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Everything posted by JCB

  1. George Will, tilting at windmills again.
  2. I’m so sorry dude. Wishing you strength and health.
  3. I got wrecked too. Almost all of them for me, though the first boost wasn't so bad.
  4. ^^^ Shocked but also not shocked to find out this is actually a thing: https://www.thewrap.com/morning-joe-trump-jar-jar-binks-comparison/
  5. My fave part of this game was hearing Terry caught on mic in the first half after one of his many big catches: “Don’t put a safety on me!”
  6. If they go back to Wentz, gonna be some unhappy dudes in the locker room. What a win!
  7. Or did Cruz study target avoidance with another controversial Texan?
  8. Nixon was a beta cuck China enabler. Only a glorious leader like Trump can really show how to do it with North Korea and Saudi. You tell ‘em, wokester!
  9. Yup, caution seems sensible. But my vibe is nonetheless:
  10. Hoping you’re right, man. Being on a college campus, I wonder every day if the polls adequately represent pissed off young women on TikTok.
  11. Yeah, unsettling that Bolsonaro hasn’t commented but has met with military brass.
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