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Everything posted by bird_1972

  1. An MJ bid can't do better than Harris I think (and definitely not Bezos). I don't see that happening. Hope we get some news soon.
  2. On the positive side, EB used to be an RB coach so perhaps he can get the best out of Gibson/coach him up.
  3. Who are we bringing on as Masko's replacement?
  4. LOL - what would you be willing to trade for him? That doesn't sound like a completely smart move.
  5. Don't forget LBer snd maybe change of pace RB.
  6. If he's a starter, weird that they signed him only to a one year deal. I hope we don't release Fuller. I think he did well down the stretch. We need him.
  7. Backup who can play special teams. Not bad but we still need to take a swing at a starting LB.
  8. I'm hoping our FA moves means that we don't need to spend picks in first 2-3 rounds all on CB/OL. Maybe we can get that Iowa MLB in the second round? Jack Campbell?
  9. I dunno - there's something to be said for the suggestion that the owners are afraid to vote anyone out of the "club" because of the precedent it would set.
  10. This would be the definition of letting the draft come to us. If we did this, ended up with a top OG and C and filled other needs, perhaps OT can wait until 2024.
  11. He's the best we could hope for right now. In that sense, we are lucky to have him. I don't think we'd have a team worth caring about at all if it weren't for him. But once ownership situation gets resolved, I do think we need to upgrade there. On a personal note, I suspect he's probably thinking about next steps. This has not been an easy ride for him at all (between the job which has been bad enough but also cancer and his Mom's death).
  12. True. But I still don't think that's Ron's strength. Snyder or no Snyder, he's made some bad calls that aren't really related to ownership. So ... it's really a little bit of both. Not sure what your point is here
  13. Ron is a great culture guy. I've been really impressed with him on that front. As a HC, he's been ok. I mean we come out flat every season and the playcalling/clock management doesn't seem to be that good. As a GM, he's horrendous. The fact we have so many questions regarding QB and did nothing to shore up the OL or LB last year is criminal. He's also not adept at managing the contracts with our current players.
  14. I'm guessing due to the uncertainty of the ownership situation + Ron is not a good GM
  15. A lot of the watchers of this process still seem to think it's Bezos. Not sure if that's just for clicks or what.
  16. Do we really think if no one ponies up >$6B that he simply pulls out and refuses to sell?
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