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Everything posted by TheGoodBits

  1. I like Heinicke but this is what I feared when he got extended playing time. Defenses have adjusted to his strengths and are exploiting his weaknesses. He simply doesn’t have the arm to make NFL caliber intermediate passes. Significantly limits what Scott Turner is able to call and makes us a predictable offense with dunk and dunk passes. He’s dialed up a few shots too (Heinicke has been ok at floating a deep pass) but the last few games he’s been missing those badly too.
  2. FYI for folks with kids under 5: Pfizer’s ceo has stated publicly on several occasions that the 6mo-5yr group is running about a month behind the 5+ group, which *should* result in an early December EUA. However… I got a call from our pediatrician office’s clinical research team this afternoon. We had been on a waitlist awhile back for the pfizer clinical trial and didn’t make the initial cut. But they are apparently still enrolling for the 6mo-5yr group. FDA asked for a broader study with more participants and Pfizer has apparently yet to deliver that. My speculation: It’s possible the FDA proceeds with an EUA with the current dataset in December. But given they are still enrolling participants, I went ahead and scheduled my 4 and 2 year old for an appointment at the end of October. They’ll get an initial blood draw and their first dose, then their second dose three weeks later. There’s a 2/3 chance that it will be the vaccine and 1/3 placebo. If an EUA happens during the trial period, they’ll un-blind the trial participants and the placebo group will get the actual shot.
  3. Dan’s not moving the team guys. He’s a fan first. It makes him a crappy owner in many ways but he’s a fan. Although I’ve gotta say, the scenario where he relocated to San Diego or whatever and Washington got an expansion team would be perfect to me. We keep the memories from the 80s and 90s, pretend the last 30 years didn’t happen, and start fresh with a new franchise that is devoid of the lingering stench of the current one.
  4. I joined this forum after the 2007 season to express my opinions about the coaching search. That was a critical period for the franchise. The team had made the playoff for 2 out of the last 3 years but wasn’t quite a contender yet. They’d also pulled off a miracle playoff run after Sean Taylor’s death. And suddenly their coach was gone. Continuity seemed to be the right approach. Let Gregg Williams ascend to the HC spot and keep growing. Hiring Zorn obviously turned out to be a disaster. Not the first disaster under Snyder but arguably the biggest, at the most crucial juncture. A fanbase can only be given hope and have it ripped away so many times before apathy sets in. Since then we’ve tried hiring literal Hall of Fame coaches, highly respected coaches, we’ve drafted first round QBs, hell we’ve even been given the insane optimism that came from 2012. Only to have it snatched away so quickly the following year. Those are BRUTAL ups and downs. Absolutely brutal. I was so beaten down that I literally wasn’t excited at all about the next rookie QB we drafted (Haskins). From the minute we selected him he was just the next bust QB to me. Last year I reluctantly came back around to the team. They were implementing a tried and true formula for success by investing in a dominant defense and it was starting to show in the results. They sucked me back in. I was optimistic for the first time in years. And look where we are now. Thankfully, it’s easy for me to emotionally divest. I don’t get upset when they lose anymore, or when they suck. Life’s too short to tie your mental well-being to the Washington football franchise. All this to say, i was once an extremely loyal, dedicated fan. I still follow this damn team every year. But I don’t care that much anymore. I haven’t bought gear in years. You’d have to pay me to go to a game at fedex. And now that the season is lost, again, I’m going to allow myself to find other things to do on Sunday afternoons. Not saying I won’t watch at all, just that I won’t let the games dictate my weekend schedule. I’m free again, perfectly apathetic and happy to be free of the clutches of this crappy team for another year.
  5. The scientific advancements that have occurred during this pandemic will prevent or mitigate the severity of many future pandemics. https://www.cvilletomorrow.org/articles/scientists-at-uva-believe-they-have-found-the-key-to-creating-a-universal-coronavirus-vaccine/?mc_cid=605524fb37&mc_eid=909a4b1f5d&fbclid=IwAR1ZoVZ-b5OuglVH-Gawr3Hzssn1RK8LGeIxn_2Mgw2EQgXSNa9qzboNrIg
  6. I know, I thanked you for sharing this info yesterday lol It actually makes a lot more sense with the timelines… she likely contracted it from her son very early in his illness, her J&J shot kicked covid’s ass, and that’s why the rapid test was negative and the PCR came back positive. Despite that positive, we’re assuming she was likely not contagious.
