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Everything posted by Fergasun

  1. RFK Jr. sucks at politics. So I am sure it will be 9/11 truther Jesse Ventura. I look forward to a disaster of an announcement.
  2. Ok. My level of concern for their production control is rising. That is crazy!!!!!!!!! Systems that track maintenance data like this are trivial. I would assume any production of any thing as complicated as a car or airplane has a step by step record of who did each step. I mean, its a $100M plane.
  3. I read the transcript of the first day and then went through and read a few chapters through the actual report. Joe's brain is fine. I like him even more after reading the transcripts. They cut the first day short so he could do a staff bbq. He is lucid, but comon, after 40+ years, the years run together. Has it really been 4 hears since the pandemic started? I think we are being a little too gentle on him about his mishandling of classified information. He used notecards and he wrote in notebooks. He also had binders he would read and take notes from (classified). Seems like his staff would handle picking everything up, at the end of the day, but he would jot down notes on his notecards and notebooks. At one point, late in his VP his staff realized he was likely improperly storing his notecards. One of his detailees even complained and didn't want to be involved with this (they wrote themselves a memo and emailed it for their records) and within a few days his staff set up a safe for his notecards. Most of his notecards were stored f the National Archives, and he even accessed them to write his book a few times. Seems like a large percentage of his personal papers were correctly archived. But he kept his notebooks, and he even collected loose material in his notebooks. It is likely that Biden personally viewed these notebooks as "his" the same way Reagan did. Reagan kept diaries, which also included classified information and stored it in his California house. All of this is detailed pretty well in Hur's report. I actually think Hur's intent was to create a reasonable defense for Trump -- but the media hasn't picked up on this. But, regarding Biden, he should have known well enough to send his notebooks to the National Archives as well. I do think Biden played the "I don't remember" game. I understand it helps generate reasonable doubt and intent. And it's legally better than saying, "I knew it was borderline wrong, I hsve done it my whole career." I think Hur is correct not to give a full exoneration. I guess he rented a house on Chain Bridge Road -- to stay involved in policy -- (which he didn't need after winning the Presidency) and his notebooks and papers were sent to his beach house and different places. But, he also did write things in his notebooks that were "for eyes only" - meaning - "don't even share these with Obama". Because he did not want his policy diagreement logic making it out in the wild. I think these were just his own personal thoughts on policy. He pretty much did share classified information with his ghostwriter and the ghostwriter deleted audio files (but they did provide pretty full transcripts and the audio files were recovered). I am sure that Presidential and VP staff don't like to challenge their bosses on handling of classified information. Especially hand written notes. There's no indication that Biden took tons of classified material directly, itself (but again, he had loose notes). And its the information that is classified. All that to write, aside from his stupid political like, I really think Hur put together a detailed report.
  4. Hur and the GOP got screwed because they released the transcripts. I feel like the GOP is pretty dumb. Except the media ran with the whole "doubts about Biden's memory" for a really serious 3 to 4 day news cycle. If the media wasn't so reckless to repeat GOP / Hur talking points for that time. Of course, now its gonna be "Special council's are highly partisan" while the GOP and Trump can point to Hur and say "Jack Smith is doing the same thing!!" To be fair, I think Hur tried to play it as straight as possible - save one attack. I just don't think his ad hominen attack, amplified by the media was straight. He could have just said, "it is unlikely that a jury would find Joe Biden willfully did this...".
  5. I have a little bit of background in engineering instructions and procedures. I don't want to defend the technicians who peformed the procedures, but I am not sure the hotel key card or soap really alarm me that much, so much as the lack of feedback and communication back to the engineers/instruction writers. So sure, there could be "gap check" tool that is used and someone likely said "why not use a hotel key card"... does the key card match the gap? The leak test with soap probably says something like, "perform a bubble test using appropriate medium". So, yes... it's likely tribal knowledge that's no documented. And if everything is working, why bother updating procedures. They didn't say "FAA inspected 3000 steps and found step failures." The FAA should do these audits more regularly....
  6. Jon Stewart cued up a video with Donald Trump and his family saying, "I don't remember" or "I don't recall." To be fair, I will admit it does seem like President's and VPs have people that moves boxes of their stuff around.
