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Everything posted by BleedBNG

  1. In all series with the current 2-3-2 format, those winning the first two games on the road have gone on to win 21 of 24 times (88%).
  2. BleedBNG

    When's The Win?

    Nothing surprised me about the first 2 games. If anyone had a win in either of them, that would surprise me. I know it's MNF and we've only won about 1 or 2 at home, but if this team can't get up for the game against the Bears to eek a win, then this is going to be a LONGER season than I thought.
  3. I would say that if we had beaten Philly, it might be a 70-30 Skins crowd. But after the second half beat down, I think a lot are just figuring same old and trying to sell off their tickets. But it's still early and it IS Dallas so it's hard to tell. Probably be more of a 60-40 Dallas crowd is my take . Hope I'm wrong.
  4. Ah, so there's the problem. As soon as McLaurin scored his TD we should have had him covering DJax.
  5. HD - http://y6stream.club/watch/baltimore-ravens-vs-washington-redskins/ NBC4 - http://watchfootball-live.com/sports/nfl-match08.html
  6. Convicted https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/clearwater-parking-lot-stand-your-ground-shooter-convicted-of-manslaughter/
  7. https://virtualmela.site/sports/nfl/82219-stream2.html
  8. Hope Drejka doesn't get the same pat on the back as Zimmerman got.... https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/19/us/stand-your-ground-florida-trial/index.html
  9. OK, I get you. I will wait and try and get other sources for the same videos.
  10. Just curious... sure, i found other tweets with the same video LATER so... what's the difference?
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