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Everything posted by tshile

  1. Oh they also eviscerated our middle eastern “alliances” by outlining multiple instances of our “partners” clearing taking sensitive information and passing it along to al qaeda or their partners. a fact that’s gone under reported and under debated. So the answer to the question of can you provide any data that supports your opinion that the border is wide open is: no.
  2. um. I don’t recall the 9/11 commission report eviscerating anyone other than the total lack of communication ability that day, politicians for not taking it seriously, and people not heeding the warnings of the intelligence community. im pretty sure they took a strong stance on foreigners taking training on how to takeoff and fly but never spending time learning how to land, but I believe they placed the blame on the instructors for not raising the warning flags. I believe one instructor did but the fbi never went anywhere with it? (ironically all in one paragraph you’ve said they were eviscerated, but then said we had plenty of warning - which came from…. Who? 😂) im willing to consider I’m misremembering what the 9/11 commission report said as it’s been a long time since I read it and I make mistakes. but given your posts so far, including how you choose to falsely assign blame, the links you post that don’t say what you claim they do, etc - I’m willing to bet you just flat out haven’t even read the 9/11 commission report. so you have a problem with the current state of the border being the most detained ever (your link) do you have a link for the most border crossings ever? And by that I mean a link that doesn’t just say it in the headline (then go on to say it’s the most detained ever), but one that actually says the most crossings ever? Bonus points if they actually explain why/how/real data.
  3. And from what I can tell based on what’s publicly available, Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden can all share in the blame in putting too much trust in the military and not giving enough credit for the intelligence community. and you can add Clinton to the list. because this goes back to the mid-90’s and from the 9/11 commission report and everything I recall since, the intelligence community has raised the alarms, given the warnings, and mostly lost out to military leaders in terms of being listened to. considering all that, the fact that the intelligence community mostly does their job and stays out of the public fray, and is likely the best intelligence community in the world… I find it surprising how often so many of you quickly throw them under the bus. (and how many of you think you know what’s going on inside the intelligence community without having a job in, I don’t know, anything even remotely ****ing close to having information about what the intelligence community does and doesn’t do available to you)
  4. There was a plan. It was just a bad plan. and as another poster pointed out, it should be considered that evacuating everyone first and publicly declaring the Afghan government and army a failure, most likely puts us in the same place without giving anything a chance. it now appears the taliban negotiated in secret with local leaders to simply give up, and the local leaders probably agreed because they understood the taliban would win - or at least cause a bloody multi-year civil war that ends with the taliban controlling a huge portion of the country. there really isn’t anything we can do if after 20 years the people of Afghanistan are not willing to fight for democracy. and we certainly shouldn’t fight the fight for them. Hell, just helping them is apparently a waste of time/lives/money/equipment. The intelligence community, based on what’s public available, has been warning this would happen for a long time if we simply pulled out. I think you mean to place the blame on the military leaders that created this plan, executed it, and advised the president over 20 years. bidens failure is in thinking the taliban would uphold the deal the agreed to (a deal trump made btw). But I already addressed why he probably did it the way he did it.
  5. I think there’s another thread for the whole l “I’m scared the immigrants are bringing over covid, but I’m not actually scared of covid so I’m anti-mask and anti-vaccine” stuff
  6. It is possible to be very critical, honestly critical, of Biden however that’s not what you’re doing 😂 7 months into office and he’s to blame for the 20 year war and the 40 years of failed border/immigration policy 😂 On the list of presidents to blame for the war in Afghanistan, Biden is at the bottom. he’s kind of right. This 20 year war is the fault of a failed mission out in place by bush, continued by Obama and trump. And the fact we’re leaving was put in place by trump. And the failure in the way we left was the Biden administration. so yeah the war pretty much should be blamed on everyone else.
  7. All I could think today is “this is why no one else wanted to end it” the people on the runway is going to be a thing forever
  8. Beer any good? also microbrewery might be a bit tight for 15. im also expecting 15 to turn into like 8 so, probably doesn’t matter. Breweries and wineries are under their own rules. They’re only allowed open until 9 or 10 too. bars are required to have over 50% of their sales be food. Not sure how strictly that’s followed
  9. You knew this was going to be a **** show start-to-end before you made the thread
  10. My understanding is that means you can’t book it for 16 people, then have another 100 show up to hang out
  11. My school board decided to take advantage of some sloppy wording/direction in Northam’s order and made a form for everyone to fill out to exempt from masks. I’ve lost my patience with the anti-maskers. Whatever etiquette that existed previously with dealing with these people (friends, family, work, in public) are out the window for me.
