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Everything posted by tshile

  1. Flying under the radar in Andrew guliani’s horribly framed video: naming all the judges cause anyone paying attention knows exactly why that was done. the problem with the rest of us civil people, and the Democrats trying to navigate the current situation with ‘finesse’, is that the gop has already crossed the line from which you do not return. if you wanted to equate this to something - my first thought is the Afghanistan war, and we’re currently at the point where the proposed tactic is to win over the hearts and minds long ways to go. Only going to get worse. And at no time is it going to appear as though holding out was worth it. infirmly believe the best thing you can do in a crisis is be decisive. we are in a crisis. We are floundering around going “pretty please will you just consider being normal?!?” This only goes down one path.
  2. Lol at a sitting politician taking to Twitter after getting pantsed in session what a coward. Couldn’t do it in person on the spot. had to jump on Twitter latter.
  3. The gop is categorically a party of projection everything they accuse the left of, they’re actually just doing themselves their main gripe against left appears to boil down to- you’re educated and that education means you don’t buy our bull**** anymore
  4. I see our Twitter friend started back up yesterday Really trying to get that whole @Jumbois a nazi thing trending
  5. tshile


    Lol snowman on 18
  6. tshile


    You ever met someone and just instantly knew he was a douchebag? That’s why
  7. The uproar/anger over the idea of Juneteenth as a holiday is just the perfect microcosm of everything wrong with the GOP. it’s got the racism, the misappropriated patriotism, distraction from serious governance issues, complete with a bit of playing the victim and the hilarious part of it is it’s tee’d up for them. The ideology that is constantly on the defense over being racist/sexist/xenophobic/etc just has a simple holiday proposed/enacted to recognize some seriously unfortunate times black people went through. All you gotta do is make a few speeches. Fake some sincerity. Say a few nice things. For one day. Then you can go back to whatever. It doesn’t really get any easier. but nope. Instead move the outrage lever to extreme and say stupid **** like “I’ll only be celebrating July 4th like a real American” seriously is there a more ignorant statement one could make in such a situation? the only thing that comes to mind at the moment is some version of the “slaves didnt have it that bad” crap It’s gotten to a point with my friends/family where I address the “you just cry everything is racist” thing with the idea that I don’t have to hate republicans for being racist. I can simply hate them for being so unapologetically stupid.
  8. Wtf is wrong with you guys nothing changed with mtg she just got a vicious tongue lashing and a crash course in campaign financing because she slipped into a runaway train of dumb
  9. Yeah I on the other hand took jumbos advice and started proclaiming im a democrat
  10. I was in the dark news wise for like 36 hours i demand an explanation Also while searching Twitter for why es was done I found that dip**** @Jumbobanned ranting away. He like made fake reviews of the site (there were a grand total of 5) and then tweeted it to Jp Finley as if it was a giant scoop into the fraud that is the Redskins’s board when that got no traction he started tweeting about how jumbo is a nazi I half thought maybe he paid a ddos service to nuke the site Some people are nuts
  11. Hold on. I don’t follow it all as closely as you guys do but wasn’t, at some point, a major discussion point that trotz didn’t want to be here? I remember the caps not wanting to pay element I just also seem to remember a “but he doesn’t want to be here anyway” part too
  12. Well and my limited understanding is it’s not that they can spend without limits and impacts, it’s that when done certain ways works out. and a big problem we seem to have us one political party is willing to do that and try to stick to “the rules” while the other isn’t (and then blames the original idea for the problems that result as opposed to admitting that their own actions screwed up the plan) kind of like how the playbook for the 2008 financial crisis supposedly included reversing course once things got better to prepare for next time. Except when things got better the GOP was in control so instead we got their tax cut plan that doesn’t pay for itself, the benefits for individuals expire in 7 years, and nothing was done to reverse course and cover what was done to get out of the crisis.
  13. Yeah my son going into first grade can do basic math equations and is now reading to us at night. waste isn’t the word I’d use all things considered, for us, it feels like the best outcome we could hope for in a crappy situation.
  14. On the one hand: free market On the other: is this a good thing for our society? Seems maybe not. Maybe affordable housing doesn’t need to be an investment avenue for the top .5% of the country when they have so many other investment opportunities, and for most people owning a home is their biggest (or only big) investment they can make
