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Everything posted by Chachie

  1. "I'll Take Your Questions Now" by Stephanie Grisham. As I recall she never took a single question.
  2. I always root for the Diaz Bros. Nick is already saying he'd rather not take this fight. Pretty consistent with his usual pre-fight anxiety though.
  3. While I have to admit I don't look for him on the field and can't provide any analysis about his performances, I'll say this- when we hear his name from the announcers it's never for anything positive.
  4. Two rookies in key positions (especially Jamin Davis), a few brand new FAs, etc. There's a whole new learning curve happening that will hamper on-field communication for at least half the season but I agree it will come around. However, that d-line not getting through is concerning. I also wonder if maybe another veteran LB is necessary.
  5. 1. I think as the season plays out, the Chargers will show that they're a fantastic squad and will beat a ton of very good teams. 2. It was week one. I've always regarded week one as being a time when nobody can judge any team. Look at the Packers. 3. Ron Rivera is not shaping up (here in DC) as a coach who coaches well in the late 4th quarter. 4. Our LB corps is too young for anyone to expect consistent play. 5. St. Juste and Jamin Davis are rookies and got spanked by a very formidable Charger WR/TE corps. Expect more of this. In fact, expect more of this on Thursday night. 6. Despite my "no-panic" frame of mind, we could go 0-5 or worse unless we turn things around dramatically on Thursday night.
  6. 1. The offense immediately started clicking when he came into the game. 2. He showed poise in the pocket, mobility, and snap decisiveness again. 3. Nothing about this loss or last year's Tampa loss was really on him. 4. He's still 0-2 as a Washington Football player. Let's see some wins.
  7. Welcome back! Oh, and you'll regret this.
  8. The irony being that he HAS to send out the "vaccination works" message because he needs these nitwits to stay alive in order to vote for him. At this point the death rate is virtually ALL comprised of the anti-vaxxers. He understands this. BTW- the far right voters will never, ever turn on him. They will eventually start vaxxing if HE tells them to. He is the golden calf. His iron grip on the voting base holds the entire GOP hostage. I guarantee the entire republican congress hates his guts because they have to pretend this wacko maniac actually has good instincts and is capable of governing a country. They ALL know the truth but they're hostages.
  9. I don't have an NYT subscription so I wasn't able to verify but I think I saw this family on one of those Investigation Discovery type shows.
  10. It's called "projection" and it's been Trump's most often used and most successful tactic all along. I believe he got it from reading about Nazi propaganda... https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/01461672012711010 "In his analysis of Nazi propaganda, Ellis Freeman identified an influence tactic based on projection: accusing another person of the negative traits and behaviors that one possesses and exhibits with the goal of deflecting blame away from one’s own misdeeds and toward the accused. Although the use of projection as an influence tactic is not limited to fascist regimes and its consequences can be socially devastating, the projection tactic has not been subjected to experimental analysis. In four experiments, the authors found that projection was effective in (a) increasing the blame placed on the target of the projection and (b) decreasing the culpability of the accuser (or projectionist). These effects occurred despite (a) raising suspicions about the motives of the projectionist, (b) providing evidence that the projectionist is guilty of the deed, and (c) timing the projection so that it occurred after the misdeeds came to light." "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.“ — Joseph GoebbelsSource: https://quotepark.com/quotes/1839180-joseph-goebbels-accuse-the-other-side-of-that-which-you-are-guilty/
  11. Honest-to-God answer: Sunday nights are always my "HBO lineup" nights. "Mare of Easttown" ended the previous week and HBO had not started a new season of any of their sunday night shows. I panicked and bought the dang thing. 🙂
  12. How did those of you who watched May vs Paul "score" the bout? I have to be honest... I gave it to Logan Paul. Floyd rocked Logan and Logan never rocked Floyd. In the clinches, Mayweather landed good body shots and I gave him rounds 3-5. That's about it. Rounds 1,2,6,7, and 8 were Paul landing a stiff jab and using his size to keep Money wrapped up. Standing by for the "you're crazy" and the "you don't know boxing" replies but I don't care. I saw what I saw. 🤨
  13. It's one thing for Trump to misuse the military while he's president. It's entirely another to oppose a now Biden-controlled military. I welcome this "coup" because it will definitely erase the MAGA/Q problem in short and immaculate order.
  14. My first "negative" (for lack of a better word) reaction to the Eternals trailer is that i did not see any of the Jack Kirby style machinery or cosmic scenery. Kirby was the artist who first drew the comic and the visuals were AMAZING. Huge, grand depictions of futuristic ships, machines, planetary landscapes, etc. that dominated the background of every panel. The Eternals was easily the most eye-pleasing comic book of the 60s and 70s, despite never taking off and becoming a Marvel big seller. I'm aware that teaser trailers are only a teaspoon of what's to come in the movie so I hope to see more. Edit- A couple examples of Kirby's incredible artwork...
  15. I've only seen the first 2 episodes. I expected funnier but I think "good" is an apt description. They may have given it a little too much heart though. I'll continue on with it.
  16. It appeared last night as if Indy had spent all their offense on Charlotte in their play-in game. I hope we didn't do the same last night. Can't wait for Sunday and I'm very interested to see how our 3-headed center deals with Joel and Dwight. I've always been a bit of a Simmons hater so I'd love to see Brodie and Beal take him down a few pegs. Expecting to lose this series in 5 but would feel really good about next season if we even take 2 games.
  17. We beat them 3 times this season but I suspect it's REALLY hard to beat a team 4 times in a row.
  18. I'll keep saying it... There may be charges brought against trump or his family or even his businesses, but there will never be a major conviction and certainly not an imprisonment of a current or former POTUS or his immediate family. Ever.
  19. Thank you! How long has the new cat been there?
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