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Kosher Ham

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Everything posted by Kosher Ham

  1. Told you guys he was a good dude. They can't even come close to meeting demands in a week. The season is probably over.
  2. Get your popcorn ready. The Lake show is about to begin.
  3. I miss our board maverick fan. He was a good dude. Clippers and Lakers are on the verge of being upset. Not to mention the Bucks.
  4. Not for nothing. The Lakers and Bucks look sloppy. I say that rooting for the matchup.
  5. 2020 can kiss my ass. We just celebrated a month or so ago that he was cancer free for a year. It has gone to his lungs now. 2 baby girls...3 and 6. Tears on my face. I'm sick of this ****. Doc, if you want to rap, get in touch. Sorry for the rant. Lakers willwin tonight, by at least 7.
  6. If I am wrong, I apologize. I am in a mood, just found out that a buddy of mine is at stage 4.
  7. Call out? No. A suggestion perhaps. If you want to discuss it ...fine. Eliminate all of them in our spoken language. ALL. PC all day everyday. Poor Mark Twain, Ice Cube, etc...
  8. Wait...down the road for me. New York Butcher Charlotte? All one word add the dot com. I am going to check this out. All I see is deals compared to most other places.
  9. Six games at most. Lakers will win by the third quarter on Thursday. I do love the matchup and Dame is going to be Dame regardless. Incredible player.
  10. I would vacuum. I have a friend that has one, it doesnt work as well as she expected. She has a hi-tech one that still doesnt get the job done. I guess it would depend mostly on if you let the dog on furniture or beds. Capacity might be an issue that she has (3 shedders). When I had a dog it never was allowed in the bed or on the furniture. Probably would work great for me.
  11. Damn, it just got creepier. It's sad and crazy. Mostly disturbing though.
  12. I don't know if any of you are interested in true crime type of stuff. Stated watching "I'll be gone in the dark", on HBO. It's a short documentary about a serial killer in California. I'm only through the first episode and it's really interesting.
  13. Hmm. Not sure if that is as bad as it could be. Control access and exit. Control bus travel to some extent. Classroom limits... Yeah. No. Stop being so silly. I had a full ride to college, my father said to me at one point, " You will like it". My response was simply, "I don't listen to you, why would I listen to a stranger"? Fear the Turtle. Sarcasm intended.
  14. Perhaps because he learned how to fly? I don't get it either.
  15. I'll give them credit, they have certainly outperformed the expectations.
  16. Agreed. I thought it was forgone when I heard the crack of the bat. Stll happy about that inning though.
  17. Spoke too soon. Now Six. Buddy of mine drank himself to death on the anniversary of his father's passing. Damn it.
  18. I feel for you brother. I've lost five people in the last three weeks. Although only ...I say that uncomfortably. Two Covid related. I'm not exactly myself lately. I can't even live like I would normally because I can't take the chance of visiting family or friends. I'm more annoyed than scared. I was tested twice ( negative twice ) and maintained distance. But can I say the same for others?
  19. All I know is that have not bought any produce since the first week of March...beside frozen. Craving a salad in the worst way. The folks that refuse to wear a mask...I don't waste my time with. I distance and wear a mask. Those that don't are similar to the former Redskins fans. Too bad so sad, bye bye.
  20. This Pelicans game is pitiful. Looking forward to see the mighty Lakers in a little while. Hopefully it will be at least competitive.
  21. Eh, was Pat Riley successful after the Lakers? He and Gibbs both have the ability to maximize potential. That equates to winning even when you are on paper underdogs. Gibbs probably would have bought the Redskins if he could have at the time.
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