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Everything posted by Bliz

  1. I like to do flank steak over a lower heat. Give it some seasoning, then pound the crap out of it with a meat mallet to even it out and tenderize. 300 degrees direct heat. 10 minutes per side. Slice thin, against the grain
  2. Love that it's rated R, hate that the animation looks like ****
  3. For even cooking on whole chickens on the grill, nothing beats beer can chicken imo. Easy and comes out moist and delicious every time
  4. Love the cooler method. Added bonus - your towels smell amazingI cooked one that was close to 4 lb even, and had the problems mentioned above. Maybe it was a bad cut, or the difference between 250 and 225. Since then I always tried to stay at 5+ The extra time doesn't really bother me. I get the temp locked in and forget it, and employ the cooler method if it finishes early. And if I have extra I freeze 1 lb bags and use it to make Brunswick stew
  5. It's got a bone in it (twss) so the two halves won't cook evenly, I would expect. Also when you get too small, you don't get as good a finished product imo. It jumps out of the plateau phase too fast, and ends up a little dryer/tougher. I try not to dip below 5+. I've read about a different, faster method than the standard 250 all the way. Search the biggreenegg forum for "turbo butt" and you'll find it. Never tried it myself, but I recall several people on that board were happy with the result
  6. (Can't figure out how to imbed this .gif) https://gfycat.com/SlimArcticGreatargus
  7. Wall anchors for tall, top heavy shelves, once they're closer to a year and start trying to climb the furniture (or pull themselves up to stand using it)
  8. So you only had to replace the line, not the faucet? That would be...well, a little better at least
  9. Plumbing question So about a year and a half ago, our kitchen faucet lost all pressure and was down to a trickle, to the point we were doing dishes in the bathroom. We ended up having to replace the faucet FF to this week, same damn thing is happening. Hot water pressure went down significantly out of nowhere. Although this time the cold water pressure is still good. And if you hook a hose up to the valve to spray into a bucket, hot water pressure is just fine. So looks like I'll be replacing the stupid faucet again. This should not be happening again so soon. Or at all. The house is under 20 years old. I'm thinking about replacing the shutoff valves too. Maybe some seal is disintegrating and sending pieces up the line or something. I don't know. Any thoughts/ideas would be appreciated. I want this to be the last kitchen faucet I have to buy for this house
  10. I agree, and would add that I think it's important, in this early stage, for them not to drift too far from those touchstones. We need something connecting these movies to the stories we know. You don't want to expand the universe too fast.
  11. the casting for Mon Mothma is incredible. If you told me it was some CGI trick where they digitally put the original actress' head on someone else's body, I might believe it. Uncanny
  12. Speaking of which, for all your originalists out there, Harmy's long-awaited update to the despecialized ROTJ was released about 2 months ago. Copies of all 3 available here: http://doomtorrent.com/star-wars-harmy-s-despecialized-trilogy-v2-5-iv-v-vi-mkv-t12049613.html#star.wars.harmy.s.despecialized.trilogy.v2.5.iv.v.vi.mkv (For those unfamiliar, the despecialized versions undo all the "Lucasing" of the OT, in an effort to come as close as possible to a bluray quality print of the real original movies. See this old thread http://es.redskins.com/topic/345700-attn-star-wars-fans-these-are-the-versions-youve-been-looking-for-screened-behind-the-scenes-of-harmys-star-wars-despecialized-editions/)
  13. So once every 3+ years you have to pay $30-50 for a new battery at a charging station? Doesn't sound THAT limiting...
