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Everything posted by SoulSkin

  1. What happens with Flynn now? Is he going to be under any sort of protective custody, or will he just be chilling at home for a while? Does it matter? If he were a Russian you just know he'd suffocate himself with a pillow or fall from a window while moving a piano, or some impossible-to-believe thing.
  2. Comey's got a little Jules Winnfield in him. Love it. Gotta think Kushner's gonna learn some scripture soon
  3. 'America's Team' A shadow of itself now No Ewok running Something wrong with him Exposed midriff obsession Cover your gut dude
  4. Another rec for Godless. I didn't find the slower stretches to be dull at all. I couldn't stop watching it. Then again, I also liked the Twin Peaks reboot. Now that was an endurance test, best suited to people who really liked the original two seasons. I don't know how anyone could pick that up and enjoy it, without that original nostalgia in their DNA.
  5. The mission of Project Veritas is to: Investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. mmkay
  6. Seems like Flynn is probably just trying to do anything he can to save his son's butt at this point.
  7. That seems pretty straightforward, so I think I'll be able to get that done fairly easily...famous last words. I didn't want to start on that after fighting Exchange all day. I really did work from about 9am to 4pm on getting that done, with a short break in there. Lots of eyestrain, googling, and by the time all was said and done. Cheers to you.
  8. @tshile @zskins I managed to fight my way through getting Exchange 2016 uninstalled properly today, in no small part due to both of your helpfulness.Thanks a lot to both of you. I used your guidance and this technet post, mostly. https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ie/en-US/09d2e0ca-7553-48ab-a9ed-4d0ff4e2e543/correctly-uninstall-exchange-2013?forum=exchangesvrdeploy I hit a lot of snags along the way, but got there eventually. The last couple of steps that ultimately set me free were to remove the Offline Address Book and disabling the auditlog mailbox (new in Exchange 2016). I found that info tucked away in another technet forum post. None of the shell commands I was running ever showed it was there until I found that post. Maybe that tidbit will save one of you the headache in the future. If you dm me a paypal, I'll shoot you a ten spot for a six pack, or whatever. Not to be a cheapskate, but I'm poor as dirt right now. Appreciate the help fellas.
  9. Meh. I thought it was relative to LD's post. Wasn't sure where to put it, so here it went.
  10. The differences between numerous actual physical ass-kickings/assaults I've received in my life, and when I've been mentally/emotionally assaulted by people that have power over me through their lot in life.. their effects are never really consequentially close.Powerlessness in serious life situations, and being forced to succumb to mental manipulation, is much more devastating. It's pure evil.
  11. That's extremely kind of you. Please don't go out of your way, at all. I did make a little progress after I posted. We're coming from a .local domain, so I added UPN suffixes for .com, and set that on all AD user accounts. I ran a tool called IDFix and, sure enough, that identified a couple of mysterious system mailboxes with the .local UPN. I'm thinking that uninstalling Exchange on the server will do the trick, but that seems like it's not as easy as an Add/Remove Programs thing, and might require some powershell for the Exchange DB and system mailboxes. I'm thinking the uninstall will fail, but it'll throw up errors that show why, and lead to the solutions.That's about where I stopped today. If you have some tips and possible gotchas, I am so all ears. Thanks a lot!
  12. Anybody here done a cutover migration from Exchange 2016 to Office 365? I did the migration fine and have our email going through O365 now, but am having a little bit of difficulty figuring out what to do with our existing Exchange server at this point. It's on a VM that is turned off for now. I keep seeing some conflicting documentation, with perhaps the need to change users' mailboxes to 'mail-enabled users'. I think there's a possibility of certain user AD attributes being unavailable if this process is done incorrectly. I keep getting pushed from support team to support team. Started with 0365 support, who pushed me to Azure support, and they've pushed me on to 'Fasttrack' support, which looks more like a sales team. I haven't heard back from them yet. What I'm trying to do is to make sure there's no need for an on-site Exchange server, and get our AD working with Azure AD Connect (I haven't touched that yet). I'm not looking for a step-by-step. Maybe just a nudge in the right direction. I've got probably 20 different tabs open talking about it, with lots of different opinions/advice. I might just take a break from it and the Google overload, and come back to it after the holiday.
  13. ...answered my own question. Sorry 'bout that Spotify. Quicky replacement, later edited. My official dance with my wife wedding song. Outside, in a courtyard in Richmond. Perfect timing with my dear friends' band playing, city sounds surrounding us, and much love among the people there. It was perfect, maybe the happiest few minutes of my life. .
  14. I couldn't watch the whole thing, but To sum up what I did see. Republicans asking nothing relevant re: Russia. They brought up how much more awesome gun laws enforcement are under this admin, federal marijuana laws vs. state marijuana laws, immigration reform, Hillary Clinton, etc. Nothing about the current Russia investigation. Anything asked by dems about Russia, was mostly parsed as "I don't recall", if anything was potentially sticky. Is that how it continued? Edit: N/M. I see it's still going on. I came back when they were on a break I guess.
  15. Sessions testimony now: https://www.c-span.org/video/?437024-1/attorney-general-sessions-testifies-oversight-hearing&live
  16. Reagan Battalion now has the best twitter header, FWIW.
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