  15. They were trying to put guns on a boat and bring an entire weapons cache to the Capitol. supposedly this was discovered after the whole thing went down. it’s already happening. we were lucky 1/6 went the way it went and need to wake the **** up this unity **** is buying time, and it’s not buying it for us.
  16. Based on this and your other response, it seems you don’t understand what I’m saying.
  17. Yeah that’s what I’m talking about. gonna be a pain in the ass to watch that nonsense
  18. Considering it seems to be in response to the pandemic and (in some part, people argue over it, not interested in the argument other than to mention it’s somehow part of it) increased government assistance, I’m not entirely sure this is a good example of a free market? also, since it mentioned increased prices to afford increased wages, inflation is going to be the biggest pain in the ass to discuss over the next few years. Too much room for people to retreat to their preferred arguments. The hyper inflation monsters will get just enough to feel emboldened, the dumb dumb conservatives will blame it all on Biden, and it’ll be hard to even discuss because there will be people that insist it’s all trump/pandemic (which I would guess is most of it, but not all of it, and as someone that relies on discussions to learn about this stuff I’m assuming I’ll just be dead in the water because the discussions will be garbage)
  19. Yeah, this is the dumbest thing in the thread. And I almost said something the first time. And almost the second time. But I didn’t cause I figured the stupidity would end but here we are again. I think people should operate under the assumption that no one here actually thinks “fat turns into muscle” maybe just assume it’s shorthand for saying the muscles are growing and the fat is going away. Also used a lot in the context of discussing how one may be getting in better shape and healthier, but gaining weight because the new muscle weighs more than the fat it replaced. doesn’t seem like a big ask. I think everyone understands what’s going on. Seems like you guys are getting hung up on something silly here. Maybe just roll with it and stick to the points that actually matter
  20. Yup. Exactly what I was thinking of. it’s one of the dumber core ideas of that group of people. And they’ve got an incredibly long list of dumb ideas to compete with.
  21. If I’m reading the vanity fair article correctly we have faucci playing word games during testimony when Paul asked about funding gain of function at WIV The take away at the time was Paul is a crazy conspiracy nutter and faucci is this man to be trusted. the article seems to suggest that we did do that. It suggests faucci simply lied via cleverly crafted phrases. What he said may have been technically correct given the exact words he used, but he knew damn well what Paul was asking for, and if the VF article is correct then faucci lied. Supposedly to prevent backlash against virus research, specifically gain of function research and the USA’s involvement. I consider that unacceptable and, if this turns out true, will have lost all respect for faucci. the VF article goes on to basically say the entire discussion of origins possibly being WIV was shut down at every turn - by government and by certain virologists that feared their work would be shut down. I also find this unacceptable. I find the death threats supposedly from scientists unacceptable. If an industry is going to prop it self up, demand respect, and pat itself on the back about how it’s all about seeking truth and discovery through processes designed to hold people accountable in regards to honesty, integrity, and working via a method supposedly designed to guard against dishonesty and incompetence, then it’s behavior during this is unacceptable. I don’t know how valid the VF article is. It seems legit in its sourcing. You seem to suggest it aligns with your knowledge, and I have respect for your knowledge. so to me this is an incredibly damning article. this type of behavior justifies complete mistrust of the system.
  22. It is amazing to me that when I get into conversations with conservatives about taxes they realize the government needs money to do essential things, but they seem to think the money can come from poor people. not should - they definitely think it should. And that’s it’s own issue. but the amazing part is they think it could - that people that have no money beyond basic living expenses and silly expenditures (like internet or a cell phone or whatever) somehow can fund the government.
  23. This vanity fair article is very disturbing not only is our government engaging in something that quite clearly undermines trust, but the scientific community itself appears to have been complicit
  24. Um. this reads like Paul was the one pushing for the truth and faucci is a liar
  25. Yeah I’m bitter I stopped playing the eth dips. I almost did. And then thought I was wrong. Oh well
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