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Everything posted by Chachie

  1. Yes. Also, he had what the Clintons did not- ACCESS to Epstein's cell. That prison falls under Bill Barr's jurisdiction. There's just no way anybody gets in or out of there and gets a bee line to Epstein's cell without permission from the warden, who answers ultimately to Mr. Barr, who answers directly to POTUS. Having said that, there's no way on Earth any POTUS, past/present/future will ever be "convicted" of anything. Impeachment is one thing, removal from office is another, and actually going to prison for ANY CRIME is on an entire different level. Never happen. If he was murdered, it was with the approval of (and a sigh of relief from) a LOT of other high ranking world leaders than just Trump and Clinton. Basically the USA, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia and for that matter the Illuminatti all decided Jeffery had to go.
  2. Has this one been posted yet? https://nypost.com/2020/06/16/enraged-texan-shoots-at-man-who-entered-his-driveway-video/
  3. I don't have an answer to that question but I'll say this: If I don't order a PPV (which is RARE), I end up not feeling the need to watch it at all. It's the anticipation of the event that pulls me in. Once it's over, I'm over it. 🙂
  4. Yes. I'm late to the thread on this but wanted to acknowledge his passing as well. The Greatest Bullet. ❤️
  5. Great question. We may have lost too much ground already and it may even be the fault of our democrat govt leaders but... Take OUR flag to social media. Take it back by displaying it when promoting democratic values (or independent values.) Fly OUR flag at home. It may not even matter if you combine it with liberal talking points. Just fly it! If someone approaches you thinking you're a conservative, you tell them NO. I'm an american who thinks our president is a criminal. If you attend protests, bring the flag with you. Make sure people know you have values of compassion, civil rights, and PEACE and include the colors of OUR country. The time has come to make it known that WE'RE THE ACTUAL CONSTITUTIONAL AMERICANS.
  6. This is actually part of my point though. I'm sad and mad that the people you are hinting at are the ones who have basically adopted it for their own... and that people like you and I have allowed that to happen. They are the very LEAST among us who deserve to wave it and their enthusiasm for it have got people who truly believe in what it represents to subconsciously step away from it. I'm not for one second going to let that be the case for myself. I'm aware that some people have fallen under the impression that because many citizens of this nation now associate the flag with the ACTUAL America, which is indeed falling short of its ideals and this has always been the case. However, ideals are always sought, never fully achieved because of bad apples. We'll never, ever be able to live up to an ideal but I'll keep proudly displaying it and I hate the fact that those who stray farthest from it have essentially stolen the colors. I wish more democrats weren't asleep at the wheel on this topic... or even avoiding the flag as to not be associated with the people who falsely fly it for their own misguided, selfish purposes. It's OURS and I say take it back. Force THEM to walk away from it.
  7. ^^^^^^^ @LD0506 I love that photo because it touches on a slightly different topic for me. Liberals and the American flag. I was on a Zoom meeting for work and my coworkers (most of whom lean liberal) could see an American flag hanging in my house. They started asking me why I had it. They all had a semi-sarcastic tone while asking. It reminded me of how democrats have willingly allowed republicans to monopolize the concept of being a "patriot." I love my country, I served my country. I'm more of a political centrist than my posting history would lead many on this site to believe but I basically consider myself a liberal. Why do I have to explain my flag??? It's a crying shame that liberals would assume I'm a republican (or worse, a Trumper) because I proudly display OUR colors. It's even more of a crying shame that this flag now only seems to represent one party and as this country's divide deepens, it is beginning to only represent the most extreme and ignorant section of that party. End rant. 😖
  8. I think I remember some danger she was in that changed her mind... but these seasons are so far apart I can't remember details from one season to the next.
  9. The last 2 seasons have been weak IMHO but in general I love the show. Jessica Lange forever.
  10. Never! Always 10 min before the event. 😁
  11. And this MMA crackhead will fork up the money. 😑
  12. Democratic voters abandoned Bernie Sanders and immediately we get a public health crisis that corporations and the 1% are exploiting. Wow.
  13. I agree. My father is still in undying love with it. I think he's on a permanent loop.
  14. Burr has called for a Senate ethics committee investigation on himself. A republican-controlled Senate ethics committee investigation. That's hilariously hilarious.
  15. Incredible season premiere. I feel like this show is too smart for me. I always feel just a little confused and yet I still love it.
  16. It's probably been mentioned in this thread but I am almost finished with The Man in the High Castle on Amazon. Incredible show. I can't believe I didn't get on it earlier.
  17. I have never been to Olive Garden. I suppose now is not the time to check it out.
  18. It's not a big deal YET. It's in its infancy right now and it is capable of mutation. I'm confident in our nation's medical community to eventually squash it but all this talk by the "rightist" websites laughing at it certainly won't go an inch toward making that happen. Folks on the conservative side of things love to shame people with phrases like "panic" and "politically-motivated." I haven't seen a single citizen in panic. I've seen messages of prevention and caution. I've seen portals that monitor, portals that criticize our governmental responses. I'd much rather follow those lines of thought than sit back and antagonize anyone expressing concern.
  19. I was amazed by both Zhang and JJ. Honestly, I had JJ winning by a nose but I would not argue with anyone who called it for Zhang.
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