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Kosher Ham

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Everything posted by Kosher Ham

  1. I take drinking one day at a time. Today,tomorrow,and so on and so forth.
  2. Good morning beast of the east. Now I'm just hoping for a loss from the Clippers.
  3. I had one of the bricks. It only had like an hour talk time. My pager had three different numbers... PageNet was like fifteen a month. Additionally, I liked calling from different numbers.
  4. I used to hit up the one on Rockville pike back in the day. Loved that place.
  5. Rondo was the hero. I wish he and LeBron were healthy last season. Banner.
  6. Coach and the Dick Van Dyke show are very similar. Ironic that his brother is one of the stars os Coach.
  7. For several reasons. Weather, hotels, and entertainment to start with. A dome in certain areas would be just fine.
  8. Is that Russell Westbrook? Looks like a dude I used to play ball with. He was hell on the boards.
  9. Super Bowl should be in one location every year...Vegas.
  10. D'Antoni is silly. He does not make adjustments and never has. Rockets don't stand a chance...even if McGee doesn't play. Lakers by 8 tonight.
  11. Sorry bro. My wife is quite the sniper. I ain't willing to take that risk. And Beal, Mike doesn't rock hats like that anymore. hahaha.
  12. How did I do this to myself? Apparently I am a part time club/bar promoter now. I should never tell people about the people that I am friends with. My thing is that I refuse to give someone another persons information without clearing it with them. Ugh. I'm just trying to chill.
  13. Oh my... You knew this would be the start of this game.
  14. That's not true. More hippies drive them in urban areas.
  15. So you are Mick. Got it. I was wondering.
  16. Are you related to Mickalano? Not you Beal.
  17. Typical game. I expected them to show up flat this game.
  18. As Sin stated earlier...other sports doing this would have more impact. Specifically baseball and football. College sports. At the same time... At the end of the day...it's just sports. I have been watching movies from nearly every decade. Been showing this stuff for years. Nothing has changed. It's pretty sad to say the least.
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