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Everything posted by Chachie

  1. I'm wondering if we shouldn't start Lopez at the 5. We need the defense and the paint presence. Also- Have you guys noticed how little time Westy and Beal spend on the floor together?
  2. I am WAY LATE to the game on this one but I just started Peaky Blinders. Good show.
  3. I would not expect to see DJT end up in prison. I don't think any former POTUS will ever be prosecuted for anything. Ever. I'm talking ZERO consequences.
  4. I prefer to look at it like this: I get a lot more Marvel in my life. 🙂
  5. I never thought I'd be rooting for Luke Paul IN MY LIFE. Do you guys know how badly I'd like to see Luke Paul get UNBELIEVABLY lucky and drop Money May unconscious? 😂
  6. I have said this many times in regard to jihadists. After 9/11, conservative US citizens ramped up the patriotic "us against them" rhetoric in knee-jerk fashion. However, as years passed, they are now forming their own militias based on "religious" fervor. In recent years they have even begun to physically resemble jihadists with their costumes, bibles, and beards. They have gradually become jihadists, modifying religious text for their own purposes and using weaponry as their intimidation tactics. The terrorists did indeed win because they made terrorist cells in the USA.
  7. So... We now know that Rashad is NOT a story teller.
  8. Honestly, I never for even one day "recognized" Donald Trump as my president. In fact, he made it abundantly clear many times that he was not my president. He was the president of republicans. He worked only for their interests, he included only them in his references to "americans," and he proudly alienated any other political party from his term. The irony here being that now there quite literally is no republican party.
  9. I can't help but suspect that through the rock-solid foundation of republican projection, they're absolutely correct about the pedophilia/child trafficking issue. It's just that it's happening in their own circles. The big busts that I'm seeing are all happening in red states and the perps are red... necks.
  10. Just finished the new Prime series, "Wayne." Did not expect it to be as good as it was.
  11. ‘My faith is shaken’: The QAnon conspiracy theory faces a post-Trump identity crisis President Trump’s defeat and the week-long disappearance of its anonymous prophet have forced supporters of the baseless movement to rethink their beliefs: ‘Have we all been conned?’ More at link... https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/11/10/qanon-identity-crisis/
  12. 2nd to last? 😄 Edit- BTW, I want to mention that I am a Struve fan. Love that guy's attitude and resilience, especially after the heart problems. It's just time for him to hang it up.
  13. I object to the form and foundation. I object to the form and foundation. I object to the form and foundation. I object to the form and foundation. I object to the form and foundation. I object to the form and foundation. I object to the form and foundation. I object to the form and foundation. I object to the form and foundation. I object to the form and foundation.
  14. What a letdown that fight was. Brian was perfect, Zombie was a zombie. So this Saturday we get Nurm vs. Gaethje. Remember guys... It's a mid-day event here in the USA. I'm pumped.
  15. Also- This "BLM is violence and hate speech" BS is absolutely a transparent ploy to express racism from a pretend position of victimhood. SO tired of people who have had the political/societal upper hand for the entire life of this country acting like they're victims of something. There have been obvious issues with police on people of color for decades (at least) and now that a movement like BLM has come about, the MAGA party has once again found a way to make this something they are "victims" of and it's disgusting.
  16. I thought he looked pretty darn good against Usman. He was going strike-for-strike with Kamaru and landing a lot of good shots. It was his stand up defense that failed him over time. I just hate his smug face and his MAGA BS.
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