  7. @EmirOfShmo He told kids, he was the President's grandson and that he would see him at UFC. They asked him to get a selfie. Guess someone's gonna get bullied at school this week! High on his own farts. But Joe Biden is corrupt because he constantly calls his drug-addicted son.
  8. Well, this is interesting. Hur is testifying tomorrow. Not as a DoJ employee (apparently he is official not as of today). https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/11/politics/robert-hur-special-counsel/index.html So he is not bound by DoJ ethical rules or standards. This testimony will be intended to inflict maximum damage on Biden. He is colllaborating with GOP operative, William Burck. Don't recognize the name? He is the guy who helped vet the Brett Kavanaugh records and documents.
  9. Wtf .. BBC:  Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead in US (suicide) This is more shady than Epstein...
  10. Why does he think "free J6 hostages" will appeal to independent voters?
  11. They had a chance to grab a one-seed....
  12. It really is insane. It's not even like he is being tried for the same thing. A non-psychopath would be dead from the stress of 4 Federal cases (but a non-psychopath doesn't act like this). A typical criminal would likely plead out. I am still not sold that a President can stop all his criminal cases once he gets elected. I will repeat myself that Jack Smith will ask for a ruling on that if Biden loses.... just the thought of that. Oh and we just skipped over a Trump employee saying he moved documents to a plane headed to New Jersey? I don't think New Jersey was raided, but there is speculation documents ended up there.
  13. One of many sources on this. He knocked out Haley and DeSantis over social security and medicare changes. But this is a little bit shocking as he constantly distinguishes himself on the campaign trail with this. I think some of his budgets had cuts as well.
  14. You can't just drop 2 lines and leave like that....
  15. What a dummy. Maybe he is assuming that he has some amnesty between the appeal? Or SCOTUS will save his butt?
  16. We have an AZ Wildcat in our house. Picked the worst day to have their worst game of the season. Like 20 points off their team average PPG. Wonder if it was some Spring Break letdown? And it was against a 13-17 USC team that legit looked like a threat to steal a bid. Everyone knows that Lebron's kid is on the team. I had no idea that Dennis Rodman's kid is on the team! He can shoot.
  17. I am so confused. Hollywood is pretty progressive and seems to have always been so. "American History X" is a pretty woke movie. Not sure I would describe it as an "all time classic". But for sure it is woke. Vivek is gonna fire his tweeter. Edward Norton did receive an Oscar Nomination. A quick Wikipedia says that a sequel, "African History Y" was being considered in 2020. Also, "American History X" was up against "Life is Beautiful", "Saving Private Ryan", "The Thin Red Line" and "Shakespeare in Love". Also, it had $6M in domestic box office, which is horrendous. Not that it matters with the Academy... but again, Edward Norton was nominated. "Fight Club" would be a great example of an all time classic (this may be debatable because I am not sure women would agree), anti-woke movie that was snubbed.
  18. Here's a hint why TPUSA crowd is upset.... she's a woman. Why they don't like Haley? Same reason..
  19. Katie Britt: You too can live the American dream by.... having wealthy parents, working for an LLP law firm, jumping into a US Senator staff. And marrying a former NFL player.
  20. @tshile it is also the right thing to do. Please see my other posts about need for a multi-lateral peacekeeping force. This is one step in that direction. Troops on the ground provide some good faith action.
  21. If we are being honest there's some non-zero chance Israel bombs it first.
  22. Good move. How much more does he need to bend for the "uncommited" to commit? He's the most pro-Palestine President ever... even though yes, he will proclaim he is a "Zionist". I am fairly certain the guy who has been in tons of elections has a plan to win this one. But I still wonder if the uncommited voters are truly so or BS astroturfers...
  23. The sad thing is that did any of the media reporting it make that jump? Why would Trump seek a meeting with Musk? Who knows...and besides money there could be the whole "can you amplifying pro-Trump and mute pro-Biden accounts on Twitter?". This is exactly why Musk invested in Twitter.
  24. Surprised the GOP gave up the "NEXT TIME WE'LL GET BUDGET CONCESSIONS" game. You really have to start getting into FY25 appropriations now. Of course the elections will drive how that turns out.
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