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Everything posted by Fergasun

  1. Do they realize they gave Biden some prime ammo for State of the Union.
  2. Mitt Romney was on CNN and said he wouldn't vote for Biden over Trump. Christie has said the same. These ducking fastards. If you don't want Trump, than your ownly true option is to vote for Biden. Just not voting for Trump is a puny, tiny measure.
  3. ... And I will bring up an equally salient point. Smith asked SCOTUS to take the case in December 2023. The SCOTUS did not. If it is so important that SCOTUS has to rule on it, why not take the case back in December and dispose of arguments? That's the question that needs to be asked now. It was ironic because in Trump's appeal, from the DC circuit. his lawyer used Jack Smith's December arguments to the Supreme Court to get then to appeal. It is shady that they are fine to take it now, but not 2 months ago.
  4. So what is with Mitch's timing? I understand Elaine Chao's younger sister tragically passed away. But Mitch always acts in ways that are most beneficial to the Republican party. . Is it possible Mitch endorses Biden?
  5. On the one hand, I am fine with him getting slapped by his SCOTUS. On the other, there's no real need for them to decide this if they believe that the Appeals Court got it correct. Presidential immunity is not likely to be of nationwide interest. But that crook Nixon also had his cases go to SCOTUS. Totally normal that ex-POTUS is constantly in court... completely normal.
  6. I would bet on Thune or Barrasso (leadership team members)..
  7. ... And there are a lot of conservative influencers (or at lesst former) who are writing things "let's kill MAGA - vote Biden". Sure, the politicians won't go that far... but again, this is being underreported. Biden's likely coalition and message is going to be more centrist again. January 6 will be central and key. I totally get why he is running (and I wonder if he would have declined to if Trump wasn't his opponent.). Kamala does not have that centrist appeal. It's still gonna be a tight election.
  8. I still don't understand why the media narrative isn't "Both candidates are weak, but Trump is weaker." Even Haley is going all "Trump is going to lose the general" (positioning herself as the I TOLD YOU ALL SO) candidate. Trump is underperforming polling by 10%. If this is true in the general, than he's actually down to Biden by 5%. And there are at least two criminal trials he's likely to go down in, plus the potential of bankruptcy (needs to come up with $500M in the next 30 days). I too am not at all enthused about grandpa Joe. But his policies are way more important. We are voting for the policies. Not even sure why this GOP funded Michigan "Never Biden" campaign got so much play. No President has been as pro-Palestinian. And it's also obvious that he's going to make a few steps in some months to lock in these voters. The media surrly will cover these folks late break to Biden. I remember being so convinced in 2012 that Romney will win, listening to right wing news hype / happy talk. He got thumped. We need to start saying that Trump needs to commit to Presidential debates. January 6 and all his criminal trials have changed things on that front. So has his NATO comments.
  9. Wrong for me to think Biden will get some sympathy bump from the 70+ crowd? Old people do vote... I watched Biden on Seth Meyers. He had moments where he seemed to trail off (don't get me started). And then he had mostly more moments where he spoke passionately about the country and the direction he has it in and what was going on. And it's a breath of fresh air to hear someone not talk about themselves. And you can feel that he will absolutely be the most gutted if he loses to Trump and he 100% believes he is the best one to beat Trump.
  10. You don't see halfcourt winners everyday!!!! What a shot!
  11. Similar experience to @The Evil Genius. I have bought 2 cars over a span of 15 years. We knew exactly what we wanted in late 2008. This is Southern California. The closest dealership wanted 20% more for a used car, of the same make and model. Ended up driving to a different SoCal dealer, 100 miles away, to get the new one. Did all the price research and we bought it at the price I was looking for. Minimal haggling and no surprises. Mrs. Fergasun totalled that one about 15 years later. This time we used CarMax for test drives. I was surprised with the make my family wanted. I also had to drive 100 or so miles to buy the price I wanted. Heavy internet shopping. I found a newer and lower mileage car, same make/model as CarMax. I had preapproval from my bank, but they were able to give a lower interest rate (and I didn't add anything on).
