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Everything posted by bird_1972

  1. No shame in that. I also was in favor of Bezos early on because of the heightened standing we'd have in the league (who wants to **** with the top 5 richest guy in the world, after all?) and his ability to pull political strings to get us the RFK site. But I've come around to the "boring" and I'm cool with it.
  2. Yeah ... I'm not sure I want that. Give me boring, competent, and let the focus return to the product.
  3. Keim said there are two mystery bidders. I am a little nervous that one of them may emerge as a dark horse and we may not like 'em.
  4. I agree. I think once we knew how much debt he was in, no way he could play hardball. Owners don't need to hold a vote, just call in his loans and he'd be ****ed.
  5. This is picking up on the NY Post story, isn't it? Smells like a Snyder camp leak.
  6. I am a little concerned about a bidding war. If that happens and Snyder's public posturing on his unwillingness to sell to Bezos is just a leverage ploy, Bezos will get the team. I'm also still a little concerned about Frettita. He sounds like a disaster. I'd feel a lot more comfortable knowing he's out of the mix.
  7. I was a Bezos man before but I think I've switched camps to Harris. Like a lot of folks here, the potential for a quiet/boring/business-focused ownership group that keeps the drama to a minimum is very appealing plus the prior team ownership experience. Bonus is Harris bringing in the other investor who also seems like he'd be good influence in terms of creating the kind of organizational culture that is needed after the disaster Snyder has created. Let's go Harris!
  8. What about the rumors that he prefers Seattle? If so, he might be like "**** this ****, I don't need to overbid for the Commanders - I'll just wait for the Seahawks". In that sense, Snyder could end up shooting himself in the foot. As he is prone to do.
  9. So, you're operating on the theory that at the end of the day the scuttlebutt around Snyder being unwilling to sell to Bezos is nonsense. That he is singularly focused on getting the most money for his team, come hell or high water?
  10. If this happens, do you think Dan still digs his heels in and goes with Harris/Rales?
  11. If Snyder is as petty as he seems to be (surprise, surprise) and he refuses to consider selling to Bezos, he really has no choice but to either hope the owners vote him out or wait for Seattle to come up for sale. I don't see the owners voting him out. Especially if a decent ownership group makes a competitive offer and its looking like we are on the verge of that happening.
  12. Hard Pass on Lamar. I feel like a lot of his success stems from a coaching staff that developed an innovative scheme to maximize his strengths. While I like Bienemy, I don't see him doing that (like K Shanahan did for RG3, for instance). He's also a taskmaster and I'm not sure Lamar would respond to that kind of coaching. At the end of the day, It's a moot point since we don't have the $$ to pay the man.
  13. If Skoronski is a guard, I'd rather trade down and grab one of the other guys + a pick (or two). Better value.
  14. Interesting development how? Do you think there is a pressure campaign being launched by one of the buyers directed at Tanya?
  15. Enough to stain his clothes and make him look as disheveled and slovenly on the outside as he is on the inside...
  16. If this is how it ends up playing out, I hope for several things following the sale: 1) He gets far less than his $6B asking price 2) No indemnification for any future legal action 3) He gets indicted on wire and bank fraud concerning the misappropriation of $55M loans 4) His wife divorces him 5) He is bankrupt within 5 years
  17. He's reaching his prespecified shelf life as a running back (as dictated by the football gods). I wouldn't trade anything for Henry. And I LOVE his game. As far as RBs go, my philosophy is just keep drafting new young ones every 3-4 years. Don't pick them up in FA unless they are complementary backs. No one you can get in FA will be a bell cow. Too much wear and tear. This. I really don't think you can get any decent OL in FA without massively overpaying them. I'd rather use 2-3 draft picks this year on the OL with a 1st or 2nd rounder being for OT.
  18. Ugh ... sounding more and more like Bezos isn't going to be the guy. I just hope it isn't that Snyder-clone Tilman Fertitta. He sounds like a disaster.
  19. I hope it means he has a meeting with Bezos to sell him the team
  20. He's actually 92 ... wow, didn't realize he was that old... Yeah, he's not going to buy the team. His window was when JKC passed and his son put it up for sale.
  21. Wow ... what a dark horse Buffet would be if he entered the chat. For what it's worth, I don't think he ever said it was his dream to own the team, only that he was a ball boy for them as a kid and therefore had a soft spot for the team. I could be wrong, though.
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