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The 12th Commandment

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Everything posted by The 12th Commandment

  1. You read so much into things. Never said he's a genius, or that his evil plot will work. Just that that's what he's doing with xitter. Using it to further his horrible ideas about how society should be and what ails it in his opinion. I detest the rat **** and will do everything I can to see him fail. But to discount him as a moronic boob who doesn't even warrant concern, because he's had some failures along with the success that made him THE RICHEST MAN IN WORLD, is naive at best. He's classic bond villain material.
  2. Not necessarily extraordinary intelligence, but some. And more importantly the ability to make money. The proofs kinda in the pudding.
  3. You miss the forest for the trees. He doesn't bumble about in his other ventures. He also doesn't micromanage the way he allows himself to do on xitter. Clearly he's trying to make what his egotistical twisted mind thinks is the best of it. Which is worlds richest man most likely to be: a bumbling idiot or a self indulgent egotistical jerk?
  4. I never suggested free speech had anything to do with it. He's free to do whatever he wants with his toys. It's just good to recognize what he's doing. Why keep adding ideas to my simple conclusion that now that he owns xitter, regardless of how he acquired it, he's going to use to further an evil set of ideas and to throw as much chaos into any discussion of importance as he can? That newish techie definition of disruptive. Does anyone really doubt that? You honestly think he's just bumbling about? Whatever else he is, he's too sharp to be doing that. He can afford to sacrifice xitter on alter of Nazism if it comes to that. My guess is he figures once TFG gets back in power he'll be the modern version of an all powerful minister of communication.
  5. Puedo que hablar un poco. Fui fluente cuando era un nino pero no tengo chances para practicar sufficiente hoy. Me gusto mas opportunidades. That was off the cuff, I'm sure it could've been said much more eloquently.
  6. Dog catching the car is a perfect analogy for how he acquired xitter. Also not anything I was talking about. He did catch it and instead of going for a nice ride and hanging his head out the window he's pissed on the tires and chewed up the upholstery. Because some dogs are bad and like doing that ****. Once he had what he didn't really want, he's doing the only thing with it that makes him feel remotely good about it. Furthering a hateful antisemitic cause...and just generally being "disruptive".
  7. Since day one, Elon has shown he doesn't give a rats behind of Xitter makes money. You have to ask yourself, what other possible reason would he have? Ham fisted social engineering is all I can think of. It's hugely self-indulgent, but he's the sort of ego who would.
  8. In this case its dominated by what furthers their evil goals to influence society. Money be damned.
  9. The hatred against whites thing has me puzzled. I'm half jewish and I'm as white as a loaf of Wonder bread. Do white nationalists claim only Xtians can be white? Guess they're not really known for well thought out positions.
  10. This thread kinda goes into how we are attempting to make sure that doesn't happen.
  11. Take that road south from Grants past the arch. Used to go that way to Quemado Lake all the time when I lived in Placitas. Beautiful country and damn cold in the winter. Artesia east for a couple hundred miles pretty much has that terrible smell.
  12. When I worked for state I had projects in just about every county. Kudos for finding something positive to say about that area. I didn't care for it. I'm wondering if your experience was recent enough to have encountered all the gas flares and nighttime truck traffic that go on in the Permian lately. I've found the area west of Socorro, Datil Quemado etc, to be the best skies in the state. You get zero light pollution and you gain some pretty good altitude. Course it gets windy there too, inescapable out here.
  13. My VP of Real Estate lending banker buddy told me over the weekend that they (the banks board) think the cost to the buyer will be figured into sales price and nothing much will change. We'll see. It wouldn't be the first time a banks board got it wrong. Back in my appraiser days I absolutely loathed realtors. Worked 10% as hard as I did on a deal and got paid 10 times more. There were good ones but they were absolutely in the minority.
  14. Had no idea there was a Bluit NM. Not surprised it's in the far Eastern part of the state, aka little Texas. The prevailing winds blow west to east because that part of the state sucks. Hahahaha 😂. Some NM Texas bashing humor.
  15. First thing that came to my mind. Old school Southie teamster?...he ain't about fighting fair.
  16. First dog I've had that has done that. Not the first time either, but definitely the most photogenic. In a horrific way. She's throws a Veruca Salt worthy tantrum. And she's teething pretty good too, to boot. Goes in to get spayed tomorrow morning so there should be a few days of peace. I've really been working with her though, and she'll be fine once she grows out of dog equivalent of teenagerdom. Old Moose will definitely enjoy a respite.
  17. Elli is just about 6 months now. All of 12 lbs but enough energy to power a mid size city.
  18. I laugh because I delete far, far more than I post. It's a great exercise in organizing my thoughts which, post MS, is a real chore for me.
  19. This is terrible news for us. Us being New Mexicans as we bet big on the British billionaire. One of those you got nothing, you got nothing to lose situations. Only we do have plenty to lose. Meanwhile Elmo's SpaceX seems to be kicking butt, even more discouraging. Really hope they turn it around somehow. https://www.abqjournal.com/business/virgin-galactic-announces-layoffs-pause-of-space-flights/article_7ccbfbfc-7e91-11ee-9152-3f5ef871c8d1.html Virgin Galactic announced Wednesday it would be scaling back and then pausing flights to space next year from Spaceport America and that the company instead will funnel resources into developing its next generation spacecraft.
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