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Everything posted by Springfield

  1. What’s Shesry doing up with Ovie? I knew he was playing well, but... that well? Where’s Willy at?
  2. It’s funny seeing the same people who believe “taxation is theft” refusing to give taxpayers their money back.
  3. Every single stock I watch was blood red today except for GME and BB barely along with VIX and YANG. I think the market is getting ready to tank.
  4. The squozening Also AMC, BB, BBBY, NOK Might be time to yolo again famz
  5. It **** all over my Monday evening. Only think you can hope is that it turns around tomorrow. it’s very possible. People seem to think we are entering a global downturn so that would certainly hurt China’s market.
  6. We are doing Kindergarten at home this year with hopes our kids can go to school full time next school year. If they can’t then the whole thing is ****ed.
  7. I’d be suspicious of investing in an ETF that has done nothing but drop over the last year. If it drops low enough and they’ll just reverse split it. China, and all the other globals, will eventually turn bear. Timing it is nearly impossible though.
  8. FYI, it's believed that CCIV and Lucid will announce their merger on Tuesday. This week should be interesting.
  9. I go 4 times a week plus hockey once a week (will be twice a week again next season) do one push day, one pull day and two leg days. Cardio (treadmill or stair stepper) every time I’m at the gym.
  10. There's the goalie to argue my point! John Carlson, defensive MVP.
  11. I’ll wait until we finalize but at first glance, comparing to taxes before this plan, my taxable income increased by about 20% under Trump’s plan. The only thing that saved us last year was that we could deduct preschool costs. This year, they had preschool for 2 Months before everything shut down.
  12. If you have a good defense in front of you, it makes the goalies look better than they actually are.
  13. So I'm doing my taxes right now. First time I'm ever going to owe money to the government in my 20+ years of doing taxes. Exactly nothing has changed at all for me as far as my withholdings go over the last 5 years. I (and we as a household) made less money last year than I did the year before. Looks like I'm going to owe THOUSANDS of dollars to the fed. Thanks a ****ing lot Donald Trump and all you other republican assholes.
  14. I hate that this thread is now just another politics thread in the tailgate. Don’t bother arguing the point, you’re not going to change my mind. It was much better when we could talk nerdy things like QPF and rates and Miller B’s without having to wade through copy pastes of Ted Cruz Twitter links. Whatever, I guess that’s what the tailgate is at this point.
  15. That isn’t good. So naturally I’ll ignore it until it comes to fruition. Also, I’m banking on my immunized ass to just skate right on by. I got a business to get back to pre-Covid levels and vacations to go on and new babies to have (at least my wife). Basically, I got a life to live. I’m over Covid. Naturally, this is way of thinking is probably pretty prevalent at this point and of course how the pandemic endures.
  16. Well, one good thing has come of this. The memes, of course.
  17. Im holding all my CCIV shares until after a deal is announced and then I’ll probably continue to hold unless it falls. I don’t expect the shares to fall at all until after Lucid is public though. I’m holding a 2/19 option and 3/19 option, both of which are OTM. Those are just gambles with HUGE upside. All of my CCIV stuff is half my portfolio at least right now. I’m riding this one up and hopefully won’t make any mistakes of holding for too long.
  18. I got back in to CCIV with a $60 call for 3/19. Bit off a lot on the hype of this thing.
  19. whatever you do, don’t fomo and buy the **** at inflated prices. It might continue to go up but CCIV hasn’t even formally announced Lucid and that thing will crater if the deal falls through for some reason.
  20. Correction... had. I’m learning when to take my profits like a good boy.
  21. I have a couple $45 calls in CCIV for this Friday that just went ITM.
  22. If anyone has been following the UVA models for the VDH, things are looking really, really good right now. Here. It's wonderful. https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/content/uploads/sites/182/2021/02/UVA-COVID-19-Model-Weekly-Report-2021-02-12.pdf
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