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Everything posted by Fergasun

  1. Here's a much more critical obituary from the liberal side: https://www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com/2024/03/the-ballad-of-buckleys-blowhard
  2. Why aren't big corps railing against house prices, education and medical costs? All those costs go into what they need to pay employees. This is what I don't get. Ramping that up will ramp up compensation, prices and cut into profit. This is what makes zero sense.
  3. The Democratic party's version of McCain. You don't see that type of relationship anymore in politics (at least not publically).
  4. @Riggo-toni Maybe on the surface Edwards and Trump are similar, they really aren't. The problem for Trump is that he laundered money through his businsess accounts. Also, Cohen was already convicted of a crime. Trump is facing 34 counts. Edwards faced 6. Trump and his Organization have been in civil and criminal court multiple times post Presidency, and he hasn't won. To me both the Federal prosecution of Cohen and Lev Parnas were done to discredit both of them in future trials against Trump. The mob boss was hoping to stay in power. And it's really scary that all these players somehow have ties to Ukraine/Russia.
  5. Disney lost in District Court. The ruling seemed odd and counterintuitive, but I didn't find anything that really was wrong. This is why they are settling. DeSantis was legally correct.
  6. It's the pandemic, stupid. But it's also the underlying costs of housing, education, medicine/healthcare -- add insurance (average auto premiums up 20%). I think Americans are reaching the, "we're sick of this" point. Having the President jawbone doesn't help either. I don't think Trump is the solution... I have never been so sick of a "main character" politician in my life than him...but we I know my personal economy has moved forward from 10 years ago. But it doesn't feel any easier, or better. It doesn't feel like I have a better economics than my parents. Also, interest rates doubled, did they not?
  7. Lol. Nader threw Florida and maybe New Hampshire to Bush. It wasn't clear in my post, but third party movements need to start in the House and Senate. They can't go for the Preidency.
  8. I watched Nicole Shannahan's speech. I like her. I like the idea of a disruptive third party. I like the idea of breaking up our corporately captured political parties. Much of her speech came off a bit odd. "I thought RFK Jr. was silly, then I listened to a speech, then some more." Or "I went deep into my own research." Microplastics, forever chemicals and soil to get rid of our chronic illnesses. But, she's pretty much like, "Give us your health data and AI will solve the world's health problems in 6 months." Show me the platform for "peace through diplomacy." We don't have it now? The problem with Ralph Nader and Ross Perot is that they will never admit they threw the election to a major campaign. This looks like Ralph Nader and Ross Perot.
  9. Presidency for sale!!!! Get your Presidency for sale here!!!! Just invest in Truth Social!!!! It is so evil. But whoever came up with this plan is a genius. No need to fund his campaign. Just buy DJT stock!
  10. @EmirOfShmo i hope that 53% number is correct, but I am skeptical. First of all, a Trump acquittal would be bolster him big time. Second, and I call this the "reverse OJ"... seems like none of his or organizations civil cases have dented support. Nor his open backing of white supremecism. Nor his corruption, including dirty fundraising through truth social.
  11. @samy316 How does this stuff get covered up for years? You would think that "piece of trash" overcomes "musically talented" at some level...
  12. The jump to conclusions mat is the best ever! But you are also jumping to a conclusion. A bit scary what happened to your boat...
  13. This angers me. Just like train derailments. Or airplanes falling out of the skies. No doubt we will find out that this ship was not well maintained (and the bridge probably wasn't either). So that someone on either end didn't have to pay money and could pocket the money. So that someone could keep their money.
