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Everything posted by PleaseBlitz

  1. When she reached into her backseat towards the end, i thought she was going to pull out a Kool Aid and cyanide ****tail and drink it down on the spot.
  2. This depends entirely on the proficiency of the person throwing said coffee table. But I digress. This isn't really a jokey matter, and here we are yakking about some dumb**** liar on Twitter a few days after 32 people were gunned down dead (plus another 50 shot) by 2 people in the span of a few hours.
  3. Full auto, semi-auto, doesn't matter. The guy is facetiously wondering how could he possibly kill 30-50 animals in a short period of time. Ignoring the fact that he's almost certainly completely full of ****, people I've come into contact with (including you) have argued that guns generally are no more dangerous than other implements. So why can't this guy kill all these hogs with one of those other implements?
  4. This seems to cut against the argument that automatic weapons are no more dangerous than knives, cars, and I believe someone on here (twa) has argued coffee tables ..... The way that overwhelming public opinion gets to "repeal the second amendment" if for gun groups to kill all moderate and reasonable intermediate reforms like universal background checks. If I'm a gun owner, I'd be very supportive of gun control measures that wouldn't affect me, a law-abiding citizen.
  5. El Paso is still owed hundreds of thousands of dollars for the last time Trump visited.
  6. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/8/5/20755092/gun-shooting-video-game-chart
  7. One of those packages came to my building. I hope this guy serves about four months.
  8. This is where I am. The team's July pace is not realistically sustainable, and having Scherzer out when they didn't have a good 5th option to begin with really hurts. They need Max back and continue to ride their starting pitching and get contributions from everyone in the lineup.
  9. All kinds of wild **** on that site. Too bad I can't justify spending $1200 on a jacket.
  10. This is by @thescibabe, who is a tremendous Twitter follow.
  11. **** you guys for bringing this person's existence to my attention.
  12. When people argue with Asbury about religion: Yes, I am a heretic. A proud one.
  13. Listen, people can interpret bible verses to mean whatever they want them to mean. You and I just have a schism.
  14. Column: Incredibly, GOP senators are demanding billions more in tax cuts for the rich https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2019-07-30/gop-demands-another-tax-cut
  15. I could have posted this exact same thing. I love YouTube, but I don't follow anyone in particular. I search for topics that interest me and watch, and pay no attention to the poster. I have an actual bucket list and "Slap a Self-Described Influencer" is now on it (right below "Curse at Danny Snyder"). My four year old watches videos of adults playing with toys. It creeps me out, but the production value is remarkably high and I'm 100% sure that these people do this for a living and are probably making all kinds of bank, again, to ****ing play with toys all day. And are very unlikely to recruit her to the alt-right or a sex cult. One channel she likes has 7.6 million subscribers.
  16. Need Max back ASAP. He just changes the complexion of an entire series (and we have to remove Fedde from the rotation).
  17. I bet he grabs his balls and glares at the hitter every time he throws a strike.
  18. It is a cruel joke that I am on board with Drew Storen.
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