  7. Marlins won! Nats retake the 5th draft position by a half game. Really coming down to the wire.
  8. These were helpful posts. Thanks guys.
  9. My kids are good. Mother in law has not been here since her son tested positive over two weeks ago. However it was literally just us being hard asses and making her get a PCR test that prevented exposure. Had she come back on Monday after her negative (non-PCR) test from Friday, the kids probably would have contracted it.
  10. Little case study in COVID spread. My mother in law’s 10yr old became symptomatic and tested positive on 9/14. She (vaccinated) and her husband (not vaccinated) isolated in their own house and kept their son in his room throughout the quarantine period. They went to the doctor and got his tested on 9/24. She got a test too, both came back negative. Since my mother in law watches our kids and she didn’t get a more reliable PCR test on Friday, we asked her to get a PCR test before returning. She tested 9/27, 13 days after her son became symptomatic, and it came back positive. She is asymptomatic at this point, but we’re worried about her husband again since they ceased isolation once their negative tests came back on Friday.
  11. Marlins have dropped 7 straight, including both in their doubleheader yesterday against the Mets. And both in extras. They’ve retaken a half game lead on the Nats for the 5th draft position.
  12. That would be nice. Given our offensive output the last few months, part of me does wonder how much we could turn around our pitching staff in one offseason. I think a LOT depends on what the outlook for Strasburg is in 2022 and beyond. And Corbin remembering he can pitch.
  13. Pfizer CFO said the 6mo-5yr group is approx a month behind. So we’re looking at late Oct for 5+ and late Nov ish for the younger group.
  14. Heinicke will move the ball and score on anyone, until someone proves otherwise. Allen will get right against our horrific secondary. Bills are better, therefore they will win. Bills- 37 WFT- 31
  15. Only four games behind the Pirates for 4th draft position now. Gaining on them rapidly. 👀
  16. Forgot to update this thread but my brother returned home earlier this week after a little over a week evacuated. Incredible effort by those battling the Caldor Fire to protect structures in and around South Lake Tahoe.
  17. I’m not in full panic mode just yet. If you recall, our defense started last year pretty mediocre and came on about halfway through the season as some early personnel issues got sorted out. JDR and Rivera have been around awhile and coached defenses at the highest level. We’ve got the experience and personnel to sort this out. That said, through week 2, our defense has been a huge liability. Guys have been wide open on critical obvious passing downs. Needs to improve ASAP going into the toughest stretch of our season.
  18. **** it, I’m going to believe. 38-13 Washington. Heinicke comes out on fire and we score TDs on our first two possessions. No question about it, I am ready to get hurt again.
  19. Well. Took a week of my wife’s 10 year old half brother being in school. His conservative parents decided to send him to an evangelical Christian school this year just outside Falwelltown USA. Masks optional. He had a fever this morning and tested positive on an at-home rapid test. Going to get a PCR test now. His mother (wife’s mom) is vaccinated. Her husband is not. Not sure what the likelihood of a healthy 50 year old ending up hospitalized at this point with delta, but I reckon we’re about to find out.
  20. To answer the thread title, not the way they’ve done it. It’s 18mo since the pandemic started. You’d think by this school year they would have had a stockpile of rapid tests in every school to do onsite testing if a student has any cold like symptoms. Nope. Non-existent. We bought a couple Abbott tests to quickly identify a positive case if our kids had any symptoms. Did one for my son the other day after he was a little sniffly. It was negative. Did the right thing this morning and held him out of school because he still had a little cough. And they immediately send me a form back that his doctor is supposed to fill out upon return of a negative test. So I had to drop everything at work this afternoon and take him in to be tested, now we’ve got to wait 24-48 hours for the test result before we can send him back to school. Keep in mind we got a negative home test yesterday. Worst thing: next time he has the sniffles, whether it’s allergies or a cold, we’ve gotta go through this whole thing again. Call out of work, take him to be tested, wait two days… Repeat forever under they roll out the goddamn vaccine for him. So annoying.
  21. All of this. The offense runs so much smoother with TH at QB. We legitimately have not seen this level of efficiency since Cousins was throwing passes in McVay’s offense. This doesn’t mean he’s a long term answer at QB. It doesn’t mean that he’s still not an injury risk based on his size. It doesn’t mean his arm is suddenly strong enough to be a top QB in the league. But he’s our QB and he’s looked damn good every time he’s played for us. I don’t get the hate…
  22. Doesn't really matter whether it’s a month or the year, our season is determined by Heinicke’s success now.
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