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Everything posted by tshile

  1. I don’t think extending would cause it. I think it ending and the floodgates opening will. if economic conditions are such that people can just start paying their mortgages again…
  2. You have a knack for the depressing posts when everyone else is trying to vibe the other way
  3. I just don’t understand the gop long term strategy there’s so much room right now for proposing alternative solutions to very real and important problems. they’re content with letting the Dems be the only ones proposing solutions, and sitting back and saying no to everything. it’s hard to see how they’re gaining any traction in polls. Usually the gop runs circles around the Dems strategically. I just don’t understand what polling they’re seeing that justifies the strategy they’re going with here.
  4. Somewhere in there is an element of a leader of an entire state taking their marching orders from the national gop policy/agenda/campaigning people it does beg the question of whether such a colossal ****up would have any impact on that specific way in which the gop operates Im sure it won’t. But responsible people would be forced to question it, I would think.
  5. That was his doctoral thesis so not a dude you want to argue vaccine hesitancy with …
  6. Um. It’s not having an effect because no one is being foreclosed on yet. prices have held/gone up because inventory is low, builders can’t keep up (and labor/material inflation has made building way more expensive anyways). im looking at beach houses. They’ve doubled in price since covid started. Doubled in 17 months. That’s absurd. When the forbearance program ends we’ll see what the effect is. And a lot of that will be determined by the state of things (low unemployment and wage levels being normal or higher) as it’s possible many people will be able to just resume paying their mortgage. I don’t think the impact can be determined except that there’s potential for it to be catastrophic, since there’s no real plan in place. im currently saving for a beach house purchase if this turns into an unmitigated disaster as I’m thinking prices may drop significantly for such things. we also don’t know what people will want to do that aren’t dealing with forbearance. Will return to work, reduction in restrictions, create a situation where many people who fled cities (driving up prices) are now trying to get back into cities and selling homes (increase in supply)?! we also don’t know what interest rates will do. Generally speaking lower rates -> higher home valuations/purchase prices, and higher rates -> lower valuations/purchase prices it’s hard to guarantee anything when there is a plan. When there’s not a plan… and while I realize there’s an element of “Biden inherited this mess” - at some point in time the person currently in charge needs to be held accountable for assessing the problem, even if he didn’t create it.
  7. Here’s a great explanation of how the mortgage forbearance program alone is a disaster with no clean exit strategy https://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2021/08/black-knight-mortgage-monitor-for-june.html?m=1
  8. Also this is a prime example of why the best route to economic support during a crisis is to just cut checks to the bottom whatever % (you deem appropriate) do they can keep paying their bills. would be less damaging, less costly (in total picture), and keep people happier (quelling civil strife is an under appreciated aspect of government policy) A number of us were calling for it when this all started over a year ago. The fact that lenders have done things slightly different everywhere has lead to an issue of the backlog hitting all at once. It’s going to create its own mini-crisis in the industry. total failure of the admin, Congress, etc to address a huge issue part of the main crisis. Who knows? There’s no plan. Eviction is a length legal process and how long depends on the state. The courts are already backlogged from general issues. This is going to multiply the backlog greatly. It’ll take months for the first evictions to actually happen once paperwork is turned in to start the process. it’s not like the next day all these people are on the street. That’s not how eviction works. At least not in the states around here. and who knows how judges will rule on specific cases in specific states with all the various rules and interpretations given the pandemic situation….
  9. @skinsmarydu Yeah there’s a ton of people affected by this. It isn’t just rich people who can’t count their dollars monthly. even the people it protects are ultimately hurt by it. People are staying home more than ever, things break moreso not less because of that, yet there’s fewer people to fix things. Fewer people to clean things. The people I know in large scale property management are seeing a disaster on their hands. One sent me an article about a building being sued in the area where a large component of the complaints are caused by inability to keep staff because they don’t have enough people paying rent (funny how people think it’s ok to not pay rent, but don’t understand what happens when they don’t pay rent…) and not every person that rents out apartments is a wealthy person being a slumlord. Plenty are just average people that did what it took to make an investment in a small building with a small number of units, and this policy is damaging to them. I know a couple of these people. Thankfully they all paid off their investments right before covid hit. I realize there are additional things to help those people (cause we gotta do additional things to help with the problems we created with our first attempt at helping people) but those aren’t foolproof. With every assistance package there’s issues where people who deserve it don’t get it. So I’m sure some people are getting screwed out of an investment they scrimped and saved for. I agree with the motive - of course forcing people to be homeless right now is a terrible idea. But this plan sucks. and they have no exit strategy. They’ve already conceded this extension is born out of there being no exit strategy. The Biden administration blames congress. Congress blames the Biden administration. Scotus already opined that this needed to end at the end of July like it was supposed to. it’s a poorly thought through plan and unsurprisingly no one spent any time coming up with an exit strategy or at least a transition strategy to move to something less harmful. what a clown show.
  10. The eviction moratorium is terrible policy. The impact it’s having is being ignored and it’s creating a huge cluster**** no one has a plan for. they need to come up with a better idea.
  11. Well if this is legit then maybe he’s just an asshole… now I’ve heard experts say some of these things the benefit of covid vaccine outweighs the issue. But if you got it from flu vaccines growing up… I mean I get it. when people say “the true % of people with medical conditions to justify not getting vaccine is very very small” I sort of imagined the GBs people are in that group….