  14. http://blog.estately.com/2016/02/valentines-day-related-gifts-each-state-googles-more-frequently-than-other-states/ Valentine’s Day-Related Gifts Each State Googles More Frequently Than Other States "Mixtape" made me literally LOL. Plenty more gold at the link, with multiple results for each state. One of the results on the Missouri list is "vejazzling". I don't know what that is, but something tells me I should not google it at work
  15. I recognize that, in light of yesterday's events, I'm addressing something unimportant that has already been moved past. But, as a construction lawyer, I thought I'd take a stab at addressing some of Larry's concerns regarding liens. A lien is not a claim that you own someone's house, and it's not a claim that you have a judgment. It's a public notice that you claim the owner of the property owes you money for work you did to improve the property, and that if they don't pay it then you have a right to go after the property. But that's a long process. You file the lien, file the lawsuit, win the lawsuit (by proving that you completed the work properly and were not paid), fail to collect on the judgment, initiate foreclosure proceedings, advertise the property for sale, then actually sell it on the courthouse steps. I spent the last 10 years at an 8-person firm in Atlanta doing nothing but construction litigation, and in that time not one person at my firm ever actually foreclosed on a piece of property. And we filed a LOT of liens. There are 3 parties we have to protect here - the contractor/subcontractor entitled to be paid for their work (the routine screwing over of these guys is part of why we have lien laws in the first place); the owner who shouldn't have illegitimate liens on his property; and the subsequent purchaser who, if they buy the property without knowing about the claim, can not be at risk of a lien foreclosure action. Lien laws are an attempt to balance all of those interests. The reason your proposal doesn't work is it ignores how long it takes to get a judgment. Typically a lawsuit is going to take at least a year to win. Longer if the subcontractor has to sue the GC and the Owner in separate venues or if there's an appeal. If you had to win a lawsuit first, unscrupulous owners would rush to sell the property before the lawsuit was over, screwing over either the contractor or the subsequent purchaser. That's why lien statutes require fast action. In most states you have to file within 90 days after the work is done, which minimizes to the greatest extent possible the ability of those bad actor owners to sell the property to an unsuspecting purchaser before the lien can be filed. FYI filing a fraudulent lien can subject you to punitive damages, attorneys fees and criminal penalties, in some states. To actually foreclose on the lien, the contractor has to prove their claim first and obtain a judgment in court, basically by winning a breach of contract action and proving that they dotted all their i's and crossed all their t's in filing the lien. Again, the lien is just a notice to the world that a claim--not a judgment--exists. That's exactly what a lien is. A temporary encumbrance. If you don't file suit within a year (typically), the lien is automatically invalid. The only reason 10 year old liens are a problem for anyone is because title companies are a pain in the ass and will treat an obviously expired lien as if it were valid because they are prohibited from using their brains. Also, for what it's worth, it's easy to get a lien off your property without going to court. All you have to do is bond it off. You pay a bonding company 3-5% of the amount of the lien, they issue a bond, the lien transfers from the property to the bond, and *boom* the property is free and clear to sell.
  16. Aquaman is on the team too, Yahoo guy. He's in the concept art you're discussing! Right there on the left... Poor ole aquaman. Never gets any respect
  17. Great landing spot for him. They have no black superstars left to cut, so it's like half the work is already done.
  18. Pretty plain from the quotes that these people are Sovereign Citizens. Which means this will not end peacefully
  19. your business model intrigues me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
  20. I'm not saying you can't remake a movie that was good. But those movies also had something to "fix". Outdated special effects and stunt work. Stylized acting that dates it and comes off weird now. Or the story has a completely new twist that makes it worth telling. This stinks of a direct to video cashgrab like that Donnie Darko "sequel " that was completely unaffiliated.
  21. This is a ****ing outrage http://www.ew.com/article/2015/11/16/memento-remake-christopher-nolan-ambi-pictures So what you're saying is, what justifies a remake is the fact that the film was AMAZING the first time? That's moronic. It's the exact opposite - that's why it doesn't need to be remade. There's not an obvious problem to fix.
  22. It's like they're inside my house (except with DirecTV it's 4x that's uncontrollable)
  23. There's nothing wrong with 240 and I wouldn't fret about that. You're still definitely in the "low and slow" range. I typically do mine at around 250. As others have pointed out, the meat hits a plateau stage where the temp doesn't change for a while, and the fat is rendering. This is good. You don't want to rush through it. I've been reading about a different, faster method that has apparently become popular on the BGE messageboards. The "turbo butt". Cook @ 350 (indirect) to 160 internal, wrap in heavy duty alum foil and continue cooking to 195 internal, put it in a cooler with beach towels for 30 min - 1 hr. Supposedly cuts the cooking time in half and gets nearly identical results. The end of that method is my go-to for whenever a butt is done before I'm ready to serve dinner. Double wrap in heavy duty aluminum foil and put it in a cooler with several beach towels. You can wait a few hours to pull it, and the meat stays warm and tender. Plus it makes your towels smell amazing
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