  12. Why does it matter? Costas speaks like a Trump fan. "ITS YOUR FAULT I VOTED FOR ORANGE HITLER!!" I am going to be saying this on a weekly basis to bastads like Maher and Costas. We have been told "It doesn't matter if he is racist, sexist, indicted criminal. We like Trump's policies!!!" Into our 3rd election cycle. IT DOESNT MATTER IF HE IS OLD (AND HE IS BASICALLY THE SAME AGE AS TRUMP) I AM VOTING FOR BIDENS POLICIES. The double standard here. My goodness.
  13. An incumbent President getting 60% in primary states would not be good for them. Trump is like an incumbent to the GOP. Not sure why people don't think this is bad for Trump. Especially since Haley voters may not vote for Trump.
  14. Had dinner with really good family friends yesterday and we got into this discussion (Biden's age vs. Trump). The wife was adamant that neither of them should be running, both are too old -- maybe we should have a law that creates a maximum age to run for President. I showed them videos of Biden speaking recently on CSPAN, and they said he clearly looks to be 70 or 80% -- but he actually didn't look too bad. But, they think other people are running the White House. As tshile has said -- its the perception of how Biden looks vs how Trump looks. Same argument "Democrats cannot find anyone younger to run for President? But, his face, his talking, his walking... he's too old." They are convinced that even though he is crazy, Trump will win. She even mentioned the economy as being an issue as well.
  15. Here is something I greatly relate to: Lawyers, Guns and Money: But what about Johnny Unbeatable? Pretty much the discussion we have had here. I think the media wants the "Biden steps down" story more than anything...
  16. Wish I could find all my "No Labels is just a grifting organization" posts. There's no creamier grift than the Presidential election...
  17. This didn't trigger me until a week ago. Maybe it was the Jon Stewart acting like Joe Biden just mumbles and says things like "cookies...." randomly. Once you start to see, "wow... these articles are a lot of BS." You can't unsee it. Now if Biden truly did embarrass himself, in a "I just threw up all over the Japanese prime minister way" (and I bet that was an SNL skit we all attribute to GHWB), rather than a he walks like an 80 year old. You could understand it. But he's literally not done or acted in any way like some old, senile, man. Is Donald Trump "too indicted" to be President? The NYT will never explore this question. How about "too much under foreign influence?" Also, something we may never know. Did he sexually assault too many women? Who can say. I think New York Times wtiters and other columnists are too dumb to be writing... same with CNN. They aren't even exploring the question. Do you all think Biden is going to take a big drooling pants dump during the State of the Union address? I think he is not. But he will destroy Trump again in the debates.
  18. And the GOP has a fraction of the pressure on their candidate choice because....? Everyone knows they are a cult? They even have a pretty viable alternate. All Biden has against him are that he's old and Israel is killing Palestineans
  19. Joe Biden spoke out about Navalny and answered questions for 5 minutes afterwords on 2/16. I believe on Sunday he made some impromtu comments while going from AF1 to the White House. He didn't gaffe. So it didn't get reported. Again, he walks and talks like someone his age. Trump does too. I think Biden is experienced enough to know what he's doing on some level. He's probably telling his staff, "Don't worry until August. But you'll thank me in late November after we beat the GOP like a pinata." The media is afraid to go Trump critical because they know how strong their narrative carries. If they go Trump critical now, it will absolutly tank him. I hope this is the reason and not "Newscorp wants tax cutz!" Every damn newspaper should have a headline about how unqualified Trump is.... because at some point you do have to take your role as a journalist seriously.
  20. Can we talk about this? With Donald Trump, its "We don't care if he is a rapist, racist, terrible human being, hypocrit -- we (or Republicans) are voting for his policies!" With Biden, "Who cares about his policies! He's too old!" Did Nate Silver say that he did something like go on C-Span and link Biden's appearances? I linked on in this thread last week. I watched it. Biden does look older, he does look like he has lost a bit. He is 81. But he's not thr drooling idiot right wing talk is putting him on about. And his opponent is 77. If the GOP is serious about the age thing go with Haley.
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