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Everything posted by Bliz

  1. new Mission Impossible trailer. Cruise is 52 and still doing all his own stunts. I know we all get a good laugh about the scientology stuff and the tabloid fodder and whatnot, but the guy is a freaking pro.
  2. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/found-young-black-hole-12-billion-times-more-massive-than-our-sun/ar-BBhYbPZ So, light travels 12.8 billion miles in 900 million years, meaning a light year is only like 15 miles. Quite a revolutionary discovery...
  3. Uhm. Yes. The reference is why it's an awesome Easter egg. As to the other thing, what you said is a bigger spoiler. You're not wrong. But someone clicking that link without knowing what happens later would probably consider it a spoiler and be mad about no disclaimer
  4. Awesome easter egg in Capt America: Winter Soldier. SPOILER - don't say I didn't warn you... link
  5. About that time of year when Bell's Hopslam comes out and people go crazy trying to find some. Good friend of mine from Michigan is completely obsessed, and basically stalks every decent beer store in a 20 mile radius and buys as much as he can. Although most stores around here do a 1 6-pack limit (or less), and sell out in a few hours, so he's typically lucky if he can get his hands on 18 bottles. my humble opinion only, it is an absolutely delicious beer. But I'm just not going to go to that much effort. http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2013/01/hopslammed-the-double-ipa-that-causes-a-nationwide.html
  6. Edelman trolling Sherman at the SB parade
  7. That Simpsons one is one of the best things I have ever seen. Tremendous. http://imgur.com/gallery/gIaRa Here's a summary of Katy Perry's Superbowl halftime performance
  8. I liked Patton Oswalt's comments on reboots from a recent interview: http://www.esquire.com/blogs/culture/patton-oswalt-silver-screen-fiend-interview
  9. It really is extraordinary how persistent life is. We find it in the most inhospitable parts of the planet. In vents on the ocean floor spewing boiling hot ash from the core. Under a mile of ice. Whatever. It's what I always think about when we discover a new planet that's close to the goldilocks zone but not perfect. If life was able to make that first major leap there (Seeded with bacteria from a comet. Prokaryote to eukaryote. Whatever.) If it could make that first leap, then the extreme cold or heat is only a bump in the road for evolution.
  10. https://vine.co/v/OwLp2YJqXeJ https://vine.co/v/Ow32eva2bhw
  11. WVU coach smacks A&M player in back of head https://vine.co/v/Owb2whXXijh
  12. Most Skins fans would love to have him as our d coordinator too. Fans of any team with bad defense probably want him. And that's his highest and best use. But he will not be a d coordinator anywhere next season (because he won't agree to do it). You can bet the mortgage on that one. He'll be a head coach somewhere else, or he'll take a year or two off and work for ESPN and decompress a little (while making plenty of $$$), and then someone will give him another shot.
  13. Free diagnostic? Well, that changes everything Thanks guys
  14. Question re my wife's car, a 2009 Hyundai Veracruz (basically a slightly larger santa fe). So, due to totally excusable circumstances that I won't describe in detail because it was my fault, the key got left in the ignition overnight one click forward so the electronics were on, which completely drained the battery. Completely to the point that all the presets on the radio got reset, and it took 15 minutes hooked up to my car last night to get enough juice to be able to jumpstart it. On jumpstarting, I noticed that the check engine light had come on. I drove it around for 20-30 minutes after jumpstarting, check engine light stayed on. I parked it in the garage overnight. Started right up this morning with no problem at all, but the check engine light is still on. It seems awfully coincidental that it would have come on suddenly right when I jumped it, but I think everything should have been reset when battery died so I don't know why an indicator light would have come on, and stayed on through this morning. I don't like driving around with a check engine light on (especially with 2 young kids and it being winter), but I don't want to pay someone $50 or $100 to run one of those diagnostic tests if I really don't need it. I'm pretty sure the battery is relatively new, that it was replaced maybe 4-6 months ago. Thoughts?
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