly don’t see how the firefighters can stop it before then. Thankfully they’re out of there and safe. Found a cheap hotel in Carson City that allows pets.
  20. Annddd they’re under mandatory evacuation. ****. That happened fast.
  21. Correction: anticipating an evacuation *warning today, not order. Text from him just now: “Yeah it’s not good, yesterday was supposed to be a chill day where they could get ahead, and they lost it in strawberry. Sierra will probably burn, hoping it stays more SE between Kirkwood and Sierra.”
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