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Everything posted by Bliz

  1. Even if him being pissed is understandable, he still handled it poorly and did not show good leadership
  2. Ugly indeed. But not slightly dickish by Tanny. Very dickish. http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/tom-brady-rewards-practice-players-for-ints/ar-AAfaRf0?li=BBieTUX
  3. Was marveling at the resemblance of the guy they have playing Ice Cube. Looked up the actor on IMDB. It's his son. Well that answers that...but can he act?
  4. The first one was good. The second was great. But man the third one was awful. I enjoyed First Class too, and Days of Future Past was arguably the best one. That or X2. The Quicksilver sequence alone was worth the price of admission for Future Past. And there were plenty of other great action set pieces. The thing with the sentinels...shrug. I haven't seen it since it first came out, but I do not recall sentinels stealing powers the way Rogue does. I took it as pre-programmed "abilities" that they could call upon in different situations. Consider also that what they were doing in the future was after 50 years of development. So perhaps the first few versions just got better and better at shape shifting until the technology progressed to the point they could mimic certain abilities. Even if that is a hole, it's not bad enough to sour me on the whole movie
  5. My favorite part of this is all the lava that starts pouring out of the tray just behind the grate, and the adjustment of the angle once the cameraman realizes it.
  6. Pretty standard Eagles fan describes accident for local news:
  7. If anyone needs me I'll be inside. Forever. http://www.livescience.com/50856-spider-rain-explained.html
  8. I would also like to see some video from the opposite angle. Reactions of fans who could see what happened.
  9. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-aide-harris-accused-rogue-police-force-20150505-story.html pro tip: when running a secret police force, don't alert the real cops to your existence. AND...don't put your name and picture on the internet. http://masonicfraternalpolicedepartment.org/ Plenty of gold on that site too: 1 - Why is the word world in quotation marks? 2 - I'm pretty sure the Knights Templar were not around in 1100 B.C. Seeing as how they were a Christian order and all...
  10. Leaked Batman/Superman trailer. Can't embed this format though. Subtitled in Portuguese (I think?), and the quality isn't stellar. But it's there... https://vid.me/i6e4
  11. I'm pretty sure there's an extremely important comma missing from the last paragraph, which should read "photos, including photos of her and her current boyfriend having sex, with her 16-year-old daughter." Not "photos, including photos of her and her current boyfriend having sex with her 16-year-old daughter." Incredibly important comma Then again, with everything else in that story, I'm not so sure they had it wrong...
  12. This thread isn't exactly right. But I didn't know where else to put this link... http://augustacrime.com/a-a-sponsor-turns-in-evans-woman-for-underage-party/
  13. How much should we care about the events beforehand? <not sarcastic> The linked article doesn't say anything about him hurting other cops. But let's assume for the sake of argument he killed two in cold blood. In that type of situation, about the worst imaginable, how much leeway do we give cops to continue beating a guy who's handcuffed and in custody, not resisting and maybe unconscious? I'm not going to go crazy over an unnecessary shot or two (or three or four...). That guy got 2+ minutes of non-stop kicks, punches and nightsticks to the head and groin, mostly from like 4-5 guys simultaneously
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