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Everything posted by JCB

  1. Yeah, that's why playing the religion card is playing right into their hands. The debate should be on the merits of what constitutes reasonable citizenship in a pluralist society. And I know they're unreasonable, but changing the subject is the only practical strategy.
  2. Absolutely agree that it's time to think of Howell and not a Heinecke reboot. I mean, it'd be great if Wentz could turn it around. And I know that he's far from the only issue. But Howell has some moxie and dudes will play hard for him.
  3. Great piece by a good friend of mine: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/10/10/virginia-schools-threatened-trans-white-nationalism/
  4. And I may be mistaken, but isn’t SCOTUS the only judicial level where there’s no explicit code of conduct stipulated? That seems rather wrong.
  5. Also, red states are considerably more likely to be dominated by chain restaurants. Thus, Republicans hate health and families. Actually true!
  6. With you. This is how I’ve rolled with my writing and teaching the last couple years, trying to counteract apathy. And today, I registered about 40 college students to vote. This is how we fight.
  7. Man, I see Mahomes do his little layup for a TD and I just know we can't have nice things.
  8. I'm getting perilously close to not caring. I didn't even check to see if I could watch the game here in NC (usually can when the Panthers play late), that's where I am right now.
  9. Triggered, are we? Of course both parties are corporatist and awful. But please refer to the gapingly moronic post by tomwvr to which I was reacting. We’re well, well past drive-by observations at this point. Nobody likes it, but I’ll vote for the corporate pol who doesn’t kneecap voting rights, female bodily autonomy, climate regulation, etc. Christ it’s old even having to say this. Oh, but I’m the problem, I forgot.
  10. Biggest game in Wolfpack history? Let's goooooo!!!
  11. My pal here is still under the illusion that people are going to attend his pig-pickin' on Saturday. I love me some hog, but seriously.
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