  12. Sweet so that doesn’t start until 30ish years? trying to stay ahead of that one
  13. I understand the reluctance to offer distance learning. my county, near you, has it but you have to be approved. It’s really for kids with social disorders as they found they thrived with remote leaning - I guess the stressors of being around the other kids really messed with their ability to be comfortable and focus on learning. given where I am (covid is a hoax country) I was thoroughly surprised they did that. anyways, I think distance learning is a huge, huge strain on the education people. I get their reluctance I also get your concern. im hoping we follow the rest of NOVA with the mask mandate they announced the other day. We normally do. Nothing yet. I used to just mock stupid people cause other then existing they didn’t really bother me. But they’re really ****ing things up for my child. I mean me too - but I don’t care about me, I’m fine. but they’re ****ing things up for my child. I have no patience for that. Zero.
  14. And before the vaccine (and I suppose still ongoing) - more likely to work higher risk of exposed jobs - more likely to be impacted (and impacted more significantly) from the economic impacts which is why when the GOP talking heads made an about face on the vaccine thing 2-3 weeks ago, my first comment at the time was “hah, yeah they didn’t care when it was those ‘inner-city minorities’ being hurt, but now that it’s rural America they want to promote the vaccine” an recurring comment of mine lately, in my group chats with friends, is that… you don’t really need to make up accusations about the right about racism… just give them enough time to talk and they’ll tel you exactly who they are… had one person tell me the reason vaccination rates are so low in the southern states is because of “the blacks won’t get the vaccine” they caught the Texas state legislator on mic answering a question about only recounting large population cities with “<the smaller, rural areas> vote Republican, what would be the point?” let stupid/racist/sexist/bigots talk enough and they’ll tell you exactly what they’re al ll about. They don’t even try to hide it anymore.
  15. I have been told by a black person that black people are more likely to be hesitant cause they don’t trust the government. i don’t really know what to do with that information or whether it has any basis. just sharing
  16. Um. Not to side track too much but there’s definitely calls of racism over things that don’t directly reflect/relate to race, but ultimately produce results that are disproportionate among races… I could definitely see someone arguing it’s a racist policy if, ultimately, the result is black peoples can’t do many things because they make up a large portion of the unvaccinated (not saying they do, I don’t even know if that’s being tracked…) and I definitely recall defense to those other accusations being what you did - saying it’s not about race it’s about vaccination status (and ignoring the disproportionate outcomes) generally speaking id like to think smart people rise about that and find a more nuanced way to discuss race. but I seem to recall watching this format of debate quite a few times over the last two decades. right and they were chided for it. But it worked. remember the door knocking idea and how republicans got all pissy? WTOP ran a report this morning. I think it was on PG county. They said 70% of the homes they visited, where there were unvaccinated people in the house, received at least the first dose of the vaccine before they knocked a second time. i can’t remember what % got it after a second visit. 70% is a pretty strong number in terms of showing the effectiveness of outreach. I guess you could get into the weeds and try to figure out what portion was going to get it anyways and it’s just coincidence but I don’t see how that’s worth the effort. I’m happy sticking with 70% and it being an effective outreach program.
  17. I miss twa. At least his was trolling. I can handle that, it makes me laugh. this shameless stupidity drives me nuts. it doesn’t matter what he does for a living. The level of arrogance tells you everything you need to know about him. Also isn’t no nonsense that guy from bgo that was extremeskinsfan or something like that? he was into spreading false flag conspiracy theories and other nonsense. Think he worked as a landscaper or something cause he had advice on grass growing or something
  18. So if vaccines were a law you’d have no problem with it? your logic is silly
  19. The irony of course is the anti vaxxers **** about vaccine passports - yet they are the ones causing the eventual existence of them. so you’re gonna wind up having to get the vaccine and carrying/showing a passport to prove it. good job It’s natures answer to decades of us fighting natural selection the survivors will have learned a lesson they abide by. Over centuries it’ll be lost. Rinse and repeat. Mother Earth always wins. We treat our planet like ****. It’ll cost us eventually. One way or the other.
  20. @Larryi was thinking if people I know in real life @PleaseBlitzyeah i imagine so. We live less than an hour apart but it’s a world of difference the type of people
  21. Yup. I do not know a single vaccinated person willing to wear a mask other than my wife and I. and ultimately the risk to vaccinated is still low, and it’s the unvaccinated that’s high risk. And everyone I know that’s vaccinated has literally said “**** those people” like a thousand times when the topic comes up. and while I agree, what I think they’re missing is there’s a lot of people (like my children who are too young to get it) that are at high risk too unfortunately not every unvaccinated person is unvaccinated because their a selfish piece of ****. I mean my children are selfish something-or-others but age is the reason they don’t have the vaccine im deathly afraid to send my son back to school next week. I don’t think the people running my county have the balls to reinstate the mask mandate in schools. The willfully unvaccinated are ****ing up life for the rest of us. And I think soon the rest of us are going to have a huge, huge ****ing problem with it. Moreso than we currently do. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next. Only if you’ll wear your mask and social distance. if you’re simply being anti science then you can go play in traffic.
  22. There’s so much lack of understanding it’s driving me nuts. people also don’t understand the difference between the virus - and disease caused by the virus. I don’t know what could be done about it. Ultimately the root of this is a lack of trust of authority - scientists, government, doesn’t matter. If it’s telling you what you should do, these people immediately choose not to even entertain the idea or listen to the information.
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