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Everything posted by tshile

  1. The anti vaxxers/science/intelligence people are playing a game of words. It’s frustrating because some of them know they’re doing it and the rest are not smart enough to know they’re doing it - they’re just regurgitating what they hear from their preferred news sources. And to be fair the shows I follow on npr are not doing a good job either. there’s a difference between saying vaccinated have the same amount of virus as unvaccinated, and vaccinated are impacted as much as unvaccinated We always knew vaccinated could still get covid. We always knew they could spread it. As far as I’m aware the cdc numbers are comparing vaccinated OG covid to vaccinated delta variant - which is different than comparing to unvaccinated OG covid or unvaccinated delta. Just because more vaccinated people are getting delta covid, doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with the vaccine. In fact, basic common ****ing sense would suggest the stark difference in hospitalizations is a better indicator of comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated. Even that’s blurry because a hospitalization doesn’t mean critical care - which is the real issue. ICU or other critical care covid boardings would be a better metric. And finally people that understand the basics of the vaccine wouldn’t even bother with these arguments because if they understood the basics well they’d realize they sound like an idiot. unless they think it’s you that’s the idiot
  2. Ps - I have nothing but love for biles. When my kids are old enough to understand and respect what they’re seeing her YouTube video is on the short list of things I’ll make sure they know happened. I’m just sick of the media making the other girls answer to it constantly. They deserve their own moment. And biles should go away (for now). It’s the god damn led for every segment every day now. It’s obnoxious.
  3. Wish they’d shut the **** up about biles and spend their time talking about the people actually competing. they make the other members of the team talk about it. How pathetic. Leave it alone.
  4. Back to wearing my mask. It seems to bother people in South Carolina where I am. 😂
  5. The gop minority party legislative playbook is so basic and well known. They’ve done it for as long as I can remember. They realize there’s a long list of things people want done - and the gop wants none of it - so the gop acts like they want to compromised but ultimately never will. Because why move on some of the basic things, only to have to play defense as the minority party on others. We can’t get to criminal just reform if we can’t get past infrastructure and basic budgeting. Minimum wage, poverty, drug war, climate change - you name it, it all has a place in the priority queue, and if the gop stalls on item #1 we’ll never get to even discuss item #15. yet the Biden administration is going to waste the first 12 months of its administration haggling over basically #1 and #2, and still ultimately be forced to either deal with the filibuster and get what they think is right or agree to some ****ized version of what’s right. I may disagree with what the GOP wants but there’s no question they run circles around the Dems strategically. If the Dems didn’t have changing demographics in their favor, and the fact that the republicans seem to embrace hating everyone as the core of their agenda more and more every month… the Dems would be relegated second fiddle permanently. in fact the only criticism I have of the gop at the moment, from a strategic standpoint, is their lack of recognizing that if they simply altered a few things… their vastly superior strategies would ensure them the primary party of power for the foreseeable future. and as an aside the idea that the Dems are what we’re counting on to quell a fascist authoritarian uprising… is deeply concerning.
  6. Ah I thought it was the one from last week that’s what I meant by the others. That’s cool.
  7. Pork shoulder for the twilight polo match tomorrow. Wish me luck. It’s been a while.
  8. And good for her. And the others. our country is so screwed up. Priorities wrong across the board.
  9. Nope. The Dems don’t have the fortitude and the gop doesn’t care. And voters will mostly stick to their general tendencies of supporting their favorite party.
  10. video published by mpd. It’s graphic. It’s two dudes playing ring around the rosies trying to kill this other dude at point blank range and failing morons https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WesCq5hTeCw&feature=youtu.be (definitely targets and not a mass shooter) guessing dude on the ground behind the car in the pics is dude being shot at in the video.
  11. It’s crazy a major political party can act this way and it’s not just accepted but cheered by their constituents. they are literally saying: you’re not in lockstep with us on this therefore we’re going to get you back by removing you from a position completely unrelated to it they want, cheer for, and encourage petulance at the highest levels of leadership
  12. And this is a great example of how stupid people are. they don’t remember that they guy said no they just remember that tucker said there is proof. kind of like how no one pays attention to the corrected news article. But the incorrect first release is remembered this ‘issue’ is weaponized. They know this is how it works. They do it intentionally. It’s in the same playbook as “say something enough times people will just believe it”
  13. Cheney is a bastion of truth and integrity for the Republican Party at the moment. Lol @ 2003ish me
  14. Although I’ll add that I kinda forgot you have to dress 48 and only have 5 on PS (? Sorry been a while since I knew those numbers…) and I don’t know how salary cap and picking up and cutting people and roster cap has to be considered. so maybe it’s slightly more than original thought but I don’t know that it’s significant. in terms of games being cancelled it feels like this is less of a ‘rule’ that will wreck the integrity of the season and more something that affects 2 games tops (though there may be many more scares and long weeks of listening about it but they ultimately play)
  15. The tweet above says 0 are below 50% and 14 are above 85%. Unfortunately they don’t give more data. im gonna stick with the idea that unless you’re well below 78% this isn’t an issue for in terms of game being cancelled Yup. Sure. so you either figure something out or you choose for no one to get paid. there will not be a mandate that the rest of the players can’t play. and I did say “way below 78%” and yeah just to clear up the confusion I absolutely understand what an average is and how it works.
  16. Also I bet this is equally aimed at vaccinated players that may try to say they won’t play if a handful of unvaccinated players test positive. Because now if the vaccinated players do that, no one gets paid. Kind of ****ty but also consistent with the current science (and greediness of billionaires)
  17. Ok. Reading the 78% of players thing… this is a non issue. the issue at hand is canceling a game. the cdc does not require nor recommend you quarantine after being exposed to covid so long as you’re vaccinated. so a team may have roster problems. But unless they’re way under the 78% mark they won’t have to cancel a game. They may lose cause they’re short key players. But they won’t have to cancel the game. it’s just a push to pressure the remaining hold outs and win some pr for being tough. guarantee you if they were at a 20% vaccination rate they don’t do any of this.
  18. Back in April they had expanded that to 6 months. I haven’t checked since then as I got vaccinated. but it’s not a forever thing (unless that changed) and he will eventually need to be vaccinated. let me help you: this team isn’t worth your emotions. At least not currently. you’re welcome
  19. Yeah the vaccines are expiring from hitting shelf life because people won’t take them. this isn’t a resource issue. Or a knowledge issue. Or an issue with trying. they’ve hitched their wagon to the anti-science, anti-intellectual, anti-academic, anti-medicine horse. let it take them where it takes them.
  20. these are the people that don’t think climate change is real, that government is evil creating all sorts of issues solving real problems (healthcare, infrastructure, funding important things Ike nasa), they think brown people are bad/scary/whatever, they think terrorist = Muslim, they think renewable energy = bad, and they find a way to reject any attempted improvement to education. social issues like police reform, rights for marginalized groups (race, gender id, gay people)… they think people like trump are awesome leaders. Honestly they’re sort of a giant pain in the ass re: anything related to responsible governance. It’s not just a waste of time, it’s counter productive. Let nature takes it course and try to keep schools functioning as well as possible in the meantime.
  21. House education chairman *checks notes* Kentucky ranks #36 in education makes sense
  22. I would say yes. And I would say asking for accommodations to not be around willfully unvaccinated people during a pandemic is not asking too much. I would expect your employer to accommodate you. but that’s just my opinion.
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