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Everything posted by tshile

  1. Oh so your issue is that people on the right say ridiculously incorrect information to the point of obviously spreading misinformation for the purpose of creating political or ideological mayhem, and that everyone else is calling them out on it yeah you’re right. It’d be way better if we just let them run unopposed. the real problem, for you, is the calling out of people spreading lies. awesome pretzel you’ve twisted yourself into
  2. We’re not inviting any of those stadium people are we?
  3. (This is really just PB’s excuse to gloat to us in person as doing it via message board has lost its luster)
  4. yeah but what can we do about them? They aren’t a drain on us. They’re an unfortunate group of people. And hopefully soon age will no longer matter and it’s an incredibly small group of people that need to take extra precautions. But there’s nothing we can do. I just wish, for the willfully unvaccinated, we’d just ignore them. They obviously do not want honest discussion. They are not trying to sift through it all to arrive at a well reasoned solution. they’re petulant kids. They’re internet trolls. They appear to be waaaaaaaay more interested in just arguing over whether certain things should happen to them, than discussing the vaccine in an effort to be more informed; or comfortable with it. They need to stop occupying space in our heads. Cause I think that’s their primary motive. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if we all just ignored them and quit talking about them, if a sizable portion would simply go “oh well funs over, guess I go get that vaccine now” this is like a perpetual 10 minutes of fame for them every time it gets brought up. (also while I’m on the thought of ways to deal with them I’d love if hospitals started isolation them and having their priority level adjusted as appropriate (oh we got a surge of patients? The willfully unvaccinated will be last to get anything)) they get by because we care. I think we should stop caring. Let those dominos falls as they will.
  5. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/coronavirus/cdc-says-three-dc-area-counties-are-high-covid-19-transmission-areas/2766931/ it’s just about the level of transmission going on. It’s not some ranking compared to the rest of the county. we’re as severe as it gets in terms of how they classify an area and the transmission rates. that’s not to say other places aren’t worse off than us. That’s as high as the chart goes. which means it’s obviously the best time to open up schools and refuse to implement a mask mandate.
  6. Just gonna go out on a limb and say predicting the virus will not go away isn’t exactly… a bold prediction or something even worth noting. My wife made that call over a year ago… We need to spend less time worrying about the unvaccinated and put all of our efforts into protecting the vaccinated * it’s going to be hard enough protecting the vaccinated through the long term of this virus. We don’t need to waste anymore time, energy, or resources on the ones choosing to put themselves and everyone around them at a much higher risk. They will either change their minds or they won’t and I don’t think there’s anything we can do about it. hell, not playing their stupid game with their my rights argument and just saying fine **** you we aren’t spending another second on you, might actually work on some of them in a pathetic reverse psychology type of way. life is moving on from the willfully unvaccinated. Time to accept it and just move forward without them * I do not consider anyone who cannot get the vaccine because if age or other reasons in this group. I’m talking about the ones choosing to not get it despite medical advice to get it.
  7. I’m interested in attending since it’s a haul for me it would just depend on what day/time you picked and if I could make that work. But it’s such a thing that you couldn’t/shouldn’t schedule it around me - I’ll just see what you all pick and try to make it work
  8. and the other issue I think goes along with this, is this bull**** notion that just because you have an opinion it deserves respect. People have their wires crossed. What deserves respect is how you form your opinions, how you share/defend your opinions, and how you go about resolving conflicts with other opinions. but the sheer act of forming an opinion is not what’s worthy of respect. these people lack basic perspective and understanding of these things. It’s crazy to watch in action with someone you know or have a real relationship with. well yeah that’s part of it. Not understanding the difference between a paper and its editorial board, or op-eds, etc.
  9. Eh, I was in our school district. it just wasn’t taught in the context of the internet and main stream news outlets (I realize many of these outlets rose from the “we’re not mainstream media” thread but at this point, for a certain segment, they are their “mainstream” of news and information…) intentionally misleading you for political purposes. Fist, second, third hand sources. Citing sources. Understanding motive/target audience/bias. Scientific method/peer review. it was all part of it. Hell, we had entire projects like book reports where the real objective was to practice this stuff. I guess it was also taught in the “this is how you do a book report” context as opposed to “this is how you have to navigate life” context…
  10. Basically all of northern Virginia is in the highest category of community spread according to the cdc so. That’s great timing….
  11. I didn’t have a preference All malt liquor sucks still drank it
  12. Yeah this is the owners saying “this messed up our money and now it messes up yours if it continues “
  13. The video of the kid in the ventilator makes me want to quit my job and never let my children leave the property until this is over.
  14. Common eth To the moon LETS ****ING GO
  15. Just once I’d like to see one of these guys taken to task on the “personal decision” remark. it’s not just a personal decision. it’s also a social responsibility decision. The vaccine is as much about protecting those around you, as it is protecting you. it’s no more a solely personal decision than staying home, or politely refusing to shake hands, when you’re sick. Or stopping to help someone you come across when they’re in distress. Or really any other social responsibility item.
  16. I really wish someone would have just asked him about how he grills steaks just to see what all that dumbassery at once, in the same room, leads to
  17. This is basically like when republicans were against gay marriage, until they found out their son/daughter was gay then they understood. people are just selfish. And it’s not even disguised. They broadcast it loudly.
  18. Still no mask mandate. not looking good. the fact that the main driver is parents who aren’t even in the school is super frustrating. I will always hold some hatred in my heart for these people.
  19. I like basketball. I follow the nba super casually. I read the nba/wizards thread at least a few times a week - rarely post. it seems like USA bball people just don’t really care. I mean you see they do sometimes - and they dominate - but seems like a lot of the bad stuff looks like they don’t really care. Like they just think they can flip a switch whenever they want so, they don’t bother trying that hard all the time - and to be fair it seems like they’re right, and just bad at waiting too long to flip the switch or relying on that ability too much. does that seem accurate? Or no, just the world catching up?
  20. Yeah but… what’s your actual training in swimming? I ask because there’s a way to do distance. There are strokes designed to keep you covering ground but basically taking a break i mean im fit. I do ok. Nothing special. I run a 7:30 mile. I’m a smoker. I’d say swimming a mile straight felt like running 7 miles or so none of that applies to racing in the Olympics. That’s obvious world class athlete stuff. I’m just talking about going out and swimming a mile
  21. It’s not that bad if you understand how to swim right. I mean don’t get me wrong it’s exhausting. And I’ve never done it in a race format. But pure distance swimming it’s not as bad as it sounds. kind of go in auto pilot after a while. It’s like running. (and I always did mine in open water. Not a pool)
  22. Also I think you’re downplaying the potential impact of over 4% of mortgages, which is almost 2 million mortgages, hitting bankruptcy note I said potential impact. I’m not trying to be gun ho on catastrophe is around the counter. Just that it could be. for starters there’s no reason to believe 100% of mortgages will go to foreclosure once the moratorium lifts
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