  14. I guess "we have all been there" -- but I clearly can remember the two times that I had food poisoning. Once, my dad gave my brother and I it with his Christmas roast. Oh, mom was pissed and he was like, "It wasn't the roast!" Worse I had it was business trip. My wife's family had a party the previous night -- they grilled kalbi... I swore it was a bit uncooked -- and I flew to a noon-ish meeting the next morning. This was the first time I was meeting with these people. I felt it during the flight, sweaty, stomach farting through my mouth. Made it to the meeting, "I am Fergasun, working for Company XYZ... glad to be here, I am new." 15 minutes later -- go to the bathroom... no... this ain't happening.... puuuuke!!!! Ok, I will be better. 10 minutes later, nearly just went into a trash can in the meeting, but made it to the bathroom again. Ok, I'm done! "Hey Boss, I am sick, going to the hotel!!!". At least they let me check in! 6 hours of sleep later, I felt a lot better. My wife also swore up and down, it wasn't the meat there. What you can tell from this is that whoever messed up won't admit they messed up. My mom sure did microwave a lot of food after my dad grilled it after he got us sick.
  15. Pedialyte and Gatorade.... food poisoning, I presume.
  16. Let's be honest. If this doesn't happen it goes to SCOTUS and they will say "the bond is too high and it implicates 8th amendment issues....". Of course a strict constructionist/originalist would follow the law.... but they get to pick and choose which laws based on who wins or loses.
  17. Fortnite No-Build is everything I dreamed about in an online shooter since we could play DOOM via modem. I know it is not a true FPS... but it darn near is able to play like one. I don't know why, but I had always envisioned we would get to a near open world concept for online games... it just took some time. The Battlefront series has also been fun (I played the Star Wars ones), but there is something me about playing solo (or duo or squad) that's pretty heartpumping. Large team vs. Large team taking objectives was fun, but now that I have experienced the "me vs. 99 other players" --- hook me up. At the same time, it has a very casual vibe to it. I am dead? Just drop in for another game. I haven't played PUBG... but I felt COD: Warzone was way punishing in the game balance (ie. felt like I was shot 3 times and died). Fortnite is pretty forgiving and the terrain provides good movement options (and they have added cars and other mobility items). The graphics are also bright and fun... vs the dark and gritty aesthetics of COD. Am I the only one here who thinks like this? I spent $100 upgrading an older PC just so I could game with multiple people in the house.. .
  18. @CousinsCowgirl84 Well yes, but the argument for a ceasefire would be that the Palestinians enjoy a ceasefire so much, they push to make it permanent. There will be lots of pressure on Israel for a permanent ceasefire.
  19. If Biden gaffing the Egyptian and Mexican Presidents is fair game, so is Trump gaffing Cuomo. Ridiculous.
  20. I was about where Elon was 14 or so years ago politically. It's one liner bullsnoggle. Than I realized this: "Secure Borders" Will never be done without comprehensive immigration reform. In our political system you don't get to tighten up the borders without providing something for the 30 years of people living inside the borders. The "secure borders" folks normally just say "deport them". "Safe & Clean Cities" What does this even mean? Is there a party of dirty, unsafe cities? Is this a slander on Americans who live in cities? Hmmmmm.... pony whisper.... "Don't bankrupt America with spending" Yes, but an immediate balance budgef will screw middle class (and lower). Best we can target is a 15 to 20 year balanced budget. Instead of axtually proposing something possible, the right has been proposing a non-serious "10 year plan" since 2010. "Racism against any race is wrong" Is what white people say when they feel like "antiracism is going too far!!!!" If you can't acknowledge that being part of a racist society for a long time has hindered minorities, I don't know what to say. "No sterilization below age of consent" I am guessing this is anti-trans. I will just say people no personal experience should stfu.
  21. Who wants to bet this won't cause the "genocide Joe" voters to be quiet because they are funded by Russia.... This is another huge news. What was different than the one that Russia and China vetoed?
  22. Ultimately, if he loses the appeal he has to pay the entire judgement. How long does the appeals process take?
  23. Houston, Purdue, UConn still alive UNC, Tennessee, Arizona, Iowa St. too (smaller upset) Duke, Gonzaga, as well (bigger upset) St. Mary's and Utah St. Out!
  24. So racist that he couldn't even handle being the Vice President to America's first black Presisent for 8 years!!!! Wait... **checks notes*** he actually did that! I have no doubt that Biden as a politician said things beyond the norms of today about race, integration, etc. I have no doubt that he has probably changed in the past 20, 10, 5 years.
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