  12. Yeah, the whole visa issue popped up on the npr podcasts I heard for at least the last 3-4 months
  13. Also. It seems clearly possible, to me, that while the public face of this is “woah, well, we didn’t think they wouldn’t put up any fight and just hand it over”….. that for the last however many months/years the behind closed doors conversation was something along the lines of: we’ve decided there’s nothing we can do to make these people fight for their country when the time comes, so, it’s time to cut our losses I understand why the administration would take that path. It certainly doesn’t look good to come out and say “we’re leaving because this is a lost cause, just wait within 2 weeks of us leaving the taliban will have full control and the president will have fled the country” but it is frustrating that such a path basically makes the administration a piñata for everyone. hard to know where the line between incompetent strategy re: Afghanistan and incompetent pr strategy falls, when you’re not privy to those discussions.
  14. Counter point- you’d think someone in charge of winning presidential campaigns would be well versed in the country we’ve been waging war in since 2001
  15. I’m not putting link. You can find it yourself. But yes people clung to Air Force planes and then we’re seen falling from thousands of feet up in the air. as for comparing us to Canada? If Canada gave a **** and was so more sympathetic they would have done that 2 months ago. Spare me their day late dollar short PR move. it was time to go. This was always going to end this way, without some serious recommitment and retooling of strategy. And everyone pretending to be shocked either abdicated their civic responsibility of paying attention to what our county was doing in a 20ish year war with another country, or is just pretending to care cause it’s the led topic at the moment. As frustrating as it is to watch the Biden administration screw this up so bad, watching and listening to people act like they’re surprised is equally as frustrating. Where have you people been for 20 years? Did you just get bored? Did you just forget?
  16. Ever been to Winchester? not one piece of that story surprised me. Also to be fair… you should be expecting the same thing in fairfax/Alexandria/etc pretty soon. the hospitals aren’t ****ing around. And some area deadlines are coming soon.
  17. If I recall the 9/11 commission report specifically addresses this. Including them having trial runs with non Saudi’s and seeing just how hard it was to get over here and move about freely (compared to the experience Saudi’s had)
  18. It’s the logical step when you build your whole identity around being anti-government and anti-science and anti-intellectual/academic its the same mentality of a 3 year old with defiance disorder And for many it’s tied right in with their white identity crisis and then thinking their country is being stollen from them
  19. Also. And I know you get this a lot but times like this when the news is dominated by other things I honestly get a sizable portion of updates from @visionary so thanks. Again
  20. bin laden created a terror network and negotiated safe havens around the are with the governments. He had access an enormous amount of money. He recruited key members that were responsible for architecting many of their most impactful attacks (I don’t think the guy that did 9/11 was recruited by him, if I recall correctly) in terms of attacking the global posture and ability of a global terror network he did matter. Towards the end I don’t really know, he obviously became very old and hidden in Pakistan. But going back to the early 90’s he was the key figure in creating the global terror threat we have today.
  21. So I’m following this because it interest me but…. im a bit infuriated by the reaction. these governments and agencies, including our own, are acting like this is a surprise. if Canada gave a **** about 20k Afghans they should have pulled them months ago. And same for us and the embassy people for that matter. I realize there’s always hope, but you don’t deny the clear and obvious outcome because of some small hope. and I was someone asking why people didn’t care more that Afghanistan had 70%+ turnout early on when voting started and the taliban posted flyers saying they would kill anyone who voted and bomb polling places. Cause, that was like a blip on our radar and I thought it was a hugely impressive showing of cultural courage by these people. but even I knew this was the outcome. It’s why I changed my tune and demanded we leave or fully commit years ago - because any other choice just ended this way, it was just a matter of how long would you wait? (And even fully committing would be a huge challenge, but I was willing to accept it because those were the only two options that had any other potential outcome) If Canada did this 3 months ago I’d give them props. now? **** off. Day late and a dollar short. (I’m picking on Canada because it was the more recent tweet but I feel this way about all the entities involved including ours, and the Biden administration for which I voted)
  22. The first time my wife and I attended the ES tailgate it was Jon that was the first person to recognize we were new, and very lost and confused, and greeted us. I can’t say we formed a personal relationship because we had our own tailgate and only sporadically swung by the ES one… but I can confirm what everyone else is saying. I don’t believe I ever had a thought about him other than - what a nice dude that’s fun to be around RIP. Far too few people like him in the world, sucks we lost one.
  23. They haven’t sent out anything yet. They’re having an emergency meeting. Right now But they’re the: masks dont work masks harm people the government lies This is overreach etc type people. not all of them. But enough of them are. It’s an embarrassment. They won’t get voted out because 60% of my county thinks just like them. Here’s an example: the Virginia health department rep went to the mic to explain that all current scientific understanding says the virus spreads via droplets, masks reduce the spread of droplets and distance can keep you from being exposed to droplets, and that’s why masks and distancing works and for that the crowd booed her.
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