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Everything posted by Metalhead

  1. I'm resubbing Fubo too. I cancelled youtube tv last night. I haven't watched Nats games on tv in years, it's been all Charlie and Dave because of the issues.
  2. The dude was probably in a state of shock and having survivor's guilt. Give him peace.
  3. Creep (2004). A woman gets trapped in a London subway overnight...and her night soon becomes horrific. An interesting horror flick that turns into a stalker/monster/slasher number. I really enjoyed it and it seems to have a modest fan/cult following online...a nice little gem. Well-paced with some great tense and disturbing scenes. It felt like the film Pandorum in some ways, which is a good thing.
  4. I haven't been following the tournament that much recently but I noticed this year several sites and articles repeatedly using the term "reseeding". What is this? Did the tournament start reseeding teams when it gets to 32? Doesn't this make filling out brackets obsolete and destroy the fan interaction of March Madness?
  5. Is the combination of lemon, salt, and vinegar become more potent or something? Sounds like the bully exagerated the injury, played victim and was coddled, thus being empowered and taking the bullying even further. I knew a kid like this in school. When I was about 4, during family holiday gatherings I would sneak around and take sips of everyones drinks. Apparently I kept doing it after being told not to. Well, my grandfather fixed that by leaving out a glass of straight vodka. I stopped.
  6. Has to be a typo. Half his pitches were just the 3 BB's and 2 K's (18 pitches minimum). If you add up everybody's pitches it comes out to 53 total in nine innings.
  7. My dinner, which is this many Thin Mints
  8. Might be close. Imagine this but as a cover made by the GGD and present day.
  9. Nope, I tried that song too. The singer sounded exactly like the dude from GGD and the song was still rock even with the electronic effects stuff going on. I'm still searching lol.
  10. I'm trying find a song I heard today and it's driving me crazy. It sounded a lot like the Goo Goo Dolls but the music was slightly modern with electronic/shoegaze undertones mixed in. The lyrics/chorus kept singing "play it on the radio". Any ideas? I asked the person at the register and she was going to pull up their playlist but the song ended before she could log on.
  11. https://www.theregister.com/2022/07/28/necrobotic_spider_robot_arm/ Scientists now using dead spiders. I guess killing them is not enough...got to nuke them from orbit now.
  12. What...I have never heard of a spin launcher, didn't know there was such tech or engineering even possible. I just searched it and see that there are already people asking if humans could survive it lol.
  13. Yes! A science-y mashup.
  14. Alf comes half way down the stairs and asks the guy hes staying with Alf: "Whats the difference between toilet paper and a shower curtain?" Guy: "I dont know, what?" Alf: "SO YOU'RE THE ONE!!!"
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