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Kosher Ham

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Everything posted by Kosher Ham

  1. Not reallly digging the helmets with numbers. Looks kind of goofy to me.
  2. It's funny that so many folks say proud franchise...yet with a supposed racist name. The two don't really go together. Dan's not going anywhere. I for one, have never seen anything even close to racist behavior. He's brought in an electrifying black qb, a hof black running back. A diverse group of staff. The only thing that he is responsible for that was a huge mistake was not maintaining an excellent playing surface. He's never been cheap. He bought the team with an essentially terrible stadium and tried to improve it several times. He wants a new stadium same as the rest of us. He'll eventually get there. He'll be back. The league has no grounds to force him out. ~KH 2¢
  3. @skinsmarydu It's actually Magellan's. https://images.app.goo.gl/xhaqmdoxFzMVGgxF9
  4. You gotta step tour your game up. McCallens (sp?). Unlike sapphire it is actually blue. Smoothest I have ever had. Grapefruit juice is the other juice commonly used.
  5. Just bought 2 My Pillows for 40 bucks. Trying them out tonight.
  6. Please explain that further. Answer: As soon as you start acting like a reasonable adult.
  7. What makes that look hip hop to you? The paint color is certainly not true to original. That color was not used in the thirties.
  8. Looking forward to What Would You Do @10 tonight. Part of it is about the battle flag.
  9. Have you ever met Pez and Huly that do the Extremeskins Tailgate (with help from a good group of folks)??? She's not a racist not even a little bit. However, she supports the battle flag. I disagree with her reasons,but understand her perspective. Point being everyone that flies the flag is not racist.
  10. Lots of vehicles do that these days. Even adjusts the mirrors.
  11. ^^^ The black women were escalating the situation. Probably could have shot them. That video should be embarrassing to the black women. Cooler heads prevailed.
  12. Yeah, can't go wrong on the fourth with burgers and bbq chicken.
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