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Everything posted by nonniey

  1. Oh it's worse than that, the woman who supposedly it happened to has no recollection of the event. Issue is two NYTs reporters are trying to sell their new book on the Kavanaugh investigation and I guess their employer was willing (duped?) into lending them a hand in sales. Now the Times once again has mud all over their face. (BTW the Post turned the story down prior to the NYTs publishing it). https://thehill.com/homenews/media/461530-new-york-times-issues-correction-on-kavanaugh-story http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/09/nyt-correction-kavanaugh-story.html https://time.com/5678340/trump-new-york-times-kavanaugh-article/ https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2019/09/16/us/ap-us-supreme-court-kavanaugh-times.html https://nypost.com/2019/09/15/nyt-deletes-bizarre-brett-kavanaugh-tweet-about-having-a-penis-thrust-in-your-face/
  2. I certainly don't believe this latest account given the info that came out today (Yesterday?). This is becoming quite a pattern of dubious accusations against Kavanaugh.
  3. 1) Yes see today's news 2) This is a nice summary on the times 1619 project. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/09/andrew-sullivan-ny-times-abandons-liberalism-for-activism.html
  4. So are you all in full retreat now over the NYT article? By now you'd think after the 1619 fiasco you all would be a little hesitant to jump on anything they report.
  5. Just read this - so a late response. He did one simple thing wrong - he did not offer a bribe, to the cops, to the court bureaucrats or later to the immigration/custom or whatever they have. If he was staying there that long I'm surprised he didn't understand the culture.
  6. ?????? I thought neither Snoke nor Kylo were Sith.
  7. I assume the follow-up is the 1st Graders were expelled???? (Ok zero tolerance versus common sense is a different subject).
  8. Wow small world I was just reading about him (Wiki) yesterday (If this is Franz Jagerstatter who I assume it is).
  9. Excellent bad guys but multiple authors are a little uneven with the Vong. Example the initial authors made the Vong vicious and xenocidal exterminating large populations, but about midway through the books when a highly populated planet fell I assumed the vast majority of it's population was exterminated. The next book a different author saves the population by making them refugees that were expelled by the Vong (Completely inconsistent with earlier writers). However, decent read with different approach Tech versus Bio Tech (Vongs weapons, ships etc are living organisms and the Vong hate mechanical technology).
  10. How about Holland then. Fans can twirl wooden shoes and the team can air cannon wooden shoes into the crowd.
  11. Train to Busan (Netflix) - best movie I've seen this year and maybe the last couple of years. I was hesitant to watch it as it is in Korean so have to put up with sub titles (which I've only liked one movie in my entire life - Das Boot). But damn this was great. A+ - someone else watch it and tell me I'm right.
  12. Death threats certainly shouldn't be tolerated, but are you saying attacking policies regardless of what they are shouldn't be tolerated as well? Most of the posters in this forum do just that for other politicians (and some have strayed very close to death threats as well).
  13. Yeah he lost in Alabama. there was no way he could have lost unless a section of Republicans abandoned him. Republicans determine who holds statewide office in that state and Moore was found wanting.
  14. Come on talk about moving goal posts. You tore them down here and rebuilt them in a different stadium. I thought Frank was a sitting Senator when he was drummed out of the Senate (unjustifiably imo) didn't realize he was a candidate and just lost the election. Concede Hart is a good example of voters holding him to account but then so is Moore. But you should not be forgetting Kennedy or Clinton (especially Kennedy).
  15. Well that is certainly not unique to Trump's base and it is nothing new. Can you point out a recent Presidential election where the supporters of either candidate cared about damaging facts on their candidate?
  16. Seeking asylum is a legal right': Democratic Presidential candidate Cory Booker causes controversy by helping immigrants in Mexico return to the US after they were deported...... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7212579/Democratic-candidate-Cory-Booker-causes-controversy-helping-immigrants-return-US.html
  17. Man I think we (Americans) are more likely to be ****ty winners than most if not all other countries (and yes I do it too on occasion).
  18. Well of course that can't be possible. You see the treaty agreed to under the last administration resulted in their reactors having concrete poured in them (according to some who who post on this board). It will take years before they can restart their program and begin production.🤣
  19. The point of the cyber attack was to disable the IADs so our planes would be safe (safer). It was pointless without the follow through and that particular attack software probably can't be reused.
  20. I grind my teeth whenever I see this. I was there and involved at levels in the know. The Obama administration screwed that up three ways to Sunday. Won't go into it yet again as it is not the subject of this thread.
  21. Well my coworker who was a pilot says a pilot can't depressurize a cabin in order to kill the passengers (There are limits to how much he can pressurize and depressurize), unless he punched a hole in the fuselage (But then he couldn't re-pressurize). More likely scenario is he killed the copilot in the ****pit and the passengers and rest of flight crew were unaware they were flying off in the wrong direction. (by the way ****pit???? really???? censor filters need adjusting).
  22. Too late that is where most are in the "resistance."
  23. I think it is obvious she means an action would be retaliatory therefore not preemptive. She would be right if the action was taken to punish Iran for what they did. Now if the action is taken to stop something we think they plan on doing that would be preemptive. Frankly I think a stealth bombing or two on Quds force targets would be ok in my book. We could also deny any knowledge of said attack.
  24. Not saying this was her case but there are some states where the Federal Government should resist what is permitted under state law.
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