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The 12th Commandment

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Everything posted by The 12th Commandment

  1. Roast chicken, mushroom n leek stuffing, asparagus and roasted veggies. With a kick ass gravy. A very mellow Christmas this year after breakfast with my folks. Just me and Mrs 12th rocking the jammies to home alone.
  2. Merry Christmas ES! Here's to a wonderful day and a high draft pick!
  3. It looks wicked, like Mazdas usually do. They are like the quintessential representation of Japanese culture in cars. Weird sometimes but always dope.
  4. https://www.autoevolution.com/news/mazda-ex-7-egg-boiler-embodies-spirit-of-japanse-sportscars-and-rotary-engines-104055.html
  5. It's so disingenuous how they refer to the media misleading people while they ARE the media and they are misleading people. The way they excused Trump for doing it after going on like they did. It's just so over the top. The few times I've listened to that jack wagon I am amazed he has the following he does. An empty head
  6. Made a big batch of thai cashews, red and green for xmas, to give out. Things are seriously addictive.
  7. Not this last time, but I did back in the 90s when my buddy and I were there. I'll never forget the pigs shotgunning beers. We'd seen the cigarette smoking chimp in PR just before that (thankfully they put a stop to that one). Wound up the day seeing a green flash in Fredericksburg sitting at a bar table with a couple roughnecks and Bill Murray and his wife. Awesome time Hope you have fun up there today.
  8. I would have went with, "we're going to need a bigger boat"
  9. Sad that I ain't down there sitting at your bar drinking something tasty and eating lobster eggrolls. Almost a year ago.
  10. "What we've got here is failure to communicate." Classic line from Cool Hand Luke. Been sampled, I guess you'd call it, lots and lots of times.
  11. My mom's side of the family is all from Michigan and that's how they make it. Midwestern thing. Looks great
  12. Buttermilk as an ingredient is fine, from biscuits on down. As for the folks who drink it straight...ewww. Pro tip: half a teaspoon of white vinegar in a cup of milk makes a usable buttermilk.
  13. I watched Violent Night last night. Christmas fighting back.
  14. Milk is good and I'm happy my genes allow me to enjoy it. But milks greatest contribution to humanity is undoubtedly cheese.
  15. Eleven year old lawyer me, arguing with Mom that all the vitamins are still in there if you add delicious chocolate.
  16. Not a huge anime fan and not really sure if it is even an anime but Blue Eye Samurai is a good watch.
  17. If you look at that pic with the thousand yard stare it morphs into Chewbacca. Not a bad musician tho. If you look at that pic with the thousand yard stare it morphs into Chewbacca. Not a bad musician tho.
  18. I've had a silver surfer dry vape for years. Like ripping bong hits but more pure. Still me makes cough like a mother ****er tho. It's a big thing so it's on my desk and I'll hit it playing videogames sometimes. I second the canna butter from the remnants thing.
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