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Everything posted by Chachie

  1. I'm SO ready... even though I swear that show is too smart for me. šŸ˜‹
  2. I finished it and yes, it was real good. Last night I started "The Trials of Gabriel" on Netflix. Limited series documentary about the horrible physical abuse/murder of an 8 year old boy in Los Angeles. I only finished the first episode so I'm not sure where it's going from there but it's good... if you can hack the abuse part. That poor, poor child.
  3. Absolutely! I was only referring to democrats because let's face it... That was the circle Epstein and Weinstein ran in.
  4. I'm sure and if so, they'd be democrats. I have to be honest here. When Trump was close to Epstein, he was a democrat at the time.
  5. And yet I'll be rooting hard for the guy who doesn't deserve this title shot.
  6. I would not. I like Outsider a lot, don't get me wrong. TD S1 was next-level though. (I know- opinions.)
  7. I was never aware of this reputation. OKC certainly wasn't a defensive squad under him.
  8. Man, I just checked PPV cost. Basically $80.00. Sheesh.
  9. That's where I'm currently sitting but after that last fight I can't call a winner. BTW, this morning's presser was a ridiculous exercise in two guys talking at the same time. I couldn't understand a word either was saying.
  10. I still can't understand why Nunes isn't being vigorously investigated for working the Ukraine situation while presiding over the House impeachment meetings. If that doesn't epitomize conflict of interest and illegal activity then... ah, never mind. we're in the Twilight Zone.
  11. Honestly, I don't find Kutcher and Gooden to be "bad." It's just that we loved Buck and Phil SO much. Hard to accept the downgrade but I'm not sure any new team would have been able to fill the void. Even when the Wiz are awful, I'd watch games because I knew at least I'd enjoy the commentary.
  12. Not to derail the thread but I have actually heard that involuntary ejaculation is not at all uncommon during prostate exams.
  13. Just yesterday I was pondering the notion that some crazy person will actually attempt an assassination of Trump in the near future.
  14. The Billion-Dollar Disinformation Campaign to Reelect the President How new technologies and techniques pioneered by dictators will shape the 2020 election theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/03/the-2020-disinformation-war/605530/?fbclid=IwAR1IeEBVq-7Lz6-OSa_b2vd_ZLJTlfzi31avkPIFfcj5-Q0r1sjqZADZoZc Brad Parscaleā€™s ā€˜Death Starā€™: Trump campaign manager has built a $1 billion disinformation machine. Hereā€™s how to beat it https://www.alternet.org/2020/02/brad-parscales-death-star-trump-campaign-manager-has-built-a-1-billion-disinformation-machine-heres-how-to-beat-it/?fbclid=IwAR0EyXzQv_L6An3pIbJ86eQP3HWGbR1i6cXGD-5TUqBbs_ehNFa2cuNmOew
  15. I specifically came in here to write a post wondering if Nazis have ever been invited anywhere by anyone EVER who is not a Nazi. šŸ™‚
  16. To be fair to humans, we only have change and desire in our short lives.
  17. I had it 3-2 Reyes but I know the 3rd could have gone either way. Nice card all around. The fights were exciting and competitive.
  18. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2020/02/04/wizards-plan-keep-davis-bertans-beyond-nba-trade-deadline-re-sign-him-this-summer/ ā€œWe have every intention of retaining him,ā€ Sheppard said in a podcast on the Wizardsā€™ website. ā€œHeā€™s the exact type of player we want to have in our organization. I think he wants to be here. Business will take care of itself.ā€
  19. šŸ˜† I recognize it's shortcomings but I do think the cast is talented, the production value is really good, and while some parts of the story aren't great.. some are a lot of fun. I'm going to finish out "Part 3" this week. Edit- Oh, and last night I watched the first episode of the new HBO documentary mini-series, "McMillions." It's about the great McDonalds Monopoly game of the 80s/90s and how a group of folks in Florida rigged it to their advantage. Pretty good.
  20. I watched the last 30 minutes of it and by kickoff, I was already sick of SuperBowl. I don't recall watching a Big 3 Network prime time show (ABC, NBC, CBS) in 15 years. As for CW and the like, I tried Flash for 1.5 seasons and ended up bailing on that as well. Correction: I did watch LOST and look at the finale they rewarded me with. #neveragain
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